Where were they traducir ruso
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Where were they?
А где они были?
Where were they going?
Куда они поехали?
- Where were they sent from?
- Откуда они были посланы?
Where were they going? Why couldn't I go?
Куда они сегодня поехали?
- On account of where they were going. - Where were they going?
Рассказать, куда сестра с папой ехали?
They never thought to tell me where they were going.
Они и не думали говорить мне, куда собираются.
I am trying to check where they all were when Sir Reuben was murdered.
Я пытаюсь установить, где находился каждый из вас в момент убийства сэра Рубена.
We'll be able to tell where they were headed.
Он наверняка от их корабля. Скорее всего, мы сможем определить в какую сторону они направились.
Only JLG noted this, in his " Histoire ( s ) du Cinema 1A where he tells us that Melies had offices in New York, where he tells us that Melies had offices in New York, and that they were stolen by Paramount during the Verdun offensive.
Только ЖЛГ отметил это в его "Истории кино 1а", где он рассказывает, что у Мельеса были конторы в Нью-Йорке, и что их украл "Парамаунт" во время вторжения Вердана.
Instead of Cadiz... they set sail... for an obscure Arabian Sultanate, where the passengers were immediately sold into slavery.
Вместо Кадиза они направились в некий арабский султанат, где всех пассажиров продали в рабство.
It didn't matter where they were going.
Для меня было неважно, куда они летели.
They were ready to blame him for anything, no matter where it happened.
Они были готовы обвинить его во всем, где бы это не случилось.
This is where the Britons fled... when they were invaded by the Romans, the Angles, the Saxons, the Vikings, the Normans.
"Именно сюда бежали британцы... "... когда к ним вторгались римляне, англы, "... саксы, викинги, норманны.
Where the fuck did this heat come from? Maybe it's the score they were onto.
Может, совпадение?
Seeing the carefree people, one wonders... where they were, who they lost.
Гуляя по улицам и глядя на прохожих, думаешь, где они были во время эпидемии, кого потеряли?
I was worried about where they were taking me.
Я рад, что мы наконец встретились.
Somebody say to the priest in confession where they were.
Кто-то рассказал священнику на исповеди о том, где они были.
First they would determine the angle of the sun using this, and that would tell them where they were located on the grid and which direction they had to go.
Сначала они измеряли вот этим угол высоты Солнца, и находили свое местоположение на карте а также направление куда нужно двигаться.
But my favorite memories were the stories... that he would tell me about my mom. He would take me to the church where they got married... and I'd beg him to tell me more about the ceremony... and about my crazy Uncle Irwin... who fell asleep in the macaroni and cheese.
Ќо моими самыми главными воспоминани € ми были истории оторые он рассказывал о моей маме ќн брал мен € в церковь где они венчались и € бы умол € ла его рассказать мне побольше о церемонии и о сумошедшем д € де " рвине
In the refined capital of The Balkans, which was the antebellum Bucharest, ideas were escaping through the University's walls, arriving in saloons and cafés, where they caught life and became characters.
В рафинированной столице Балкан, в довоенном Бухаресте идеи просачивались за пределы университетских стен, доходили до салонов и кафе, где обретали жизнь и человеческий образ.
'The only disadvantage to this was that when the lodestone was moved,'the compasses moved as well, so they had no idea where they were.'
Хоть несколько слов. Я всегда буду тебя любить. Как подготовиться к концу света?
The poor always end up back where they were poorest
Бедные всегда в конце концов возвращаются туда, где жили беднее всего.
Is it what they gave you where you were?
Тебе давали это в больнице, где ты был?
Speaking of which, certain high ranking officials of a certain secret club had better de-dorkify themselves in a hurry... or else everybody's going back to where they were in the first place.
Кстати говоря, кое-каким высокопоставленным лицам кое-какого секретного клуба нужно побыстрее реабилитироваться... или же всё встанет на свои прежние места.
They must be repealed and the monetary power handed back to the Department of the Treasury, where they were initially, under President Abraham Lincoln.
Ёто нужно отменить. ¬ ласть должна быть передана обрано азначейству.
You guys were raving about these paintings last night, so I went to the restaurant to find out where they got theirs.
Вы прошлым вечером расхваливали эти картины поэтому я пошёл в ресторан спросить, где они их купили.
Now I know where they were going...
Теперь я знаю, куда она направлялась...
They were cast out of the Temple exiled to the Caves where they were imprisoned in crystal fire cages and forbidden to ever return
Их выкинули из Храма, изгнали в Пещеры, и они были заключены в хрустальных огненных темницах, и им было запрещено возвращаться,
This is where they were buried!
Это там, где они были похоронены!
They don't care where you were born.
Не все равно, где вы родились.
They didn't know where Social Security was, but they were willing to help, even drive us.
Но предложили нас подвезти. Они, правда, классные парни.
- How did they know where the drawings were?
- Интересно, откуда они узнали про чертежи?
The billionaire industrialist and his son, Ilya,... were taken to the infamous Lubyanka prison... where they await trial along with General Leo Sklarov.
Промышленник-миллиардер и его сын... заключены в небызвестную тюрьму Лубянки... где будут ожидать суда вместе с генералом Скляровым.
That's the only way they could have known where we were going.
Только так они могли знать, куда мы направляемся.
But I just wish I knew where they were going.
Но мне очень хотелось бы узнать, куда они направлялись.
They were the open vessels in which people poured their hopes and their dreams that sets up sort of a gestalt where events take on a life of their own.
Они были открытыми сосудами, которым люди доверили свои надежды и мечты что создало определенный гештальт, в котором события живут по своей воле.
I supose it was inevitable, with Vorlons attacking Shadow bases all over the place... and wiping out colonies where Shadows have influence. They were bound to strike back.
После того, как Ворлоны одновременно ударили по всем базам Теней и колониям, на которых Тени имели влияние, стало неизбежным что Тени нанесут ответный удар.
They knew exactly where we were. Then all hell broke loose.
Налетчики точно знали, где мы, и открыли огонь.
That we had to come to France... where they kept you in a mental institution... because you were completely crazy and drugged. To your mothers despair.
О том как мы с матерью ездили во Францию, чтобы высвободить тебя из санатория, где ты лежал, как всегда, больной на голову накачанный таблетками, к отчаянию твоей матери.
Could you tell where they were?
Ты можешь, сказать откуда велась передача?
- Yeah, if we knew where they were.
- Да, если узнаем, где они.
Everybody just remember where they were sitting.
Запомните где все сидели.
We're just gonna bring you somewhere where they talk to you and write everything down. Back to your cells, come on. You were there.
Росс должен был что-то сделать, что заставило её выстрелить.
It was just like that bar in "Cheers" where everybody knows your name... except here they were likely to forget it five minutes later.
Здесь все друг друга знали, но могли забыть твое имя через 5 минут.
Mixed up where they were buried.
Перепутали места, где их спрятаны.
Especially with Mr. finlayson at dinner. Why don't just leave them where they were, in fact, Edward.
Почему бы тебе не оставить их там, где они были?
Hungarian Nazis broke down the door... and dragged my Uncle Istvan, Greta and their son to the Danube, where, like thousands of other Budapest Jews, they were shot... and their bodies thrown into the icy river.
Венгерские нацисты взломали дверь и потащили Грету, дядю Иштвана и их сына к Дунаю, где и расстреляли их, как и тысячи других будапештских евреев, и вышвырнули их тела в ледяную реку.
Let's give them the land they were born on, where they toil, grow our bread, and make us rich.
Юна я для совета. Что скажешь - соглашусь от всей души на это. И если оттого мы обеднеем, что же?
Find out where they were going.
Узнай, куда они еxали.
I saw it. Late in the afternoon, I saw that the window was opened of the apartment where they were kept hostage and I saw Andre in front of the window.
[юМЙХ яОХРЖЕП] онд бевеп, ъ сбхдекю, врн нймн ашкн нрйпшрн... б рнл юоюпрлемре, цде мюундхкхяэ гюкнфмхйх, х ъ сбхдекю юмдпе б нйме.
The bodies of the five dead Palestinians were handed over to Libya, where they received a hero's funeral.
рекю 5 онцхаьху оюкеярхмжеб ашкх оепедюмш кхбхх, цде ху онунпнмхкх, йюй цепнеб.
where were you yesterday 44
where were you born 75
where were you last night 335
where were we 595
where were you 1863
where were you today 31
where were you at 53
where were you before 20
where were you this morning 44
where were you going 77
where were you born 75
where were you last night 335
where were we 595
where were you 1863
where were you today 31
where were you at 53
where were you before 20
where were you this morning 44
where were you going 77
where were you then 16
where were you that night 24
where were you between 40
where were you tonight 17
where were you guys 25
where were you all night 16
where were you last night between 28
where were you two nights ago 29
were they 152
they 3238
where were you that night 24
where were you between 40
where were you tonight 17
where were you guys 25
where were you all night 16
where were you last night between 28
where were you two nights ago 29
were they 152
they 3238
they are coming 72
they are 1447
they are my friends 21
they can't see you 17
they aren't 58
they're 1306
they are everywhere 27
they have 241
they come 53
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they are 1447
they are my friends 21
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they are beautiful 39
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