And she was traducir turco
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I saw her at the council, and she was so... cold, so rude. Did you ever ask her something?
Hiç ona bir şey sordun mu?
And she was responsible for bringing him to the U.S.
Ve onu Amerika'ya getiren kişiymiş.
Um, Andrea, and she was a total bitch.
ve kendisi tam bir sürtük.
And she was right there.
Ve o gözümün önündeydi.
And she was wearing this white leotard.
Beyaz bir elbise giyiyordu.
And she was shocked.
Kız şok oldu.
I mean, they cut her head open, and she was at work, like, a month later.
Kafasını açmalarına rağmen bir ay sonra işe döndü.
She told her my father was nearby, trying to warn her that she was in danger, and she was in danger, all right.
Babamın yakında olduğunu söyledi. Onun tehlikede olduğunu uyarmaya çalışıyordu. Ve gerçekten de, annem tehlikedeydi.
She's a very proud woman, Rita, and she was humiliated earlier.
Rita, çok gururlu bir kadındı ve aşağılanmış durmuş.
She wasn't as focused as I needed to be, and she was just so hot and cold.
Olması gereken kadar odaklı değildi. Ve o sadece çok sıcak ve soğuktu.
I didn't have time for her, and she was just freaking out, like she did when she kept calling me and texting me like a crazy person.
Onun için vaktim olmadı. Ve sadece korkuyordu. Bana telefon etmeye devam ederken ve bana mesaj atarken yaptığı gibi.
Bartender said she was, "Blonde, hot, and had an exposed midriff".
Barmen, "sarışın, seksi ve göbeği açık" olduğunu söyledi.
She was with Daria and Naomi.
- Daria ve Naomi'nin yanındaydı.
So Dean Cooper thought she was after his son's money, and hired you to prove that she was just a gold digger?
Dean Cooper'da oğlunun parasının peşinde olduğunu sanıp seni mi peşine taktı?
She was in Hell for thousands of years, and he's a good enough looking... guy.
Binlerce senedir cehennemdeydi, Dan de eli yüzü düzgün bir adam.
She did keep wanting to talk about our exes, and all I thought was, you know what, she's so easy to talk to.
Eski sevgililerimiz hakkında konuşmak isteyip durdu ben de çok rahat biri olduğunu düşünmüştüm.
And the mother, she was the worst.
Anne ise en kötüsüydü.
She was pretty, and she always smiled.
Çok güzeldi ve her zaman gülerdi.
Elsa was so angry that she was determined to turn you against me, and she did.
Elsa o kadar sinirliydi ki seni bana karşı kullanmaya karar verdi, ve yaptıda.
The theory was that she had escaped, only to be pursued and then killed by her captor.
Teoriye göre kız kaçmış fakat zapt eden kişi tarafından kovalanmış ve öldürülmüştü.
Joshua Vikner was in New York the night she went missing and the night her throat was slashed.
Joshua Vikner kızın kaybolduğu ve boğazının kesildiği gece New York'taymış.
Staff week, she was flirty, and now it's like she flipped a switch.
Eğitim sırasında flört ediyor gibiydi, şimdiyse vazgeçti sanki.
And then, when we found you and told you she was in trouble...?
Peki sonra seni bulduğumuzda ve onun tehlikede olduğunu söylediğimizde?
Maybe the "Marcy" we knew was her way of coping there, her way of making people look after her, and she just continued that behavior after her release, and when she hit her head...
Belki oradan çıktıktan sonra insanlar onunla ilgilensin diye bizim bildiğimiz "Marcy" gibi davrandı. Ve dün de kafasını vurunca..
She was the first person I told, and... that was enough.
ve.. yeter.
They should've taken her away there and then, but she told them it was all me.
Onu oradan götürmeliydiler ama onlara tüm suçun bende olduğunu söylemiş.
she didn't want to go through with it, and by the time I'd packed my bag, she was fast asleep from the pill.
Bunu gerçekleştirmek istemedi ve çantamı toplayana kadar haptan dolayı uyuyakalmıştı.
And yet we know she was killed by strangling, not by abortion.
Ancak biliyoruz ki kendisi kürtaj nedeniyle değil, boğarak öldürülmüş.
I know they're saying she fell down the stairs, but I am feeling more and more like she was attacked.
Merdivenlerden düştüğünü söylediklerini biliyorum ama daha çok saldırıya uğradığını düşünüyorum.
And... And I thought she was my friend.
Ayrıca arkadaşım olduğunu sanmıştım.
And I think she was just being polite about the rodeo.
Galiba Rodeo konusunda nazik darvrandı.
And when I ran in, she was walking'round the room, stumbling.
Koşup gittiğimde de odada dolanıyor, sendeliyordu.
And then it was like a seizure, she was... thrashing... clawing at her own skin.
Sonra da nöbet geçiriyor gibiydi, o kendini dövüyordu... cildini tırmalıyordu.
She didn't know where she'd first heard of it, but trace it back, and it looks like the first real use of the hashtag was last weekend.
İlk nerede duyduğunu bilmiyordu ama geriye doğru aradığımızda etiketin asıl olarak ilk kullanımı geçen hafta sonu gözüküyor.
Okay, um... it looks like she was at a demo, and she took a selfie in front of a war memorial.
Pekâlâ... anlaşılan bir tanıtımdaymış ve bir savaş anıtının önünde özçekim yapmış.
I thought I was at the end of the rope here, and I was kind of hoping that she was going to say that.
Yolun sonundayımdır diyordum. Sonucun öyle çıkmasını umuyordum.
My dad and I got in a fight, and, uh, he kicked me out of the house, and I was so scared, and she took me in, and she got me a job.
Babamla kavga etmiştim ve beni evden kovmuştu. Çok korkmuştum. Beni evine aldı ve bana iş buldu.
- Mm-mm! One time, Max was going to dance class, and she had this awful stomach virus.
- Bir keresinde Max dans kursuna gidiyordu ve bağırsaklarından çok fena rahatsızdı.
I was one minute late, and she made me leave and stand in the hallway.
Bir dakika geç kaldım ve beni dersten çıkarıp koridorda bekletti.
She was quite happy, and this happened.
Çok mutluydu ve olan oldu.
She's sure they knew she was there and she's out for blood.
Orada bulunduğunu bildiklerinden emin, intikam için tutuşuyor.
I was 14, and my sister was 10 when she died.
Ben 14, kız kardeşim 10 yaşındaydı, o öldüğünde.
- Nadine saw Vicki here, so she's out, and I remember Gina when she was trying to put the whammy on me.
Nadine, onu gördü, Vicki olmaz.
Well, then you know that her last article was published the day of the assassination, and she hasn't been heard from since.
O zaman en son makalesinin suikast günü çıktığını ve sonrasında kendisinden haber alınamadığını biliyorsundur?
This morning it was dead Russians and some big conspiracy, and now she's got a hard-on for the Tree of Liberty Militia. Those clowns in Spokane?
Bu sabah ölü Ruslar, ardından büyük bir komplo ve şimdi de kafayı Özgürlük Ağacı milisine taktı.
What I do remember is Mom coming downstairs and saying that she was craving pancakes.
Tek hatırladığım annemin aşağı inip çok fazla krep istediğini söylemesiydi.
Then in 2013, there was a trip and fall where she broke her jaw.
2013'de bir gezi sırasında düşmüş ve çenesini kırmış.
Because she was a crack addict who died during childbirth, and he was the guy who left me at a fire station, probably because he couldn't think of anything more cliché.
Biri doğum sırasında ölen bir keşti, diğeri ise beni İtfaiyenin önüne bırakıp giden birisi. Muhtemelen itfaiye önüne bırakıp gitmekten başka bir klişe bulamamıştı.
He was controlling and manipulating, and I don't think she saw that, and that's what sidetracked her from her dancing.
O kontrol ediyordu ve manipüle ediyordu. Ve ben bunu gördüğünü sanmam. Ve onu tutan şey buydu.
He's cooperating, and he says that he saw her briefly on the 12th, that she was in her car and she drove off, so maybe she left town.
İşbirliği yapıyor. Ve onu 12'de kısaca gördüğünü söylüyor, Arabasında olduğunu ve arabayla gittiğini,
He was sitting in the dark, like... and she's on the floor... and he just looks at me and says, " You've got to help me.
Karanlıkta oturuyordu, örneğin... Ve o yerde... Ve sadece bana bakıyor
and she was like 38
and she was right 34
and she was gone 27
and she said yes 23
and she goes 33
and she's beautiful 17
and she loved me 17
and she's right 30
and she loves you 21
and she said no 16
and she was right 34
and she was gone 27
and she said yes 23
and she goes 33
and she's beautiful 17
and she loved me 17
and she's right 30
and she loves you 21
and she said no 16
and she's dead 32
and she knows it 30
and she knew it 16
and she's 109
and she loves me 32
and she's like 63
and she's gone 29
and she says 116
and she 275
and she is 39
and she knows it 30
and she knew it 16
and she's 109
and she loves me 32
and she's like 63
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and she 275
and she is 39
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and she said 267
and she's not 19
and she just 19
and she did 61
and she died 47
and she will 20
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and she said 267
and she's not 19
and she just 19
and she did 61
and she died 47
and she will 20
and she left 27