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Tanri askina traducir inglés

139 traducción paralela
Tanri askina, siz bir alemsiniz.
By gad, sir, you are a character.
Tanri askina...
Well, by gad, sir- -
Tanri askina, kes sunu!
For God's sakes, stop it!
Tanri askina.
For Christ sake!
Peki bu konuda ne yapmaya calisiyorsunuz, tanri askina?
BARB : Well, what the hell are you planning to do about it?
Tanri askina, bunu neden yapiyorsun?
Who are you? For God's sake, what are you doing?
Tanri askina dostum, o hergeleler ¡ n canini sikmasina ¡ z ¡ n verme.
For God's sake, man, you can't let those bastards get you down.
Tanri askina, Rand hakkinda dosyalarca ver ¡ var.
For Christ's sakes, we've got volumes of data on Rand.
Bu kadar çok yaygara yapmayin Tanri askina.
Don't make such a fuss, for heaven's sake.
Tanri askina!
For Christ's sake!
Tanri askina açin!
Open up, for God's sake!
Affet beni Pablo, Tanri askina bagisla.
- Sorry, Pablo.
Tanri askina, lütfen güçlü oldugum için bana saldirma.
Please, for chrissake, don't attack me for being strong.
Bati, Tanri askina!
The West, for God's sake!
Deniyorum, Tanri askina!
I'm trying, for God's sake!
In asagi, Gerry, Tanri askina,
Get down, Gerry, for fuck's sake.
- Tanri askina,
- Fuck's sake.
Tanri askina, sÖyle sunlara çanimi yakmasinlar,
For fuck's sake, tell'em to stop hurting me.
Tanri askina, verin Bana su ifadeyi,
For fuck's sake, give me the statement.
- Neden, Tanri askina?
- What for, fuck's sake?
TaBii ki yapmadim, Tanri askina!
Of course I fucking didn't do it, fuck's sake!
- Tanri askina, Ben ne yaptim ki?
- What have I done, for Christ's sake?
Tanri askina, Bana Kuzey Irlanda " yi verme, KÖtü Bir trip istemiyorum,
Fuck's sake, don't give me Northern Ireland. I don't want a bad trip.
- Durdur sunu, Tanri askina,
- For God's sake, put a stop to this.
Tanri askina, adam yaniyor!
For God's sake, he's burning!
Tanri askina, haydi!
Fuck's sake, come on!
Sen sapigin tekisin! Tanri askina ne yapiyorsun sen?
What the fuck are you thinking?
Tanri askina!
Jesus fucking Christ.
Tanri askina istatistiklere bakin.
Look at the statistics, for Christ's sake.
Tanri askina Lincoln koleligi kaldirali 130 yil oluyor.
I mean, Christ, Lincoln freed the slaves 130 years ago.
Tanri askina endiseli konusma, tamam mi?
Jesus, don't sound so worried, all right?
Tanri askina, bana yardim edin.
For God's sake, help me.
Tanri askina, ceneni kapatacak misin?
For Christ's sake, will you just shut your trap!
Tanri askina!
For fuck's sake!
Tanri askina, Tyrone, sadece arabayi kullanmaya konsantre ol.
For fuck's sake, Tyrone, just concentrate on the steering wheel.
Bu sadece bir bicak, tanri askina.
It's a knife, for God's sake.
Fakat tanri askina, sakin nakavt etme.
But for fuck's sake, do not knock him out.
Tanri askina Ginzburg, artik dayanamiyorum.
For chrissakes, Ginzburg, I can't take it anymore.
Ne bu Tanri Askina?
What on God's earth is this?
Pasta falan atin, tanri askina!
Throw a pie, for God's sake!
Tanri askina! Evet! Ailemi kurtarmak icin CTU'nun kurallarini cignemem gerekti!
For God's sakes, yes, under the circumstances I had to break the rules of procedure with CTU to protect my family!
Tanri askina, profesör!
For heaven's gate!
Tanri askina!
Oh, Lord!
Yüce Tanrï askïna!
Jesus H. Christ!
Tanri aşkina, Danny.
Fuck sake, Danny.
We are backing into a war here, for Christ's sake and it's a war he campaigned against.
Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford how are you. I'd like you to meet Charles Rob.
Sen gerçekten hızlısın, TANRI AŞKINA!
You're really fast, for the love of God!
Genç adam bana yardım et, TANRI AŞKINA.
Young man, help me, for the love of God.
For heaven's sake!

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