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Uyuyamadim traducir inglés

13 traducción paralela
Tanrim, Jess, bu evin gurultusunden uyuyamadim.
I just didn't even have a minute sleep around here. There has been so much noise in the house.
Gelemem çünkü uyuyamadim.
I can't come because I didn't sleep a wink.
Dün gece bir an olsun uyuyamadim.
I didn't sleep a wink last night.
Dün bütün gece uyuyamadim!
I couldn't sleep all last night!
Dun gece fazla uyuyamadim, anlarsin ya.
I didn't get much sleep last night, if you know what I mean.
Yikilmistim, haftalarca uyuyamadim.
I was wrecked, couldn't sleep for weeks.
Evet, pek iyi uyuyamadim.
Yeah, couldn't sleep well.
iste... Alex gittikten sonra uyuyamadim.
So, uh... after Alex left, I... couldn't fall asleep.
Dün gece uyuyamadim, ben de birkaç sarki yazdim ve gelecek sefere onlari çalabiliriz diye düsündüm.
Couldn't sleep last night, so I... I actually wrote a couple songs and thought we could play through them next time.
Uyuyamadim ki.
I couldn't sleep.
- Uyuyamadim.
I couldn't sleep.
I couldn't sleep.

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