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Yaşli traducir inglés

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"Oz Büyücüsü", korkunç sesi ve koca maskesiyle insanlari korkutan yaşli bir adamin anlatildiği bir peri masaliydi.
"The Wizard of Oz" was a fairy story about an old man who frightened people with a loud voice and a big mask.
Yasli Hackenbush sizinle pek uzun kalamayacak.
Old Hackenbush isn't gonna be with you very long.
Evet, yaslï Charlie, bende öyle dedim.
Yeah, old Charlie, that's what I said.
Eger onlar bilmiyorsa, bu kocaman yasli dünyada tek bilen benim.
If they don't know, I'm the only one in the whole wide sweet world who does.
Sevimli, yasli bir bayani üzmek yazik olur.
It'II be a shame to disappoint a nice old lady, won't it?
Vay, felsefe yapan yasli bir altin avcisi
Oh, a philosophizing old sour-dough, eh?
Benim yasli hantal tüfegin bazi kusurlari vardir.
This old elephant gun of mine just gets spells now and then.
- Yasli keçi, bir hirsiz!
- The old goat's a thief!
Eger yasli ve çirkin olsaydin, o zaman sana belki yardim edebilirdi.
Oh, if you were old and ugly, maybe then she could help you.
Ama ne yasli, ne de çirkinsin.
But you're not old, nor ugly.
Suepheci yasli keci.
Suspicious old goat.
Hayir, hepsi yasli.
No, they're all older.
Wyatt birakip gitti gözü yasli sevgilisini
Wyatt's lady fair, he left her crying there
Minnettarim hanimefendi. Yasli kalbinize saglik.
Much obliged, ma'am, and bless your old heart.
Seni yasli keçi.
Why, you old goat.
Yasli Edwin.
Old Edwin.
Yasli Edwin tilkinin teki.
Old Edwin's a fox.
Sef, iyi niyet göstergesi olarak hayatta kalan en yasli adamimizla baris çubugu içti,
To show good manners, Old Lodge Skins smoked with our oldest male survivor.
Iste yasli bir Kizilderili savasçinin hikayesi,
Well, that's the story of this old Indian fighter.
Twain'i daha yaslï sanïrdïm, 72, 73 filan.
I thought Twain was an older man, say 72, 73.
Üzgünüm yaslï bayan.
Sorry, old lady.
Yasli nineye, temiz yara bezi istedigimizi söyleyin ve kursun yarasi için merhem.
Just tell Old Granny through the door we'll need a lot of clean bandages and a boiled poultice for a bullet wound in a hurry.
Bu yasli kadin, dilini tutmazsa, basina ne gelir, bilmiyor.
That old lady don't know the trouble she can get into talking like that.
Çok yasli degilim.
I ain't that old, after all.
Isteyen olursa, orada yasli bir kadin var.
Now if one of you has to, take that old woman over there.
Yasli bir Kizilderili ve bir Kari'yla birlikte geziyor yasli bir kadin ve kiziyla.
He was traveling with an old Injun and a squaw and some old lady and a scrawny girl.
Yasli adam öldü.
The old man's dead.
Yasli adam ölmüs yukarida yatiyor... sen h ¡ çb ¡ r sey olmamis g ¡ b ¡ davraniyorsun.
That old man is lying up there dead as hell and it just don't make any difference to you.
Yasli b ¡ r hanim olsa ¡ y ¡ olur.
Guess it ought to be an old lady.
Sonra yasli adam bana telev ¡ zyon vermeye basladi.
Then the old man started giving me television sets.
Tavanarasina çikip yasli adamin kiyafetler ¡ n ¡ g ¡ ymeme ¡ z ¡ n var.
I'm allowed to go to the attic and wear any of the old man's clothes.
Bay Thomas Frankl ¡ n yasli adamin ev ¡ n ¡ terk etmem gerekt ¡ g ¡ n ¡ söyled ¡.
Mr. Thomas Franklin told me I must leave the old man's house.
Yasli adam öldü, Lou ¡ se de g ¡ tt ¡.
The old man died and Louise left.
Bana yasli adami hatirlatiyor.
He reminds me of the old man.
Geçen gece, ölen yasli b ¡ r adamdan bahsetm ¡ st ¡ n.
Last night you mentioned an old man that died.
Yasli adamin h ¡ zmetç ¡ s ¡ yd ¡.
She was his maid.
Ben'in arkadaslari da... benden oldukça yasli.
And Ben's friends are quite a bit older than I am.
Yasli ¡ nsanlarin basina gel ¡ r.
It happens to old people.
Kahrestin.Yasli bir zenciyi neden Egitim kuruluna degissinlerki?
Shit. What's one more old nigger to the Board of Education?
Burada öyle konusma Yasli esim- -
Don't talk that way around here. My old lady- -
Yasli bir serif ile bir ödül avcisi.
An old sheriff and a bounty hunter.
Bize biraz daha yasli biri lazim.
We need someone a little older.
– Japon Vatanseverlik Partisi Baskani -... yasli bir adak kaplumbagasi gibi bir alanin kösesine kurulmus,
— the president of the Japanese Patriotic Party — trumpeting from the heights of his rolling balcony against the international communist plot.
O yasli, biz genciz.
He's old, we're young.
Yaptigi çalismalari gördüm, Limet... iki kafa... yasli bir kadin ve bir serseri.
I saw her work, Limet... Two heads... an old woman and a tramp. Merely sketches.
Ben su kemikleri sayilan yasli kadinim.
I am that old woman with nothing on her bones.
Yasli babami dinleyip emlak isine girmeliydim.
Should've listened to my old man and went into real estate.
yasli dort gozle, eh?
Old four-eyes, eh?
Yasli adam ve kadin uykudalar.
The old man and old woman are asleep.
Yasli adam ve kadin bunun ruzgardan oldugunu dusunuyor.
The old man and the old woman think it's the wind.

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