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Yuzunu traducir inglés

24 traducción paralela
su kucuk, boktan yuzunu al, Tex, ve kicina sok. Bu benim sana yapacagim sey
Take your little motherfucking face, Tex, and ram it up your butt is what I'm going to do.
- Yuzunu delik desik edecegim. - Hayir.
- I'm gonna stab his face off.
Yuzunu dagitmamam iyi mi oldu?
Is good I didn't spoil his face.
Yuzunu o duvara don ve sol elini asagiya uzat.
Face that wall, reach down with your left hand.
Sen kizinin yuzunu tras ettin ve kicinin icinde osurdun.
You shove your daughter's face in your ass and you fart on it.
Bu yuzden, eger adini cok duyarsak, ya da yuzunu gorursek, Vic'le bir konusuruz, bir kac soylenti yayariz, ve seni bulmasina yardim ederiz.
So, if we so much as hear your name, let alone see your face, we'll have a chat with Vic, put out a few feelers and help him find you.
Git elini yuzunu temizle.
Go get cleaned up.
Evet, arabanin icine atlamadan hemen once ust bir acidan kaydedilmis goruntusu var, ama kapisonlu... ve yuzunu goremiyoruz.
Yes, we've got one high angle just before he jumps in the vehicle, but he's wearing a hood and we never see the face.
Yuzunu gercekten yakindan goremedik.
Couldn't really see his face.
Santral Ranakpur'da kuruldugunda... Vikrant'in yuzunu gormek isterdim.
When the power plant is set up in Ranakpur... it will be a delight to watch Vikrant's face.
Ben de senin yuzunu asla gormek istemiyorum
Even I will never see your face again.
Ben de senin yuzunu asla gormek istemiyorum
I will never see your face again.
Cocuklarin yuzunu gormek lazim birgun sinifa geldiginde.
You see the guy's face when this one day in class.
Yuzunu paramparca etmek istemedigini soyle.
Tell me you didn't wanna tear his face off.
Sen onun yuzunu gormeliydin.
Oh, you should have seen his face.
Ve basin toplantisinda... tum polis departmaninin yuzunu kizartan Sef tarafindan...
And the Chief... who embarrassed the whole police department in that press conference...
Kapuşon taktığından yuzunu göremedim.
He was wearing a hoodie, so I couldn't see his face.
Yuzunu goster Yuzunu goster Hareket etme.
Let me see your face! Let me see your face! Don't move!
Tanrılar adına, keşke siz de orada olsaydınız. Sırf Quantianus'un yuzunu gormek icin.
Oh by the Gods, I wish you'd been there... just to see the look on Quintianus's face.
Utandi, yuzunu gostermedi
♪ Ashamed to show his face ♪
Yuzunu goster!
Show your face!
Yika yuzunu hadi.
Wash your face, stinky.

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