Actually it is traduction Espagnol
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Well, no, actually, it is true.
No, de hecho, es verdad.
So what you're saying is that instead of erasing the video like you said that you would, you actually ended up sending it to everyone that you ever given one of those fucking iPads to?
Así que lo que está diciendo es que en lugar de borrar el video como dijiste que lo haría, realmente terminó enviarlo para todos que ¿ Alguna vez ha dado uno de los follando iPads a?
You know, he kinda is, Beth, actually, but you know what? It's fine. Let's just forget the whole thing and you can take care of yourself... and I can take care of myself, okay?
Está bien a decir verdad, sabes que lo que podemos hacer olvidarnos de todo y yo me puedo encargar de mí y tú de ti.
Well, on the spectrum of radio factories, this one is particularly... It's not, actually.
En realidad, no.
Come. Do you know when you have something on your mind, that you don't give much importance at a given time, but it is actually very important?
ven. ¿ Sabes cuando tienes algo dándote vueltas en la cabeza, que no le das importancia en su momento, pero tiene mucha?
It is then mega fat, and this gives actually pretty good sense.
Es asombroso, y encaja perfectamente, si lo piensas...
Actually, it's just weird.
En realidad, is muy raro.
As clichà © d as a response like that is, it might actually get you somewhere.
Como cliché, con una respuesta como esa, podrías llegar a cualquier parte.
The problem is I've never actually you know, being in love, so.. It's slow going.. yeah.
El problema es que nunca he estado enamorado... así que va lento.
Okay, I'm hearing that that's actually not where the empire state building is, but it does show you the...
Bueno, estoy escuchando que que en realidad no se donde el edificio Empire State es, pero que sí muestra la...
This is actually... it's quite a good song
♪ Y he terminado ♪
Every moment we have is actually much more important than we take it for.
Cada momento que tenemos es... en realidad mucho más importante... de lo que damos por sentado.
Actually, it is.
De hecho, lo es.
- Actually, it's not even your place, though, is it?
- En realidad, no es incluso su lugar, sin embargo, es?
I am not actually a banker. Is it not immersion suits there?
No soy realmente un banquero. ¿ No hay trajes de inmersión allí?
- Actually, it is.
La verdad, sí.
Es facil decir'te amo'cuando en verdad amas un orificio específico.
Wait, I actually think this is it, right here.
No, it is actually good timing.
No, en realidad es buena sincronización.
Actually, what time is it?
¿ Qué hora es ahora?
However, it was discovered that Pearce is actually quoting dialogue verbatim from his 2003 movie To Carry or Kill, the Iraq war drama, in which he plays a US soldier abducted and held captive by Muslim extremists.
Sin embargo, se descubrió que Pearce está citando el diálogo textual de su película de 2003,'Portar o Matar', drama de guerra de Irak, en la que interpreta a un soldado raptado, y mantenido cautivo por extremistas musulmanes.
Actually, you know, it's my house, and is it too much to ask for you to just be nice for once?
En realidad es mi casa, sabes, y ¿ es demasiado pedir que seas amable para variar?
So if you're done with cuddle therapy, or whatever it is you do, maybe you could actually do your job and come down here and give us some backup.
Bueno, si has terminado con la terapia del abrazo, o lo que sea que estés haciendo, tal vez podrías hacer tu trabajo y venir aquí abajo a darnos un poco de apoyo.
Actually, the fourth time I took the test, it was going about how this is going.
La cuarta vez que presenté el examen iba conduciendo así.
Is it actually Carol or someone who's then gonna summon Carol?
¿ Es Carol de verdad o alguien que va a pasarme a Carol?
Actually, yeah, it is.
En realidad, sí, lo es.
I think actually, it is tomorrow.
Verdaderamente, creo que desde mañana.
- It is more fun actually.
- Es más divertido en realidad. Divertido.
It is, actually.
- Lo es, de hecho.
We can't see inside the car, so we can't identify that it actually is Brian.
No podemos ver dentro del coche, así que no podemos saber si de verdad es Brian.
I'm nothing more than the ag's factotum, a word that sadly sounds ruder than it actually is.
No soy más que el factótum de la fiscal general, una palabra que tristemente parece más grosera de lo que es.
Actually this is kind of really important now that I think about it.
De hecho, ahora que lo pienso... esto es muy importante.
It is actually and you said you wouldn't judge me.
En realidad, es y le dijo que no me juzgue.
For a fortune, actually. It is troubling, this coming so soon after the setback with the hotel.
Una suerte, en realidad, es preocupante... sucedió muy pronto luego del revés del hotel.
You know, the thing about fear is, it's actually a choice.
Saben, el tema con el miedo es... que es realmente una elección.
Is because I actually kinda thought that it was okay... that Chris Brown hit Rihanna?
¿ Acaso es porque me pareció bien que Chris Brown golpeara a Rihanna?
It is, actually. Yeah.
I'm actually starting to remember a bit. And this is it!
De hecho, estoy empezando a recordar un poco. ¡ Y eso es todo!
Actually, you can say it's my drug, and music is my drug.
En realidad, se puede decir que es mi droga, y la música es mi droga.
It is music that appeals to neurotic teenage girls, but it's actually rather good.
Esta música atrae a las adolescentes neuróticas pero es bastante buena.
Well, actually, most people think La Dolce Vita is about the glamour of Rome, but it's about the opposite.
La mayoría cree que La Dolce Vita es sobre el glamour de Roma pero es todo lo contrario.
What worries me is that people are going to start talking about this, and before you know it, people are looking for freaks and monsters and forgetting what they actually saw.
Lo que me preocupa es si esa agente va a empezar a hablar de esto, y antes de que te des cuenta, la gente estará buscando raros y monstruos y olvidando lo que realmente vio.
Sorry. It's not an emergenc... well, actually, it kind of is an emergency.
No es una emergencia... bueno, en realidad, es una emergencia.
It is, really. But it's actually not that fun.
No es tan divertido.
You know, I actually thought about it and I have decided to stay if my position is still open.
Oye, Janice. Sabes, realmente lo pensé y he decidido quedarme si mi puesto sigue abierta.
Uh, yeah, it is, actually. It's the study of animals that science has yet to discover.
Tim, estamos empezando, hazlo más fácil.
.. frankly, to someone like me... .. when what it's all actually about..... is really very simple. It's about you.
y a veces también un poco agobiante... si soy sincera, para alguien como yo... cuando lo que realmente importa... es en realidad muy simple.
And when we're having to do it this fast, the first thing that gets forgotten is that what we're actually trying to move is a human being.
Y cuando tenemos que hacer esto rápido, la primera cosa que olvidamos es que de hecho estamos intentando evacuar a un ser humano.
Okay, this is a conversation that I never, ever wanted to have, and it might seem like I was angling to have it, but I really was not, and it's making me extremely stressed and a little angry for reasons I don't understand, so I actually have to go now.
Vale, en ningún momento quise tener esta conversación, y parece que la estaba buscando, pero no era mi intención, y me estoy estresando mucho y también enfadando un poco por motivos que no entiendo, así que ahora me tengo que ir.
Well, actually, my reach is much greater than it used to be.
Bueno, en realidad, mi alcance es mucho mayor de lo que solía ser.
- Is this a bad time? - Yeah, it is, actually.
- ¿ Momento incorrecto?
it is 11007
it is good 116
it is what it is 220
it is not okay 24
it is done 137
it is mine 58
it isn't 1519
it isn't worth it 21
it is me 119
it is not possible 57
it is good 116
it is what it is 220
it is not okay 24
it is done 137
it is mine 58
it isn't 1519
it isn't worth it 21
it is me 119
it is not possible 57
it is beautiful 109
it isn't real 27
it isn't possible 18
it is possible 151
it isn't mine 27
it isn't easy 32
it isn't much 21
it is okay 59
it isn't fair 52
it isn't working 26
it isn't real 27
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it is possible 151
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it isn't easy 32
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it is okay 59
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it isn't working 26