All around us traduction Espagnol
1,310 traduction parallèle
There could be dead people buried all around us.
Podríamos estar rodeados de cadáveres.
Machines as big as buildings... all around us.
Máquinas grandes como edificios por todos sitios.
This is a holy occasion. It is also a joyous one, to be shared by all, out here with God's beautiful bounty all around us.
Esta es una ocasión santa, y también es alegre el compartir con todos.
They were all around us.
Nos tenían rodeados.
Romance is all around us, in our neighborhoods.
El romanticismo nos rodea, está en nuestro vecindario.
You see what is happening all around us.
Ves lo que está pasando a nuestro alrededor.
They're all around us.
Están en todos lados.
- lt's coming from all around us.
- Nos rodea por todas partes.
I'm reading electrical storms forming all around us.
- Se forman tormentas eléctricas.
The answer is all around us... right here.
La respuesta, está a nuestro alrededor. Está aquí mismo.
Though he is no longer with us, he is all around us.
Aunque ya no esté con nosotros... nos rodea.
As many intelligent people know, aliens are all around us.
Como la gente inteligente sabe, los aliens están entre nosotros.
There's dangers all around us.
Nos rodea el peligro.
- All around us.
- Nos rodean por todos lados.
All around us, it was as if the universe were holding its breath waiting.
A nuestro alrededor, era como si el universo sostuviera la respiración esperando.
The future is all around us waiting in moments of transition to be born in moments of revelation.
El futuro nos envuelve esperando que de los momentos de transición surjan momentos de revelación.
They're all around us.
Nos han rodeado.
It's like this big black cloud with lots of thunder and lightning all around us.
Sería un nubarrón negro, con rayos y truenos a nuestro alrededor.
the agents of that creative life force which exists all around us.
las gentes que crean la fuerza de la vida El cual existe alrededor de todos
To see, well, to believe in something that's all around us
Ver... Creer en algo que nos rodea a todos pero que no podemos ver.
We did, but then the cloud came up all around us... getting through, no matter what we do.
Sí, pero entonces la nube nos cubrió... rodeándonos, no pudimos evitarlo.
Picking up thousands of missiles all around us.
Recibimos miles de misiles por todas partes.
They could be all around us.
Pueden estar aqui.
You could follow us around, all day long, all night long.
Podrías seguirnos, de día y de noche.
So get around and we'll rejoice and sing of victory in one loud voice, and of times to come, we'll recall, with the help of these trophies on the wall, the boys of Bally, hear us all.
Asi que juntense y regosigense y canten victoria con una sola voz, y en los tiempos por llegar, recordaremosl, con ayuda de estos trofeos en la pared, a los chicos de Bally, todos aqui.
People around us like we all were, of course very nervous.
Las personas que nos rodean... muy nervioso.
See, this is the Saturn 4B booster... and it shoots us away from the Earth... as fast as a bullet from a gun... until the moon's gravity actually grabs us and pulls us... into a circle around the moon... which is called an orbit. All right?
Verás, éste es el cohete propulsor del Saturno 4B... y nos lanza lejos de la Tierra... a la velocidad de una bala que sale disparada de un arma, hasta que la gravedad de la Luna nos atrapa y nos arrastra... a un círculo alrededor de la Luna... que se llama órbita. ¿ De acuerdo?
All French working people are, are looking to us in Spain, probably all around the world and I think it is not the right time to fight, to fight each other but together.
Los trabajadores franceses, están mirándonos. Quizá lo hagan los del mundo entero, y creo que no es el momento de enfrentarnos entre nosotros sino de luchar juntos.
Yes. Give us another all around, okay?
Tráenos otra ronda. ¿ De acuerdo?
The fact is that American culture was suddenly all around us in postwar Japan.
Cuando la cultura americana...
We were brought up with all this kind of... show-type music around us, and with a lot of classical music around us.
Fuimos educados con esta especie de música de show alrededor, y con música clásica alrededor.
I remember us all sitting around trying to think of stuff
Recuerdo que estábamos sentados intentando pensar en un titulo.
They want to control all the weapons so they can push us around, intimidate us.
Quieren controlar todas las armas para poder presionarnos e intimidarnos.
Well, they've closed all the brothels around us.
Bueno, han cerrado todos los burdeles que nos rodeaban.
All of us go through life sheltering ourselves from reality... because, when we go out into the world... we hear the sound of people suffering... and we see the world around us is not pretty.
Todos nos pasamos la vida escondiéndonos de la realidad porque al salir al mundo exterior oímos a la gente que sufre. Y vemos que el mundo que nos rodea no es hermoso.
Oh, you took us all around the system and back again before we could locate the source, but it was this station in Sick Bay.
Nos llevaste por todo el sistema antes de poder ubicar la fuente. Pero fue en esta estación, en enfermería.
Now we get a bunch of people running around... Graboids gonna spread out all over the place. No, we want them all to come to us.
Si vamos con un montón de gente... los graboides se dispersarán y queremos que vengan por nosotros.
# All of the people around us they say
Toda la gente que nos rodea
"He hangs around, all cheerful, but he's still a dirty copper wanting us to grass on our mates."
"Anda por ahí contento, pero es un sucio policía, queriendo pisar a los nuestros".
After all, men like us can't walk around now, can we?
No podemos ir a pie, ¿ verdad?
The Zaireans kicked us out and they did not want us around, and they want the fight to go on, that's all there is to it.
Los zaireños nos echaron y no nos querían por los alrededores, quieren que el combate siga adelante, eso es lo que hay.
What is there left for Narn if all of creation falls around us?
¿ Qué queda para los narn si toda la creación se derrumba a nuestro alrededor?
Who draws up the borders, controls the currency handles all of the decisions that happen transparently around us?
¿ Quién traza las fronteras, controla la moneda y maneja todo lo que sucede alrededor sin que nos demos cuenta?
They're coming all around us.
Los puedo ver. ¡ Nos rodean!
You gonna keep us hanging around here all day?
¿ Nos van a dejar colgados aquí todo el día?
But that ain't like us at all, all slapsticky and shit, runnin'around like a couple of dickheads.
Pero esos no son como nosotros después de todo, golpeándose todo el tiempo y esa mierda, corriendo por todos lados como un par de cabezas de verga.
Yeah. I bet they're drivin'all around lookin'for us, right?
Seguro de que están buscándonos por todos lados.
Hey, Joe, they all around us, man!
¡ Están alrededor de nosotros!
His wife walked around in her underclothes... and he'd always tell us... all us boys that worked for him... you know, when you'd come in... she'd be walking around getting ready for work... told us not to bug her.
Su esposa caminó En sus ropa interior.... Y nos diría siempre.... All nosotros niños Eso work para él- -
Isn't all this just so you can lord it over the rest of us, boss everyone around?
¿ No es todo esto para que pueda... ponerse por sobre todas nosotras, mandarnos a todas?
Even if you kill all of us, he can't move around with my ID.
Incluso si nos matas a todos, no puede ir por ahí con mi carnet.
all around the world 22
all around 46
used 73
usagi 51
usher 82
usual 64
usually 803
using 28
useless 232
user 29
all around 46
used 73
usagi 51
usher 82
usual 64
usually 803
using 28
useless 232
user 29
uschi 33
usopp 23
useful 59
ushna 19
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use it 260
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use your head 124
use me 43
usopp 23
useful 59
ushna 19
use your brain 33
use it 260
use your imagination 74
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use your head 124
use me 43
used to 118
use mine 46
use the force 25
us too 58
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used to be 136
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us too 58
use your power 21
use it wisely 19
use your hands 17
use your legs 22
used to be 136
use them 48