And eat traduction Espagnol
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A scorned woman will tear your heart out, put it between two buns and eat it just as your life slips away before you.
Una mujer despreciada puede partirte el corazón, ponerlo entre dos bollos y comérselo justo como tu vida se desliza ante ti.
Big people stay your big ass home and eat!
La gente de gran tamaño debe quedarse en casa y comer.
Another was so that he would enjoy being with her more,'cause when he was at my house, he had to get actmty, you know, and eat well-balanced meals, and get his sleep and stuff.
Otra era que de esa forma el disfrutaría más al estar con ella, porque cuando estaba conmigo teníamos actividades, y comía almuerzos bien balanceados, y tenía sus horas de sueño y ese tipo de cosas.
Flesh Head, he'll come and eat me, my blood will be on your hands.
Si Come-carne viene a comerme, mi sangre estará en tus manos.
Oh, well, Longway said I could just go ahead and eat it.
Bueno, Longway dijo que podía solo seguir adelante y comerlo.
Stay here and eat with us.
Quédate aquí y come con nosotros.
And they'll work their way into a jungle and a canopy and eat in peace.
Y se las ingenian para llegar a la jungla, al follaje y así comer en paz.
I would... I would probably wait, and watch her get off the bus and go home and eat a whole box of pizza by myself.
Yo... probablemente esperaría, y la miraría bajarse del autobús, y me iría a casa a comerme una pizza entera yo sólo.
Would it have killed you to sit down for five minutes and eat the whole thing?
¿ Le habría matado sentarse cinco minutos y comérsela entera?
I have a distinct recollection of you eating that the night we met, and it was, like, really hard for you to eat, so you kind of looked weird, which was weird because usually you're so cool and casual.
- Te recuerdo perfectamente comiendo de estos cuando nos conocimos, y parecías en una lucha incomoda por comértelos te veías rara, lo cual es raro Porque sueles parecer tan relajada.
People saying well I shouldn't eat the fish because the fish is you know, an important sentient being and that's true.
Las personas dicen que no debería comer este pez porque el pez es, ya sabes, un importante ser sensible y eso es cierto.
Like, as soon as this dance is over, you have to eat something and we'll get you help and we'll tell someone.
Al igual que, tan pronto como este Baile haya terminado, tendrás que comer algo y... vamos a conseguirte ayuda y le diremos a alguien.
I'm gonna go and find something to eat.
Buscaré algo para comer.
I don't know why you load yourself with that much gravy and then not eat it.
No sé por qué pones tanta salsa si luego no te la comes.
If you pick up an apple and you eat it, you know, their hunger may go away.
Si tomas una manzana y la comes, el hambre podría desaparecer.
I was remembering what I eat every night, a daily serving of veggies and fruits.
Recordaba lo que comía cada noche, una porción diaria de vegetales y frutas.
Just think about putting a little more fruits and vegetables on that tray and then trying to eat them.
Piensen en poner más frutas y vegetales en la bandeja, e intenten comerlos.
We just, uh, need new shells from time to time and plenty of souls to eat.
Nosotros sólo... necesitamos nuevos recipientes de vez en cuando y muchas almas que devorar.
And I eat less than you all.
Y como menos que todos ustedes.
I thought they would eat something, not just drink and have sex.
Creía que iban a comer algo, no solo beber y tener sexo.
And we'll bring him grub to eat.
Y le traeremos cosicas para que coma.
Eat, drink and be merry?
¿ A vivir que son dos días?
I'll eat any cake that you bake and swim the English Channel and run from fuckin Jo-burg to Capetown, pussy.
Comeré cualquier pastel que hornees y nadaré por el Canal de la Mancha y correré de la maldita Jo-burg a Ciudad del Cabo, cobarde.
It's this horrible stinky vegetable and I'm afraid it's all he has to eat.
Es ese horrible vegetal apestoso que me temo que es todo lo que tiene para comer.
The Queen sent them off with snascomber seeds. It was all they would have to eat and they were just going to have to get used to it.
Era lo único que tenían para comer... y solo tendrían que acostumbrarse.
Night in desert and animal no eat you.
Es de noche en el desierto y que un animal no te devoré.
'Cause I eat a lot and they break.
Porque como mucho y se rompen.
You eat that worm, you'll go on a trip and not even leave.
Si te lo comes, te irás a un viaje sin salir de aquí.
We all just sit around and we eat food and we make fun of our parents.
Nos sentamos en un cuarto, comemos... y nos burlamos de nuestros padres.
For the most part, we would eat half of it, And try to sell the other half.
a lo mas comeriamos la mitad y venderiamos la otra mitad
Well, everybody kneels and you eat the Body of Christ.
Todos se arrodillan y se come el cuerpo de Cristo.
I'm dying to eat anything but tasteless sandwiches and butter like jelly.
Me muero por comer algo que no sea sandwiches sin gusto o gelatina.
It means she can eat a salad and watch animal planet.
Sí, que puede comer ensalada y ver Animal Planet.
Y'all quit talking about me and come eat!
Dejen de hablar de mí y vengan a comer.
A gift from the guys, and I don't eat them.
Un regalo de los chicos, yo no los como.
Can we eat it in here and watch TV?
¿ Podemos comer aquí y ver televisión?
Do you want to eat shit and drink piss?
¡ ¿ Comerá su mierda y beberá su orina? !
We were sent by the Supreme Leader to eat delicious humans and dip them in ranch dressing.
Nos envía el Líder Supremo para comer ricos humanos mojados en salsa barbacoa.
And maybe we should drink some beer, eat some snow, and just...
Tal vez podríamos tomar unas cervezas, comer un poco de nieve, y solo...
Is that your name is Ambrosia Salad, and it looks like you eat everything but a salad.
Es que su nombre es Ambrosia ensalada, y parece que se come todo menos una ensalada.
and then travel somewhere far eat foreign foods, buy bright shiny things and... most importantly
Y lo más importante.
We're particularly interested in this site because these rats are able to eat the most potent rodenticide, and it doesn't have any effect on them.
Nos interesa este sitio en particular porque aquí las ratas son capaces de ingerir los pesticidas más fuertes y aun así no causarles nada.
Yes, but if it finds us, it will eat us and push us out its butt and turn us into poop.
Sí, pero si nos encuentra, nos comerá, y nos sacará por su culo vueltos popo.
And then I'm gonna eat your booty, baby.
Luego te comeré el culo, cariño.
Get lots of sleep, eat lots of veggies, and always remember your inner worth,'cause that'll make you feel 10 feet tall.
Mucho sueño, muchas verduritas, y siempre acordarte de tu valía interior porque te hará sentir que mides más de tres metros de alto.
Um, I think Alex and her friends went to Rebecca's work to eat... And then they were going to a concert or something.
Creo que Alex y sus amigas fueron al trabajo de Rebeccah a comer y luego iban a ir a un concierto o algo así.
Grab yourself a paper plate and something to eat.
Tome un plato de papel y algo de beber.
I need a drink and something to eat, and so do you, from your appearance.
Necesito un trago y algo de comer, y también usted viendo su aspecto.
Spurlock is going to eat the charge and take the years.
Spurlock aceptará el cargo sin incriminarlo.
Those people need to look at that dashcam footage and ask themselves if the world is ready for bulletproof niggas that eat cops for breakfast.
La gente debe mirar la filmación de la cámara de ese auto y preguntarse si el mundo está preparado para negros a prueba de balas que se desayunan policías.
- We're gonna eat and then leave.
- Comeremos y nos iremos.
eating 184
eater 122
eaten 38
eaters 43
eat me 116
eat my shorts 18
eat a dick 20
eat your heart out 25
eat shit 72
eat your dinner 19
eater 122
eaten 38
eaters 43
eat me 116
eat my shorts 18
eat a dick 20
eat your heart out 25
eat shit 72
eat your dinner 19
eat a lot 33
eat your food 42
eat your breakfast 34
eating bacteria 17
eat something 105
eating contest 28
eat it 402
eat more 18
eat that 46
eat this 131
eat your food 42
eat your breakfast 34
eating bacteria 17
eat something 105
eating contest 28
eat it 402
eat more 18
eat that 46
eat this 131