And here they come traduction Espagnol
1,255 traduction parallèle
- And here they come now, the United States national team, Coach Couzo and the assistant coaches Catherine Wade and Don Peterson.
Aquí entra el equipo nacional americano. Con Frank Couzo como entrenador, y los asistentes Catherine Wade y Don Peterson.
And here they come down the homestretch.
Y aquí viene, llegando a la meta.
Cos my kind of people, they don't come down here and beg dope.
Porque la gente como yo no viene aquí a mendigar drogas.
They'll come here... and they'll burn us...
Van a venir aquí... y nos van a quemar...
When you first come in from the limo ride... from the pub-crawling before you get here, they book you... they give you a free Breathalyzer test, and a mug shot... complete with your fingerprinting.
Cuando vuelves del paseo en limusina por diferentes bares antes de llegar, te registran miden el nivel de alcohol gratis, te sacan una foto policial y te toman las huellas digitales.
It will be very difficult for the neigbour - to come through here - as they were rude enough to shoot the commander - and many friends of us.
Será muy difícil para nuestros vecinos llegar hasta aquí aunque son lo bastante malintencionados como para disparar al comandante y a nuestros amigos.
And make sure the lab has the number here in case they come up with anything.
Y asegúrate de que el laboratorio me llame si averiguan algo.
They'd look up in the sky and see the person in the moon. Guys would say come back here and fight like a person, and we'd all sing, For It's a Jolly Good Person.
¡ Miraríamos al cielo para ver "la persona en la luna!" Los tíos dirían "¡ Ven aquí y pelea como una persona!" y todos cantaríamos "¡ Porque es una persona excelente!"
They come in here, and you start jabber away on them.
Vienen aquí y tu les incomodas.
Do you know them? They come here To unwind after Their forays of Raping and pillaging.
Vienen aquí a relajarse después de sus correrías de violaciones y saqueos.
The police been here... and they still down there dancing. Come back to bed, Harry.
oh, cariño, la policía ha estado aquí... y todavía siguen ahí bailando vuelve a la cama, Harry
See, they'll come in here and go through that door and up this way, where Joey hits'em in the face with a mop.
Verán, vendrán aquí y pasaran por esta puerta de esa manera golpeará a ese insoportable de Joey justo en la cara
Now, they come down here on vacation and they trash the place.
Ahora, vienen aquí de vacaciones y lo destrozan todo.
First you'll rest a bit and have fun, then you'll come back here, to tell the hangman the truth of your life in Baghdad, and not in China, where they want Jelaladin on our throne.
Primero descansa un poco y diviértete. Luego volverás aquí y no le contarás al verdugo la verdad de tu vida en China,... sino en Bagdad, donde ellos querían a Jelaladin en nuestro trono.
They didn't think I should come here and talk to you.
No les pareció buena idea que viniera a hablarte.
So remember, no deals over the phone, they come down here, and then you talk.
Así que recuerda no hacer tratos por teléfono... deben bajar y entonces hablarás.
The young ones are scared shitless that if the Germans come through here... and it looks like they surrendered without a struggle... it's gonna be taken out on their families.
Los mas jóvenes están cagados pues si los alemanes pasan por acá... y se ve como si se hubieran rendido sin pelear... van a desquitarse con sus familias.
Please see that they leave first thing in the morning... and come here yourself. "
Por favor, asegúrate que se marchen a primera hora y ven aquí tú sola. "
I asked Lesley and Ray to come with me because I thought the people here, more than anyone else in the world, would understand how they feel.
Pedí a Lesley y a Ray que vinieran porque pensé que, mejor que nadie, las personas aquí presentes iban a comprender lo que ellos están sintiendo.
Let me make a phone call and see if... I also think that they'd feel out of place here I've read in the documents that they come from Sicily, like myself
De realmente aquí sus niños ellos no pueden suspendernos. Creo que aquí se sentirían fuera de lugar. He leído los documentos y son sicilianos.
White guys don't come up here unless they're cops, and you ain't cops. - What the fuck's goin'on?
Los únicos blancos que vienen aquí son policías.
The governor of Java, he gives them permission to come here, and fugitive hunt, and then they think they can just blow the whole fucking place up!
¡ El Gobernador de Java, les dio permiso... de venir aquí y cazar un fugitivo, y entonces creen que pueden volar todo el maldito lugar!
But anybody could come down here and claim they were you and give me a number.
Pero cualquiera podría venir aquí y afirmar ser tú y darme un número.
Come in to Big John's here every couple of years and steal what they need.
Vienen donde el Gran John cada dos años y roban lo que necesitan.
And sometimes they come here they can count on the fingers of one hand.
Y las veces se que vino acá se pueden contar con los dedos de una mano.
Ever since they come here there's nothing but trouble and what with him know that man. What man, Mr. Stockton?
Desde que ellas llegaron aquí no hay nada más que problemas y que hay de ese hombre.
Dogs and cats come in here... and they disappear and you never see them again!
- ¡ Perros y gatos llegan aquí... y desaparecen, nunca vuelves a verlos!
They've seen pictures of Wai Tung... and I talk about him all the time, and they like him... but it's impossible for them to come here from the mainland.
Han visto las fotos de Wai Tung y les hablo de él todo el día. A ellos les gusta,... pero les es imposible venir aquí desde el continente.
And here's the man they've come to see, folks.
"Jack Slater IV". Y aquí está el hombre al que han venido a ver.
They come here and they're rich and free.
Vienen aquí y se vuelven ricos y libres.
Traveling from as far away as Alaska and Hawaii, they've come here to compete against each other over the course of the next two long, grueling days.
Viajando de sitios remotos como Alaska y Hawai, han venido hasta aquí para competir entre ellos. En el transcurso de los dos tensos días..
She was one of those armies of people who come to New York filled with dreams, and end up on a treadmill, working and working, forgetting why they came here.
Era una de esas jóvenes que vienen a Nueva York llenas de sueños y acaban atrapadas en un trabajo, olvidándose de por qué vinieron.
Here they come... the black witch woman and her white cockroaches.
Aquí vienen... la mujer bruja negro y sus cucarachas blancas.
A doctor and chemist relation is like turmeric and lime. They had come newly here. And I have friends in this locality.
Eran nuevos aquí, y yo soy un hombre muy conocido.
No puedo creer que estoy con las lumbreras del pueblo y a ninguno se le ocurre una solución sencilla.
every year. a couple of guys come in here and tell me they're homesick.
Cada año un par de chicos viene aquí y me dicen que sienten nostalgia.
Most of them that have come through here... and had that type of attitude... usually end up in the streets talkin'about they used to play for Marshall... and if they'd gone to class they could've gone to any school they wanted to.
La mayoría de ellos que han pasado por aquí... con ese tipo de actitud... por lo general terminan en las calles hablando de que antes jugaban en Marshall... y si hubiesen ido a clase más seguido podría haber ido a la universidad que querían.
They come here to dances, and to strut their stuff.
Con uno que fue al baile del Club Deportivo Jymy a hacerse el chulo.
I come here in'05, and they made me librarian in 1 9 1 2.
Vine en'05, y me hicieron bibliotecario en 1912.
People come in here and they're sick, dying and bleeding and they need our help.
La gente llega aquí enferma, muriéndose, sangrando y necesita ayuda.
If we abandon the Enterprise they'll come back here and get their hands on both ships.
Volverán y tomarán ambas naves.
They all come here and eat the big dinner.
Todos vienen aquí y toman una gran cena.
And once I get settled here, they can come here and live with me
Y cuando me esté establecido aquí, ellos vivirán aquí conmigo
People think that they're being nice but they come here with colds and it's not a nice...
La gente cree que esta siendo amable | pero vienen refriados y no es un buen...
We have needles here, and I was wondering if they come with the room or not.
Aquí tenemos, y nos preguntamos si vienen con la habitación o no.
Come on, they don't need us to stand here and stare at them.
Vamos, no nos necesitan estar aquí y mirarlos.
Every day, same time, they come down here and have breakfast.
Todos los días, al mismo horario, desayunan aquí.
Do you remember when this used to be the center of the world... and people from Alabama, and Tennessee, and New Orleans - -- they all used to come here?
¿ Te acuerdas cuando esto solía ser el centro del mundo... y gente de Alabama y Tennessee, y Nueva Orleáns, solían todos venir aquí?
I will be safe here, and they will come.
Aquí estaré segura, y vendrán.
And to that end, I've asked Jane, here, and John if they would come along with some movements for us.
Y para el final, les pediría a Jane, aquí, y a John si pudieran ofrecernos algunos movimientos.
Well, I mean, you know, these, these, uh... These... They just come over here and sponge, don't they?
Bueno, creo, usted sabe, esos... esos vinieron por aquí a mendigar...
and here 683
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and here you are 183
and here we go 118
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here it comes 20
and here they are 24
and here's the thing 41
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and here you are 183
and here we go 118
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here it comes 20
and here they are 24
and here's the thing 41
and here we are 249
and here he comes 19
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and here's why 34
here they come 557
they come 53
they come in 23
they come here 17
and here he comes 19
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and here's why 34
here they come 557
they come 53
they come in 23
they come here 17