And what about her traduction Espagnol
1,083 traduction parallèle
And what about her cousin?
¿ Y qué me dice de su primo?
And what about her two sons, Hastings?
¿ Qué opina usted de los dos hijos, Hastings?
And what about her?
¿ Qué pasa con ella?
And I distinctly remember it wasn't till half way through the case - when you reminded me about her smelly little Pekingese, what was its name...
Estábamos a medio camino cuando me recordaste su Pequinés apestoso.
You're worried about your weight, you're gettin'aggravated, and you tell her, " What are you- -?
Estás preocupado por el peso, te sientes molesto y le dices : " ¿ Qué haces?
What was a human being to you? A person like a flower? You go and brag about her to Reinhold.
Qué era una persona para ti, una persona como una flor, vas y alardeas de ella delante de Reinhold.
I don't give a damn about Brenda Champion and I don't give a damn if you see her. You can do just what you like. Can I?
No me importa Brenda Champion, ni me importa que la veas puedes hacer lo que quieras.
And what about her eyes?
¡ Sus ojos!
And what about your daughter and her husband?
¿ Y vuestra hija y su marido?
Of course it's nice to be away from her whining voice and singing. And what about Yvette and- - Yvette-
Y una de mis chicas preguntó hace 5 minutos por usted.
I know I make a lot of jokes about Vera, but... the truth is if that woman ever packed her bags and left me, I don't know what I'd do... first.
Sé que me río mucho de Vera, pero... la verdad es que, si ella hiciera las maletas y me dejara, no sé qué haría yo... en primer lugar.
Well, what I'm talkin'about... is a very pretty lady in her 30s... who's gonna come out of prison old, tired and in her 40s.
Bueno, me refiero... a una linda mujer en sus 30 que saldrá de la prisión... vieja y cansada en sus 40.
What about her husband and her son?
¿ Qué hay de su marido y su hijo?
She's willing to forget about... 2,5 million for Filargi's insurance... and the rest of what Dominic owed her for the contract on me.
Está dispuesta a olvidar... Ios 2,5 millones del seguro de Filargi... y el resto de lo que le debía Dominic por matarme a mí...
And why are you talking to her about hunting sashes, and, if you pardon my ignorence, what are hunting sashes?
¿ Por qué hablas con ella sobre sachets? Perdona mi ignorancia. ¿ Que son los sachets?
And what about the guy who was following her?
Y qué acerca del hombre que la seguía?
And what about Amy lying about her ring?
Y que hay acerca de Amy mintiendo sobre de su anillo?
I thought about that little girl and what Benji must mean to her.
Pensé en esa pequeña y en lo que Benji significaba para ella.
As spring opens Touching skillfully, mysteriously Her first rose I do not know what it is about you That closes and opens
( tocando hábil, misteriosamente ) Su primera rosa ( no sé qué hay en ti que se cierra y se abre ; algo en mí comprende que la voz de tus ojos es más profunda que todas las rosas )
Look, every single day I put up with your moaning about what's-her-name and how you wish you could fall in love. But you're too chickenshit to do anything about it.
Todos los días, aguanto tus lloriqueos sobre "cuál es el nombre de ella"... y como querías enamorarte de nuevo Pero eres muy cobarde para actuar.
married a jock named bob balling- - currently intoest, vodka, and vague malaise about what she imperfectly recalls as her "golden years."
Casada con un tonto llamado Bob Balling, aficionado al vodka y a los malestares lo que para ella es su "época dorada".
What about the blender? Maybe we should give her that, to mash up bananas and stuff.
¿ No deberíamos darle la licuadora para la fruta?
It's our one-month anniversary, and I'm just stumped about what to get her.
Es nuestro aniversario de un mes, y estoy perplejo acerca de lo que para llegar a ella.
It's about what you saw when she looked at you and the feel of her lips for the first time and the scent of her and the way her hair felt and the way she cried at that silly song.
Se trata de lo que viste cuando ella te miró... ...y de cómo sentiste sus labios la primera vez... ... y su pe _ ume y su cabello......y cómo lloró con esa tonta canción.
Of course she's paralyzed about what to tell him about her escapades with Cleveland and New York.
Claro que ella está sin saber que hacer sobre lo que decirle sobre sus aventuras en Cleveland y New York.
What about your mother and her little, " Oops!
Y que hay de tu madre y su pequeño " Oops!
I don't like to make love to a woman and think about what's inside her...
No me gusta hacer el amor con una mujer y pensar en lo que hay en el interior...
And Katya second. What about her?
Y Katya el segundo. ¿ Y ella?
The girl had always looked forward to the evenings... when she would see her father and tell him about what she had done at school.
La chica siempre había esperado las tardes, los momentos en los que podía ver a su padre y contarle cómo le había ido en la escuela.
You don't have to leave your business and play mahjong here what's so good about her?
Usted no tiene que salir de su negocio y jugar mahjong aquí lo que es tan bueno Y ella?
You're not stopping and thinking about anyone or anything, except for Kelly and her little inner circle, and you know what?
No estás parando a pensar en nada ni en nadie excepto en Kelly y su círculo. ¿ Y sabes qué?
What about your mother, and Lori and her kids?
Pero y ¿ a tu madre, a Lori y a sus hijos?
But, he was a little careless about what he let her see and hear, and he didn't take into account that she was a Goody Two-shoes.
No tuvo cuidado de lo que la dejaba que viera y oyera y no tomó en cuenta que era una heroína.
Know what I mean? So Leo... he's doing a number on her, and she's screaming about that damn bird.
Leo la molestaba y ella chilló por los picotazos.
And what about the way he kept touching her?
- ¿ Y la manera como la tocaba?
But the more he said about her, the more I knew... he didn't know what he had... and I had to meet her... because she sounded like such a find.
Pero cuanto más dijo sobre ella, más de lo que yo sabía... he didn't know what he had... and I had to meet her... because she sounded like such a find.
And what do you believe I think about alone, all night while you're "stuck" in her under the stars?
¿ Ah sí? Y que crees que pienso sola, toda la noche mientras estás "incrustado" con ella a la intemperie?
Kitty we call her and what she don't know about Gruner.
La llamamos Kitty y lo sabe todo sobre Gruner. Por supuesto, por favor.
And I go into her closet. I see 19 pairs of black shoes. What's that all about?
Y voy bajo el closet y veo 19 pares de zapatos negros
What do you suppose Shelly and, uh, her friend there are talking about?
¿ De qué crees que estén hablando Shelly y su amiga?
The whole time wondering what to say to a man I'd never met about his daughter and her unborn child.
No paré de pensar en qué le diría a un hombre que no conocía... sobre su hija y su futuro nieto.
Hoped... Guinan the woman is about as friendly as a Circassian Plague Cat. Only cares about her work hates what I've done to her engines and, to top it all off, she's married.
Guinan, esa mujer tiene de adorable lo que un gato salvaje circassiano, sólo le importa su trabajo, odia lo que he hecho con sus motores.
And my beloved concubine, what shall I do about her? "
Y mi querida concubina, ¿ qué hago con ella? "
You get her, and you don't have to worry about what I'm doing.
Te la quedas y no te preocupas más de lo que yo hago.
So what were you and Elaine talking about her anyway?
¿ A qué viene toda esta charla acerca de ella?
And then I get so guilty for thinking about her at all. You know what the worst part is?
Y después me siento muy culpable por pensar así en ella ¿ sabe cuál es la peor parte?
What about when Paul and her werert attending lectures?
¿ Y qué pasaba cuando Paul y ella no iban a conferencias?
We bring her to the party and she tells me what Gwen is saying about me.
La llevamos a la fiesta y ella me cuenta lo que Gwen está diciendo sobre mí.
I'll tell her all about you and what you did out here.
Le contaré todo lo que hiciste aquí.
I'd like to learn what was good and joyous about her.
Me gustaría saber lo buena y alegre que era.
But what's it that made Anna cry? After all she's 17 already and affluent enough to talk about her country.
¿ Pero por qué Anna, esta niña con 17 años, que lo tiene todo, se pone a llorar hablando de su país?
and what are you doing 48
and what about you 352
and what are you doing here 62
and what 818
and what are you going to do 22
and whatever you do 86
and what's more 117
and what happened 146
and what does that mean 94
and what do you want 78
and what about you 352
and what are you doing here 62
and what 818
and what are you going to do 22
and whatever you do 86
and what's more 117
and what happened 146
and what does that mean 94
and what do you want 78
and what did you say 84
and what's worse 41
and what do you think 83
and what's that 303
and what's that supposed to mean 44
and what's this 102
and what's your name 81
and what about 34
and what if you're wrong 16
and what is that supposed to mean 21
and what's worse 41
and what do you think 83
and what's that 303
and what's that supposed to mean 44
and what's this 102
and what's your name 81
and what about 34
and what if you're wrong 16
and what is that supposed to mean 21