As you can tell traduction Espagnol
1,294 traduction parallèle
But it's wrong, and as you can tell from my name -
Pero está mal. Y como Ud. se habrá dado cuenta
As much as you can tell from here to my front door.
Todo lo que quepa de aquí a la puerta de mi casa.
She's a veterinarian, she's single, uh... She's very athletic, as you can tell from that body.
Es veterinaria, soltera... bastante atlética, por lo que puedes ver de su cuerpo.
As you can tell by the date code, this photograph... is over 20 years old.
Como pueden inferir del código de fecha, esta fotografía... tiene más de 20 años de antigüedad.
As you can tell by looking at our map, Oregon is on fire.
Como puedes notar viendo nuestro mapa, Oregon se incendia.
As you can tell, I didn't much care for my brother.
Como podéis ver, no cuidaba demasiado de mi hermano
I can only tell the truth as you've done.
Solo puedo decirte la verdad como tú lo has hecho.
What you don't know, and, as far as I can tell, haven't bothered in the least to discover is who they are.
Lo que aún no saben y tampoco se han molestado en averiguar es quiénes son.
as my distinguished colleague can tell you.
Como mi distinguida colega puede decirles.
Your daddy wrote to tell you he'll be here as soon as he can and that he loves you very much.
Tu papi escribió para decirte que vendrá lo antes posible y que te quiere mucho.
Bear in mind, as you swill your ale and tell your filthy tales, that to take part in mob violence is as low as a man can fall!
Y recuerden, entre cerveza y cerveza mientras cuentan sus sucias historias, - que tomar parte en la violencia de la turba es lo mas bajo que un hombre que se dice hombre puede caer!
If that's the case, then I can tell you a story as reference.
A mi manera. Bien te contaré una historia como referencia.
Well, Alice, as today seems to be a bit slow, you know, I think I have a story I can tell you that might be of some help.
Bueno Alice, hoy parece ser un día algo lento, ¿ sabes? y tengo una historia que puede ser de ayuda.
You can release the Talarian as soon as he's sober but tell him to stay away from the raktajino.
Deje en libertad al talariano en cuanto esté sobrio pero dígale que no se tome más raktajinos si no le sientan bien.
But I'll tell you what, after seeing Los Angeles and this here story I'm about to unfold, well, I guess I've seen something every bit as stupefying as you can see in any of those other places, and in English, too.
Pero les diré algo, después de ver Los Ángeles y esta historia que estoy por contar, supongo que he visto algo tan asombroso como cualquier cosa que puedan ver en esos lugares, y además en inglés.
- \ As far as I can tell \ - \ You may be wrong about me \
- Eso te lo puedo decir - Tal ves te equivoques conmigo
I understand if this has come as a bit of a shock, but let me tell you how this can be resolved by you, the good father.
Entiendo que esto le ha caído por sorpresa... pero le diré que usted, como buen padre, puede resolverlo.
As far as I can tell, you are a decent, caring person.
Y tú pareces ser una persona decente y amable.
Mr. Butabi, as an actor and observer of human nature, I can tell you that your son is not ready for this sort of commitment.
- Sr. Butabi... - ¿ Qué? Como actor, soy un buen observador de la naturaleza humana... y puedo decirle que su hijo no está preparado para ese compromiso.
I can't begin to tell you how wonderful I feel as I read your letters.
No puedo explicarte lo maravilloso que me siento al leer tus cartas.
And I said, " If you don't tell her as soon as you can
"Pensaba de mí que era un oso viejo y polvoriento."
So they got Hunter kidnapped and handcuffed to a pole, and I have to step in and save Shawn's butt because I have a way with women, as you can probably tell by the fact that
Así que secuestraron a Hunter y lo esposaron a un poste, y tuve que intervenir y salvarle el trasero de Shawn porque tengo cierto encanto con las mujeres, Como podrán adivinarlo por el hecho de que nunca he estado más disponible en mi vida.
In New York, I didn't exactly hang out with a lot of other girls, okay? I mean, I've never even had close girlfriends and as far as I can tell, neither have you.
En Nueva York no tenía demasiado contacto con las otras chicas es más, nunca he tenido una amiga de verdad y por lo que yo sé, tú tampoco.
But what I can tell you is that, well, New York, the city as well as the university, well, New York, the city as well as the university, can be a little overwhelming, can be a little overwhelming, and is often best suited for the independently minded student, and is often best suited for the independently minded student, and your parents seem to imply that you might not fit into that category. and your parents seem to imply that you might not fit into that category.
Nueva York, tanto la ciudad como la universidad, puede ser un poco abrumadora, y a menudo es más apropiada para estudiantes independientes, y tus padres parecen insinuar que tú no cabes en esa categoría.
Whatever you tell George tomorrow... we'll just have to deal as best we can.
Lo que le digas a George mañana... lo manejaremos como podamos.
What we can tell you is that Scott Little, a law clerk for judge Marcia Hooper, was in fact arrested and is set to be arraigned as early as this morning.
Lo que podemos decirles es que Scott Little, secretario de la jueza Marcia Hooper, fue arrestado y está listo para su lectura... SECRETARIO ACUSADO DE HOMICIDIO... de cargos esta mañana.
Now, as your counsellor, I want you to feel like you can tell me anything, m'kay?
Como orientador, quiero que te sientas cómodo para contarme lo que quieras, z y tal?
All right, but you can't tell anyone Soon as you tell me, I'm chopping off my tongue
Está bien, pero no puedes decirselo a nadie tan pronto como me lo digas, me estoy cortando la lengua
I'll tell you as simple and direct as I can.
Voy a ser simple y directo.
But now, because you say to court you can tell king what to do, I cannot intervene as I had planned.
Pero ahora, porque usted dijo en la corte que podía decirle al rey qué hacer, no puedo intervenir como había planeado.
And as a police officer, I can tell you... it goes bad places.
le puedo decir... it goes bad places.
Not as interesting as the story I can tell you.
No tan interesante como la historia que puedo contarte.
It's a bit of a gamble as you can never tell which will dominate.
No sabemos que descendencia sobrevivira.
Can I tell you something as a friend? "
¿ Puedo decirte algo como un amigo? "
If you're not going tell me in advance so I can find a escort.
Si es as ¡, avisame con tiempo. As ¡ consigo pareja, ¨ eh?
Oh, well I thought I'd tell her that you know, as much as I love her, and as much as I'd like to stay in San Francisco, I can't.
Pues he pensado que podría decirle lo mucho que la quiero y que me gustaría quedarme en San Francisco, pero que no puedo.
As far as we can tell... all activity on the planet stopped as soon as you left.
Por lo que puedo ver... la actividad en el planeta terminó en cuanto usted salió.
- Well, alright, as you can probably tell, it's open mike night tonight so who wants to come up here and sing the blues for us?
Muy bien. Como ya notaron hoy es noche de aficionados. ¿ Quién quiere subir a cantar blues?
And as long as it is you can't tell me I'm not the one for you.
De manera que no puedes decirme que no eres la mujer para mí.
Tell her she can, you know, keep it as long as she needs it.
Le dije que podia tenerlo, tu sabes, mientras lo necesite.
Crap, like you have enemies called the Scorpions, and that your trusted colleague Matala, is a spy for them who as best I can tell is deadset on killing you.
Basura como que tienes enemigos llamados Escorpiones. Y que tu colega tan confiable Matala es una espía de ellos. Quien está... pensando en asesinarte.
You can die right now or you can hold on as long as you can. but either way, unless you do what I tell you to do, it's over.
Puedes morir ahora, o puedes aguantar tanto como puedas, de cualquier manera... a menos que hagas lo que te diga, se acabo.
If you're talking about Tharon you can tell him I'm as interested in what he has to say as I am in darning socks.
Si te refieres a Tharon puedes decirle que lo que tiene para decir me interesa tanto...
We can be friends as soon as you tell me where my money is.
Podremos ser amigos tan pronto como me digas dónde está mi dinero.
The former Trojan came out after his freshman year... and as they go down the floor the other way... I can tell you he has moved around quite a bit... but now he's trying to find a home with these Lakers.
El anteriormente troyano salió después de su año de novato... y cuando ellos bajan el piso de otra forma... puedo decir él tiene buenos movimientos... pero ahora él trata de encontrar Un hogar con estos Lakers.
And I'll tell you the same thing I told her, which is, as far as I'm concerned, the only way she can help you... is by her example.
Te diré lo que le dije a ella : Para mí, la única forma en que puede ayudarte es con su ejemplo.
Swim back as fast as you can and tell my father.
Regresa nadando a avisar a mi padre.
I tell you, he can fight as good as he can drink :
Este boxea tanto como bebe.
I can tell you that as more Bruce Lee films are shown the audience will soon realize not only in acting ability but in physical skill as well, they will see the difference.
A medida que se vean más "películas de Bruce Lee"... la audiencia "se dará cuenta"... no sólo de la habilidad "de actuar"... sino también las habilidades "físicas", "verán la diferencia".
And as much as I got a big laugh watching Buffy kick your shiny white bum and as much as I know I can give you a bum-kicking, I'm here to tell you somethin'.
Y a pesar de lo mucho que me he reído viendo a Buffy pateándote el culo, y aunque yo también podría patearte el culo ahora mismo, te diré algo.
As long as she hasn't watched it. You can't tell anything from a title like inferno.
Siempre y cuando no la haya visto con un título como infierno, no puede imaginarse nada.
as you wish 846
as you know 1680
as you requested 56
as you can see 1468
as you can imagine 154
as you may know 70
as you were 223
as you say 390
as you are aware 22
as your attorney 28
as you know 1680
as you requested 56
as you can see 1468
as you can imagine 154
as you may know 70
as you were 223
as you say 390
as you are aware 22
as your attorney 28