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As you probably know traduction Espagnol

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She has a temper as you probably know.
Tiene mal carácter, como ya sabrá.
Mr. Drew, as you probably know, is not overly wealthy at the moment.
El Sr. Drew, como debe saber, no es acaudalado por ahora.
I spend more than that in a month and I have never been too particular where it came from, as you probably know.
Gasto mucho más que eso por mes y no me preocupo de dónde viene.
You see, mr. Stalin, i'm a capitalist, as you probably know.
Sr. Stalin, soy un capitalista como seguramente sabrá.
But as you probably know from those documents...
Pero como indican esos documentos...
Bubonic plague, as you probably know, is spread by the rat flea, which is why we watch all ships and ports.
La peste bubónica se transmite a través de las pulgas de la rata... y por eso vigilamos los barcos y los puertos.
I am a member of the German military Abwehr, which, as you probably know, is roughly equivalent to your MI5.
Pertenezco a la Inteligencia militar alemana, el "Abwehr", el cual como Ud. sabrá es el equivalente aproximado de su MI5.
As you probably know, we returned to San Francisco to get a new radar.
Como deben saber, volvemos a San Francisco a por un radar nuevo.
As you probably know, our city has suffered disaster.
Como ya sabrán, nuestra ciudad ha sufrido una catástrofe.
Very good toast and preserves they give you at teatime, - as you probably know.
Daban unos pasteles muy buenos, a la hora del té, como probablemente usted ya sabe.
As you probably know only six of these are known to exist.
Como sabrá, sólo se conoce la existencia de seis de estos.
Such things are common among drug addicts, as you probably know.
Es normal entre drogadictos, como ya sabrá.
Well, now, as you probably know, Ms Tanith and Simon are very close friends of mine.
Bien, como sabrá... la Srta. Tanith y Simon son amigos míos.
But as you probably know, Lynn and I are concerned about Stan.
Pero supongo que ya sabe que Lynn y yo estamos preocupados por Stan.
Umbs, as you probably know... are very small people- - quarrelsome, peaceful, jealous and kind... cowardly, brave, happy and sad... as man-children have been since the dawn of time.
Umbs, como probablemente saben, son gente muy pequeña... peleadora, pacífica, celosa y amable... cobarde, valiente, contenta y triste... desde que el hombre ha sido desde el comienzo del tiempo.
But as you probably know,
Como probablemente ya sabes...
This, as you probably know, is Dr. Wilson enjoying that event.
Éste, como ustedes lo sabrán, es el Dr. Wilson disfrutando ese evento.
Mrs. Popchik, as you probably know, the eye is the second most sensitive organ in the human body.
Sra. Popchik, como probablemente sabe, el ojo es el segundo órgano más sensible del cuerpo humano.
Shelley, I call him he's a great dentist from New York a city in which, as you probably know, general there are thousands of Spanish-speaking people who stand in dire need of extensive bridgework and this man's death, I'm afraid would be a crushing blow to whatever small hopes they might have for a healthier set of teeth and gums.
Yo lo llamo Shelly. Es un dentista genial en Nueva York una ciudad en la que, como usted debe saber, general hay miles de personas hispanohablantes que tienen extrema necesidad de que les arregle el puente dental. Y la muerte de este hombre, me temo eliminaría las pocas esperanzas que ellos tengan para tener dientes y encías más sanos.
As you probably know, Orbiter is powered through Feldon crystals.
Como probablemente sabe, el Orbiter se alimenta de los cristales Feldon.
As you probably know, we're the favorites to win the Cannonball... and I was wondering if one of you or both of you... might like to ride in the winning vehicle.
Como sabrán, somos los favoritos para ganar el Cannonball. ¿ Desearía ir una de Uds. o ambas en el vehículo vencedor?
As you probably know, we're... we're the favorites to... be the winning racers tomorrow... in the Cannonball... Race, which is gonna be poured...
Como sabrán... somos los... favoritos... para ganar... mañana... y diluviará...
Now, as you probably know, Captain Dugan is retiring.
Como ustedes saben, el capitán Dugan se jubilará.
As you probably know, you also have me for Natural History in high school, so I'm teaching you at field studies alongside Mrs. Andreasen.
Como sabéis, todavía soy vuestro profesor de biología el año que viene. Voy a ir de campamento con vosotros y la Sra. Andreasen.
Receiving stolen property is a difficult charge to press sometimes, as you probably know.
No es fácil acusar a alguien de recibir mercancía robada, como bien debe saber.
As you probably know, piracy is killing business.
Como seguramente saben, la piratería está matando la industria.
As you probably know,
Como usted probablemente sepa,
As you probably know, the topic I'm going to discuss today is women's right to vote.
Como ya sabrán, el tema del que voy a hablar hoy es el derecho de la mujer al voto.
I work for the Central Intelligence Agency, which, as you probably know, is based in Langley in the state of Virginia.
Trabajo para la CIA, que, como ya sabrá, tiene su base en Langley, en el estado de Virginia.
Marlon, as you probably know, is very much not a dear old friend of ours.
Marlon, como probablemente ya sabrán, no es lo que se dice un vejo amigo nuestro.
As you probably know...
Como probablemente saben...
As you probably know, an entire race of strange beings has invaded the building.
Como probablemente saben, una raza entera de seres extraños ha invadido el edificio.
As you probably know, we're facing a serious funding situation, as well as shortages in other areas.
Como sabrá, enfrentamos un serio problema de fondos... así como faltas en otras áreas.
You probably don't know there's an old blue law that classifies a racing form as gambling paraphernalia.
Hay una vieja ley, que dice que una hoja de carreras constituye una forma de juego.
I'm the brother of Robert Treat Bradford... whom you probably know as Brad Roberts.
Soy el hermano de Robert Treat Bradford a quien probablemente conozcan como Brad Roberts.
If I did, I'd probably know you as well as you know me.
Si fuera así, probablemente te conocería como tú me conoces.
And the people, well, maybe they dress a little differently or talk a little differently here but underneath they're the same as your next-door neighbor, and you probably know them all, the cop on the beat, the kid selling papers,
Y quizá las personas vistan de forma diferente... o hablen de forma diferente aquí... pero en el fondo son iguales que sus vecinos... y seguramente ya los conocen ;
As you all probably know, when foreigners visit Japan, they see "Fujiyama" and "Geisha Girls" as representing the beauty of Japan.
Como sabéis, los extranjeros que visitan el país consideran que... el Monte Fujiyama y las geishas son los emblemas representativos de Japón.
I know if you say yes, it probably means no but could just as well mean yes.
Sé que si dices que sí, quiere decir no, pero también puede querer decir sí.
You probably know her as Liz.
Es probable que la conozcas como Liz.
You probably know as much about possession as most priests.
Los más de los curas saben de posesión lo que usted.
But you know, it's probably just as well... because I am a wild bull when I lose my temper.
Soy una vaina seria... cuando me entra la arrechera.
Probably you know as well as I do.
probablemente usted lo sabe tan bien como yo.
You know, you and me are probably the only two people under 60 in the whole of Hadleyville County, so we might as well make the best of it.
Usted y yo somos los dos únicos menores de 60 años del condado, así que más vale que lo aprovechemos.
As you know, we are fortunate enough to have on board with us, Mr. Hercule Poirot, who is probably known to you all as a man who has wide experience in such matters.
Como ustedes saben, tenemos la suerte de contar con el señor Hercule Poirot. Seguramente, habrán oído comentar de él que es un hombre muy experto en estos temas.
He has stinky armpits, as well. Um, probably... You know, if you, like, put a pizza in...
Me gustaría la paz mundial, pero preferiría que todos recibieran todo lo que desearan en la vida.
You probably know him as John Mitchell.
Probablemente lo conozca como John Mitchell.
I've been working with the police... on Charles'case, as you all probably know, and...
He estado trabajando con la policía... en el caso de Charles, como todos ya saben, y...
Probably, my favorite spectacular view is nighttime watching lightning all over the Earth as it goes from cloud top to cloud top over hundreds of miles almost like somebody is conducting an orchestra, you know and the lights flash in response to the music and everything.
Probablemente, mi vista favorita es la noche, viendo los rayos caer en la Tierra, Saltar de una nube para otra, a lo largo de cientos de millas. Se asemeja a alguien dirigiendo una orquesta, sabes, y las luces encendiendo y apagándose en respuesta a la propia música.
As you probably already know the government wants to privatize our business.
Como indudablemente habrá escuchado... el gobierno... privatizará nuestros establecimientos.
And I know it's my fault, because I probably sound... As if I'm asking you not to sing.
Sé que es culpa mía porque probablemente suene como si te estuviera pidiendo que cantaras.

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