At that traduction Espagnol
167,582 traduction parallèle
This was the only way he could see, at that time, that he could be famous, become famous and become well-known.
Fue de la única forma que pudo ver, en aquel momento, que podría ser famoso, y reconocido.
At that stage, I think he was able to definitely sit back and reflect on what fame meant.
En esa etapa, creo que él estaba apto para sentarse definitivamente y reflejar el significado de la fama.
He was looking back on his life, even looking at that image.
Estaba mirando atrás en su vida, incluso mirando a esa imagen.
At that time, there was not really a lot of rock stars that focused on theatricality.
En ese momento, no había muchas estrellas de rock que se focalicen teatralmente.
We've got space for a mural at that pocket park in Goole Street, and I wanted to get a freebie.
Tenemos sitio para un mural en un pequeño parque en Goole Street quería que nos hiciera una donación.
I forget how good you are at that.
Se me había olvidado lo bien que se te da esto.
"Hey, dumbass, what were you doing at that light?"
"Oye, idiota, ¿ qué hacías en ese semáforo?".
So, he yells again, " Hey, dumbass, what were you doing at that light?
Él volvió a gritar : " Idiota, ¿ qué hacías en el semáforo?
He's got a... He's got a new bit about... how... how bands at weddings, since they... they just do cover songs are basically juke boxes that only take hundreds.
Tiene uno nuevo sobre... sobre como los grupos de las bodas, que hacen versiones de las canciones son básicamente cajas de música que pueden tocar cientos.
The Reality tour wasn't like that because there were some nights I was falling down laughing at some of the shit that he would say or do or that happened.
Pero en el tour de Reality no fue así, porque hubieron algunas noches en las que me moría de risa por alguna de las tonterías que él decía, hacía o que pasaban.
We're that some truck stop up in Montana and I'm at... you know those machines that you never win at, or you put in the quarter and then the claw comes down and picks up the stuffed animal?
Estábamos en esas paradas de camiones en Montana y yo fui a ¿ sabes, esas máquinas que nunca ganas, o que ganas a medias y luego el gancho baja y toma al peluche?
The real David was the one that you saw at the time of the Reality tour.
El real David era el que veías en el tour de Reality.
If you get that kind of like... he's like, "No, I wasn't thinking that at all."
Si te hacía tipo él hacía, "No, no tenía esa idea en absoluto."
I am trying to be one at the moment because I need it for a particular reason so that I can get off and do other things.
Estoy intentando ser una por el momento porque lo necesito para una razón en particular para poder hacer otras cosas con eso.
# That we toss and turn at night
* Que estamos inquietos en la noche
'What I'm best at doing is synthesising those things'in society or culture, refracting those things,'and producing some kind of glob'of how it is that we live at this particular time.'
'Para lo que sí soy bueno es para sintetizar esas cosas'en la sociedad o cultura, y refractarias,'y producir una especie de globo'de cómo vivimos en este momento en particular.'
He didn't come up with the solutions, but at least he could express, and others could resonate with that.
No venía con las soluciones, pero al menos podía expresar, y otros podían concientizarse.
I really wasn't sure about it at the time, to the point that in fact, the night before it was sent off to the record company, I wrote to him and said, "Are you sure?"
Realmente no estaba seguro de hacerlo así en ese momento, a tal punto de que la noche anterior, cuando fue enviada a la compañía de discos, le escribí y dije "¿ Estás seguro?"
so, then I started playing around with ways in which I could make that..... that melody dark, and I just fooled around over here, and then I looked at him, and I said, "OK, let's try this."
entonces, empecé a tocar de formas en las que pueda lograr eso esa melodía oscura, y me empecé a divertir, y lo miré, y dije, "OK, probemos esto."
David was listening to a few German bands back then that were at the epicentre of electronic music, and I think that the electronical part was too much.
David escuchaba algunas bandas alemanas en aquel tiempo que estaban en el epicentro de la música electrónica, y creo que hubo mucha parte electrónica.
Outsiders, marginalised people, people that don't belong, that are... That feel displaced, not at home, even when they have a house, like Newton, rich, you know, on Earth, but lost on Earth.
Los extraños, la gente marginal, que no pertence, que están que se sienten desplazados, sin hogar, incluso teniendo una casa, como Newton, rico, en la Tierra, pero perdido en ella.
Whatever he was going through health-wise at the time, one thing that was really inspiring was how, from the first day, the first note, he was just totally in it.
Pese a su salud, algo que era realmente inspirador, era como, desde el primer día, la primera nota, él estaba totalmente involucrado.
According to the log, you accessed the laboratory with your key card at 6.58pm. Is that correct?
Según el registro, Ud. usó su tarjeta para entrar en el laboratorio... a las 18 : 58. ¿ Eso es correcto? - Seguramente.
At least that's when I woke up to the facts.
Eso me despertó e hice el esquema.
So, watch smashed and stopped at 1.25, so I think we can call that time of death.
El reloj se rompió y se detuvo a la 1 : 25, así que creo que podemos decir que esa es la hora de muerte.
Well I'm thinking that if, as I suspect, that suicide note was faked and Esther was pushed to her death. Then, as there seem to be only four people at the festival who knew her, it has to be one of them that did it.
Pienso que sí, como sospecho, la nota de suicidio es falsa y Esther fue empujada, como parece que sólo hay cuatro personas en el festival que la conocían, debe haberlo hecho una de ellas.
That Sylvie didn't write The Flame Tree at all?
¿ Qué Sylvie no escribió The Flame Tree?
100 witnesses vouch for you all being at Patricia's talk during that period..... in the front row, Patricia on stage.
100 testigos lo avalan, todos estuvieron en la charla de Patricia durante ese período... en la primera fila, Patricia estaba en el escenario.
There are only two people who could've been the third presence in that room, who could've let Esther into Lizzie's house, been present at the interview, and, thus, known about the clifftop plan.
Hay solo dos personas... que podrían haber sido la tercera presencia en ese cuarto... que podía dejar entrar a Esther en la casa de Lizzie... estar presente en la entrevista y saber sobre el plan del acantilado.
But also the fact that Esther's signature was written at the bottom in Biro, rather than the fountain pen that she always used, confirmed to me that she neither wrote it, nor signed it.
Pero también que la firma de Esther estuviera escrita... en la parte inferior con birome... en lugar de la pluma estilográfica que siempre usaba... me confirmó que ni la había escrito ni la había firmado.
A fantasy that could be destroyed at any time.
Una fantasía que se destruiría en cualquier momento.
And that waitress, she burnt her skin off in a fire she started herself in some pathetic attempt at attention-seeking.
Y esa camarera, se quemó la piel en un incendio que provocó ella misma en un patético intento de llamar la atención.
The, uh, officer that you said was gonna be at his desk was not actually at his... desk.
El agente que dijo que iba a estar en su mesa no estaba... en su mesa.
And my guess is is that you have an awful lot at stake in clearing Deeks'name once and for all.
Y sospecho que tiene mucho interés en limpiar el nombre de Deeks de una vez por todas.
And the longer my team and I are locked up, the more people that are at risk, okay?
Y cuanto más tiempo estemos detenidos mi equipo y yo más gente corre peligro, ¿ de acuerdo?
- You see, that makes no sense at all.
- Eso no tiene sentido.
Which means that these cigarettes we found in Charlie's room are at least 24 years out of date.
Lo que significa que los cigarrillos que encontramos en el cuarto de Charlie tienen al menos 24 años vencidos.
All of the suspects were downstairs at the time that the victim was murdered upstairs.
Todos los sospechosos estaban abajo... en el momento en que la víctima fue asesinada arriba.
But if he could die knowing that the truth would not be discovered, then at least he could die with some sense of peace.
Pero si pudiera morir sabiendo que la verdad no sería descubierta... entonces al menos podría morir de alguna manera en paz.
- Why are you looking at me like that?
- ¿ Por qué me miras así?
[Coran] The signal came from Olkarion, home to the Olkari, a proud class of engineers, builders of vast cities that could change shape at the whim of their creators.
El mensaje es de Olkarion. Los olkari son ingenieros brillantes. Construyeron ciudades que cambiaban de forma a su antojo.
Like the Olkari, you understand that, at the deepest level, trees, metal, you, me... we're all made up of the same cosmic dust, all arranged by the laws of mathematics.
Logras comprender como los olkari que los árboles, el metal, tú, yo, todos venimos del mismo polvo cósmico.
Until we figure out exactly how he's doing it, we should assume that he could show up at any minute.
Desconocemos cómo lo logra. Tenemos que estar siempre listos.
How do you stop a planet that's coming apart at the seams?
¿ Cómo impedir que el planeta se destruya?
Well, I was thinking that if you aim it at the cracks in the planet... the vines could act like stitches.
Podemos remendar las rajaduras con las enredaderas.
At least we learned that Zarkon isn't tracking us through you two.
Descubrimos que Zarkon no nos rastrea por ustedes.
I mean, they were able to fold space-time, and that was just at an outpost!
¡ Plegaron el tiempo espacial! ¡ Fue algo increíble!
Zarkon's reign will be at an end, and the savagery that's poisoned our universe can finally be cleansed.
Derrocaremos a Zarkon y libraremos al universo de su salvajismo.
And that's what makes me the most interesting person at this table.
Y eso es lo que hace de mí la persona más interesante de esta mesa.
Look at that one sitting there.
Mira cómo se ubican ahí ahora.
- Would you look at that!
- ¡ Mira esto! - Haremos un análisis de sangre.
at that point 168
at that time 260
at that moment 137
at that age 33
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
at that time 260
at that moment 137
at that age 33
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161