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But he's okay traduction Espagnol

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You know we never disturb Mr. Jammey when he's making out the night deposit for the bank, but it's okay.
Sabe que nunca molestamos al Sr Jammey mientras cuenta el dinero para el banco, pero está bien.
Okay Ernie, it's tungsten alright, but how much is there? The hold is full and it's brimming over.
Esos documentos los termine anoche, ya se los he enviado.
'He's okay, but, he's a lucky cowboy'to be walking away from a spill like that.'
Es un vaquero con suerte Se levanta y se aleja del peligro Ahora, damas y caballeros
He's okay, but my boy's busted up.
ÉI está sano, pero mi colega está mal.
You got the boy his job back - okay. But he's not gonna accept your favor.
Le has devuelto el trabajo, pero no te aceptará el favor.
But I told him this morning to come home early tomorrow is Setsuko's wedding lt's okay, sister I don't understand why he won't eat with us tonight
Pero esta mañana le he dicho, que hoy debía llegar pronto. Mi hermana se casa mañana y papá está muy raro últimamente. Déjalo, Hisako
Herman, Lily knows all about you lending money to Lester, but everything's okay now because he's on his way over to pay you back.
Herman, Lily ya sabe que le prestaste dinero a Lester... pero todo está bien, ¡ porque viene en camino para pagarte!
Okay, but I bet he's going to cross at Perpignan.
Si, pero te apuesto a que va a pasar por Perpignan.
- He had a little trouble with his intercom, but he's okay.
- ¿ Se encuentra bien. Nazarro?
And if you are there, professor and you won't deny it, you suppose he said "okay" but no, as a professional, it's my duty and my right according to law, Article 349 that says "why" and then I say, no, man.
"Hombre muy bien", hombre, profe, si usted está ahí porque no me lo va a "desnegar", entonces todavía supone que dice "No muy bien", no, señor conforme a la ley del art. 349 de la ley que dice : "porque" y me dice : "No..." No hombre.
He's doing okay in Sciences, but he's terrible for Grammar.
Va bien en ciencias pero en lengua, fatal.
Okay, but in the end, all he did was ease the poor man's burden.
Bueno, pero a fin de cuentas, lo único que ha hecho es aliviarle la carga al pobre hombre.
He's got his limits, but he's okay.
Tiene sus límites, pero está bien.
But there's a chance he might lose the leg, so take it easy on him, okay?
Pero tal vez pierda la pierna, así que trátenlo bien.
He's got tracheal lacerations, but the esophagus is okay.
Tiene laceraciones traqueales, pero el esófago está bien.
Okay, maybe he's a little twitchy, but he ain't caving yet, man.
Vale. Puede que esté un poco nervioso, pero no se rinde.
They're okay, but the general's dead. He's been killed.
Se encuentran bien, pero el general ha muerto.
- But he's okay?
- ¿ Pero él está bien?
I don't know what it means, but he said for me to tell you that he met with Weasel and that the deal's okay. You can have half.
No se a que se referia pero me pidio que le dijese que hablo con Weasel, y que esta de acuerdo con el trato.
No, I know it's okay, but he had to leave immediately, so he took the boat and he asked me to telephone you to come and get the plane.
No, sé que está bien, pero tuvo que irse inmediatamente. Tomó un barco y... Sí, me pidió que los llamara para que vinieran a buscar el avión.
We have been assured that he's okay but, of course, there won't be any payment or arrangement for transportation until we have seen the Mayor with our own eyes.
Nos aseguran que está bien, pero no daremos dinero ni transporte hasta que no hayamos visto al alcalde.
I mean he's not good, but he's - he's okay.
Vaya, no está muy bien, pero está bien.
And your father's not as strong as before, but he's okay.
Y tu padre no es tan fuerte como antes, pero está bien.
But that's okay,'cause... I've always loved what I've seen.
Pero eso es muy bueno, porque siempre he amado lo que he visto.
He says it's too early to tell for sure, but he thinks he's gonna be okay.
Dice que es muy pronto, pero cree que se recuperará.
They've been a little down on him here. But he's okay.
La tienen tomada con él, pero no importa.
He's been following me. He's okay, but he's a reporter.
Es bueno, pero es un periodista.
He's inside. The lady here - She's still a little shaky, but she'll be okay.
La señorita está un poco nerviosa, pero estará bien.
Now, Alex admitted he might try to talk us out of that, but whatever, it's up to me because she was my sister... Okay, let me say something for a second...
Alex pensó que igual querría hablarlo con nosotros, pero decido yo porque era mi hermana y tiene que pagar.
I know a lot of you soccer jocks think it's okay to go out there and try to pull one over on the referee when he's not watching, but I'm here to tell you that nobody...
Sé que hacen frecuentes bromas... Pero estoy aquí para decirles que nadie...
He's your baby, so, okay, but don't try to sentimentalize him to me.
Es tu bebé, bien, pero no trates de ponerme sentimental a mí.
Look, there's a cop I know who's a little shifty, but he's basically okay.
- Hay un policía algo furtivo... pero que, en general, es legal.
Dal is okay. He's tough and all, but he's cool if you get to know him.
Dal es duro, pero es buen tipo cuando lo conoces.
I haven't quite figured out his program yet, but he's doing okay.
No he investigado su programa, pero va bien.
Okay, but I don't think he's even gonna use it.
Bueno, pero no creo que lo vaya a usar.
Okay, but don't get any b.o. On Chet's suit, or he'd kill me.
Bueno, pero no le dejes olor al traje de Chet, o me mata.
He's a son of a bitch, but he's okay.
Es un hijo de puta, pero está bien.
Okay look, my client is driving, but he is also with a woman who's resting her head in his lap actively.
Ok, mira, mi cliente está manejando, pero además está con una mujer que apoya su cabeza en sus rodillas.
He's okay and all, but if he finds you sitting in his spot, he'll punch you in the face.
Menos mi padre. Es bueno pero, si te encuentra sentado en su sitio, te dará un puñetazo.
He's a little goofy, but he's okay.
Es un poco raro, pero está bien.
- Pleasure. - He's okay, but he is nuts.
Él está bien, pero está loco.
Okay, but don't be too late. Where's he going?
No regreses muy tarde.
He thinks I'm cool, but if he sees me wearing these horseshoes, he's gonna go for some other slut.
Okay, Peg. Sé que Oprah no le está pagando a la gente... por mirar el show con la boca abierta,
- But he's okay?
- Eso dicen.
He's a little tired, but he's okay.
Él está un poco cansado, pero está bien.
Okay, it's not something that your average joe punter is going to find all that accessible, but in the market he's working to, he delivers, and Gordon will tell you that that's a compliment I use very sparingly indeed.
Vale, no es algo que el público medio vaya a encontrar del todo accesible, pero en el mercado en el que está trabajando, él ha cumplido, y Gordon te dirá que es un cumplido que uso muy muy poco.
Okay, so the guy is bleeding all over the place, but he don't want to go nowhere, he don't want to go to a hospital because he's somebody, right?
El sujeto sangra sin parar... pero no quiere que lo lleven hacia el hospital... pues es conocido, ¿ correcto?
He's depressed, but he's okay.
Está deprimido, pero bien.
He's says he's okay, but they put him in a camp hospital anyway.
Dice que está bien, pero lo tienen en el hospital del campo.
Ramos is okay but he's a reporter, after all.
Ramos es un buen tipo... Pero es periodista, al fin y al cabo.
I lost something, but it's okay.
He perdido algo, pero no pasa nada.

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