Change course traduction Espagnol
807 traduction parallèle
"Change course... head for England!"
Cambio de rumbo... hacia Inglaterra.
The steamship Ariel, forced to change course.. to avoid a fog bank,..
El vapor Ariel, obligado a cambiar de rumbo... para evitar un banco de niebla,..
Cambie rumbo a 135
Change course. Fifteen degrees left.
Cambie el rumbo 15 grados a la izquierda.
Suggest we change course to 1-3-5 to intercept, sir.
¿ Cambiamos a 1-3-5 para interceptarlo?
We're gonna change course now.
Cambiaremos el curso ahora.
Best to change course.
Mejor cambiemos de rumbo.
- Do you wish to change course?
- ¿ Quiere que cambiemos el rumbo?
Then I change course, zigzag, and if necessary, repeat.
Entonces cambio de rumbo, me muevo en zigzag, y si hace falta, lo repito.
"Change the course of the Storm Bird at once!"
¡ Cambia el rumbo del Storm Bird enseguida!
I may keep the same man for my hero, but... I think I'll change the entire course of his life.
Podré seguir teniendo de héroe al mismo hombre, pero... creo que cambiaré el rumbo de su vida.
The girl has to change her religion, of course... and she must have a new name.
Ella deberá convertirse, por supuesto. Y deberá llevar otro nombre.
Of course you can't change my face.
Sí, los zapatos.
I'll change the course right now.
Cambiaré el rumbo ahora mismo.
I cannot change the course of the sun.
Ya, quiero que cambie de lugar el sol.
Perhaps there's been a landslide that made the river change its course.
Quizás había un dental... que cambió el curso del río.
Of course, I'm just a cricket singing my way from hearth to hearth, but let me tell you what made me change my mind.
Claro que soy sólo un grillo que pasa la vida cantando, pero les diré por qué cambié de opinión.
There's always a chance, of course, that they'll change Mr. Kane.
Por supuesto, siempre tendrán la oportunidad de cambiar al Sr. Kane.
You cannot change the course of your destiny.
No puede modificar su destino.
I remember one or two occasions when she was given orders to change her course.
Recuerdo una o dos ocasiones en que se le ordenó cambiar su curso.
From headquarters to ship Arno Change your course and reach zone "b" at 24 hours stop
"Se les unirá el avión sanitario para trasbordar al herido. Stop". Stop ".
Of course I know I haven't got a change against somebody like Blake...
Ya sé que no tengo nada que hacer con alguien como Blake...
Sería un cambio disfrutar de un poco de lujo.
That unless something is done quickly to change the present course, it will come either before hindenberg's birthday in august or before the nuremberg rally in september.
A menos de que se intente pararlo, será en agosto, antes del cumpleaños de Hindenburg, o bien en septiembre.
Dear Pierre would never know that his farewell kisses were to change the entire course of our adventure.
Si hubiera sabido que permitir a Pierre despedirse iba a cambiar todo el curso de nuestra aventura...
Well, of course I do. You can't expect any change this soon.
Seguro que no Tú ya no puedes ver los cambios.
Are you the same ambitious young man who was going to change the course of history?
¿ Sigues siendo el mismo joven ambicioso que quería alterar el curso de la historia?
I am now able to change the course of history.
Yo puedo cambiar el curso de la Historia.
First, you take the soap in your right hand, apply it to the left shoulder... run it down the top of the left arm, up the inside of the left arm to the armpit... then the ears... both of them, of course... not forgetting the back of the neck... then down the outside of the left leg, back up the inside of the left leg... then down the right leg, and up. Then at the hip, change the soap to the left hand... and do the same thing on the right arm and shoulder.
Primero, agarras el jabón con la mano derecha... te enjabonas el hombro izquierdo, luego el brazo izquierdo... por dentro del brazo izquierdo hasta la axila... luego ambas orejas, sin olvidar la nuca... luego por fuera de la pierna izquierda, hacia arriba por el interior... luego bajando por la pierna derecha y hacia arriba... y a la altura de la cadera, agarras el jabón con la izquierda... y haces lo mismo con el brazo y el hombro derecho.
- That could change the course of the war. You're just overwrought, son because you been took. CRAIGIE :
La guerra puede cambiar.
You're not going to change the course of their lives and break their parents'hearts.
No cambiarás el curso de sus vidas... y romper el corazón de sus padres.
It's the accidental things that sometimes change the course of history, isn't it?
Los pequeños accidentes a veces cambian el curso de la historia, ¿ no?
But I must confess, I never imagined : : : That a chance meeting with an Indian princess : : : Would not onlt change the entire course of mt life : : :
Pero admito, que nunca imaginé un encuentro con una princesa india no sólo iba a cambiar mi vida, sino también decidir el destino de Virginia.
I warn you, change your course from these to the princess now... and the sword may fail you.
Te lo advierto, si cambias esta misión por la princesa... la espada puede fallarte.
Of course, her hair is different, but that doesn't change her face.
Su pelo es diferente, por supuesto, pero eso no le cambia la cara.
We don't even know that for certain, as some event a few moments later... may have caused Dooley to change his course.
Incluso eso no lo sabemos seguro, como lo que paso despues... ¿ Puede Dooley haber cambiado su rumbo? .
Okay, it doesn't change things, well, of course, in every revolution there are some ruffians but it doesn't mean that all their ideas are wrong.
De acuerdo, no cambia nada, solo que, si cierto, en todas las revoluciones hay canallas, pero no se puede decir que todas las ideas sean equivocadas.
As you see, it reports only... that the Kiang Ching has made no change in speed or course.
Como puede ver. Sólo informa que el Kiang Ching no ha cambiado su rumbo.
You will pardon me if I change while you are here. Of course.
- ¿ Le importa que me cambie mientras tanto?
Of course, I can't change this ugly face none... but maybe some things I do, I don't do right.
Claro que no puedo cambiar de cara... pero quizá haya cosas que no hago bien.
That change of course didn't help much.
- Cambiar el rumbo no ayudó mucho.
Change your course. Teterborough Airport.
Al aeropuerto de Teterborough.
Could change the whole course of the war.
Podría cambiar el curso de la guerra.
Then why did you change your course?
- ¿ Por qué cambiaste de rumbo?
Of course, I won`t be able to take you back to America... but they`re bound to change that ridiculous law soon.
Obviamente, no podré llevarte a Estados Unidos pero seguro que pronto cambiarán esa ley ridícula.
Change your course!
¡ Cambia el rumbo!
I'm going to see the captain and tell him to change our course for home.
lré a ver al capitán y a decirle que hagamos rumbo a casa.
An explosion that would rock the course of humanity and change earth into a united people, with one purpose.
Una explosión que mecería el curso de humanidad y convirtió a las gentes de la Tierra en un una sola, unida, con un objetivo.
Of course, she will need a change of scenery, a specialised clinic.
Debería cambiar de aires, irse a una clínica especializada.
I shall change the course of war and twist the hands of death
Cambiaré el curso de la guerra y torceré las manos a la muerte
Oh, sure, of course you do, but I thought maybe there might be a few things you didn't agree with or might want him to change.
Oh, seguro. Seguro que lo sabe,... pero pensé que podría haber un par de cosas con las que no estuviera de acuerdo o quisiera cambiar.
course 927
course it is 54
course you can 45
course you are 61
course i will 34
course i can 24
course you don't 18
course you did 33
course i am 43
course i do 89
course it is 54
course you can 45
course you are 61
course i will 34
course i can 24
course you don't 18
course you did 33
course i am 43
course i do 89
course we can 17
course i did 25
course you do 70
course not 274
course he did 20
course he does 19
course and by the time i got here 36
course he is 18
change 372
chang 361
course i did 25
course you do 70
course not 274
course he did 20
course he does 19
course and by the time i got here 36
course he is 18
change 372
chang 361
changes 45
changing 129
changed 111
changer 75
change the channel 26
change your clothes 33
change the world 27
change your mind 62
change of plans 315
changed your mind 19
changing 129
changed 111
changer 75
change the channel 26
change your clothes 33
change the world 27
change your mind 62
change of plans 315
changed your mind 19
change the subject 37
change it 83
change is good 26
changed my life 21
change of plan 101
changed my mind 48
chang mo 20
chang's 17
change it 83
change is good 26
changed my life 21
change of plan 101
changed my mind 48
chang mo 20
chang's 17