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Come and say hello traduction Espagnol

325 traduction parallèle
Come and say hello to our guest
Ven y saluda a nuestro invitado
- Come and say hello, will you.
- Ven a saludar.
Caprice, my child, come and say hello to the nice man.
Caprice, mi niña, ven a saludar al caballero.
I knew it was plain sociable for me to come and say hello.
Sabía que sería sociable que viniese a saludar.
Kasuke, come and say hello
Kasuke, ven a saludar.
- Come and say hello.
¿ El gerente? - ¿ Y si le saludáis?
I always like to come and say hello to my old dressing room.
Me gusta venir a saludar a mi antiguo camerino.
Well, let her come and say hello to me.
Bien, que venga y me salude.
Gerard, come and say hello, please.
Gérard, ¿ adónde vas?
Well, come and say hello later.
Bueno, ven y saluda más tarde.
Tell him to come and say hello.
Que venga a saludar.
- I just had to come and say hello and catch some of that scary drumming.
Y yo - sólo tuve que venir a saludar Y atrapada un poco de ese asustadizo baterista.
Here's your old chum. Come and say hello to him.
Aquí viene un camarada suyo.
Come and say hello to the Princess.
Vamos a saludar a la Princesa.
Come and say hello to Papa.
Ven a saludar a papa.
They'll wonder if you don't come and say hello.
Estarán preguntándose si no vienes a saludarles.
François, come and say hello to the director
François, da los buenos días al Sr. Director.
- Come and say hello.
- Ven y saluda. - Hola, señora.
Come and say hello to Miss Ealand.
Venga y salude a la Srta. Ealand.
Darius, come and say hello to Suzanne.
Darius, ven a saludar a Suzanne.
Benji, come and say hello to our guests. Yeah.
Benji, ven a saludar a las visitas.
- Why do not you come and say hello to my mother
- ¿ Por que no entras y saludas a mi madre?
Come and say hello, children.
Vengan y saluden, niños.
I've been taking a motor trip with a friend. And when I saw you were here, I simply had to come in and say hello.
Vi que estábais aquí y quise venir a saludaros.
If you ever get to a town on your travels..... and'Velma's Revue'is on the billboard you'll come back and say hello, won't you?
Si alguna vez llegas a una ciudad en tus viajes y "Velma's Revue" está en cartelera vendrás a saludar, ¿ verdad?
Come on out and say hello, huh?
Sal a saludarle, ¡ vamos!
Oh, there's Ed Gage and Hugh Britton, come to say hello, I guess.
Ahí están Ed Gage y Hugh Britton, supongo que habrán venido a saludar.
He said to say hello and how come we didn't make a dee-dee some night.
El dijo saludalo Y qué aquí No lo hicimos en dee - dee Un poco de noche.
Come on over here and say hello to the major.
Vengan a saludar al comandante.
Come down and say hello.
Bajad saludar.
Say hello to Madeleine, and tell her to come and see us a little more often.
Saluda a Madeleine y dile que venga a vernos más a menudo.
Say hello to my mother Come and see me
- Dale la noticia a mi madre.
I come to town to see Ma buried, and to maybe say hello to my brothers.
He venido al entierro de mi madre, y tal vez a saludar a mis hermanos.
- The least you could do is come out and say hello.
Al menos sal a saludar.
Well, for instance, somebody'll come up to me on the street and say Hello Lisa, how are you,
Bien, por ejemplo, alguien se acercará a mí en la calle y dirá Hola Lisa, cómo estás,
Would you like to come over and say hello?
¿ Te gustaría venir a saludar?
Just thought I'd come over and say hello to you.
Se me ocurrió pasar a saludarte.
Well, now, we saw your car parked outside, and we thought we'd come in to say hello to our new deputy.
Bien, vimos tu auto estacionado afuera, y pensamos entrar para saludar al nuevo ayudante del sheriff.
A relative's come from America and wants to say hello to you.
Ha venido un pariente de América y quiere saludarle.
- Jaime, I've just come back... with my friend Ana... to say hello to Horst... and pick up a few things that I left here six months ago.
Hola Jaime, acabo de regresar con una amiga, Ana. Sólo vine a saludar a Horst, y a llevarme algunas cosas que deje... seis meses atras.
So I come up and say hello to you.
Por eso vine a saludarte.
He just wants to come up and say hello.
Él solamente quiere subir y decir hola.
I'm asking you as a personal favor... even if you never spoke to him again... just let him come up and say hello.
Tío Willy, te estoy pidiendo un favor personal... Incluso si nunca hablarás con él de nuevo... sólo permítele entrar y decir hola.
It is considered good manners to say hello to your mother when you come into the house and goodbye when you go out.
Tus modales serían dignos si saludaras a tu madre... al entrar en casa y te despidieras de ella cuando te vas.
Come in with me and say hello.
Mike, entra conmigo a saludar.
And say "Hello Tommy, when will you come play with us?"
Y dile : "Hola Tommy, ¿ cuándo vienes a jugar con nosotros?"
Well, come on in and say hello.
Pasa y saluda.
No..... or he would have come over to meet us and say hello.
No, o habria venido a conocernos y a saludarnos.
Come on over here and say hello.
Ven aquí a saludar.
Dick, come on over and say hello to Mr. and Mrs. Torrance.
Dick, ven a saludar al señor y la señora Torrance.
Come on over and say hello.
Ven a saludarlos.

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