Commander sinclair traduction Espagnol
68 traduction parallèle
Commander Sinclair.
Comandante Sinclair.
Lieutenant Commander Takashima, you'll take Commander Sinclair's place.
Capitana de Corbeta Takashima, usted tomará el lugar del Comandante Sinclair.
Dr. Kyle, you were present with the party when the Ambassador arrived and can confirm Commander Sinclair wasn't present, correct?
Dr. kyle, usted estaba con el resto del grupo cuando llegó el Embajador y puede confirmar el Comandante Sinclair No estaba presente, ¿ correcto?
Commander Sinclair is a respected member of the Earth Alliance and of this council.
El comandante Sinclair es un respetado miembro de la alianza terrestre y de este consejo.
I move that Commander Sinclair be remanded for transport to the Vorlon homeworld, along with the witnesses and evidence that have been accumulated.
Propongo que el Comandante Sinclair sea remitido para el transporte al planeta Vorlon, junto con los testigos y las pruebas que se han acumulado.
They vote yes, to convey Commander Sinclair to their world for trial.
Votaron que sí, que se envíe al Comandante. Sinclair a su mundo para juzgarlo.
You know I have the greatest respect for your Commander Sinclair.
Sabes que tengo el mayor respeto para su Comandante Sinclair.
Your Commander Sinclair is a good man.
Su Comandante Sinclair es un buen hombre.
Lieutenant Commander, the Vorlon captain demands that we turn over Commander Sinclair now.
Capitána de Corbeta, el capitán Vorlon exige que entreguemos al Comandante Sinclair ahora.
This is Commander Sinclair.
Aquí el comandante Sinclair.
Not that it matters much, Commander Sinclair because wherever you are, wherever you go you're mine.
No es que importe mucho, comandante Sinclair porque donde esté, adonde vaya será mío.
- I apologize for intruding but I was supposed to meet Commander Sinclair an hour ago.
- Discúlpeme si le molesto pero debía encontrarme con el comandante Sinclair hace una hora.
Commander! Commander Sinclair, please report in.
¡ Comandante Sinclair, por favor, informe!
Commander Sinclair, please report in.
Por favor, informe.
This is Earthforce Commander Sinclair. What is your situation
Comandante Sinclair de la Fuerza Terrestre. ¿ Cuál es su situación?
Commander Sinclair has requested the honor of your presence twice.
El comandante Sinclair ha solicitado su honorable presencia dos veces.
Commander Sinclair, my apologies for this incident.
Comandante Sinclair, pido disculpas por este incidente.
Commander Sinclair, that woman is the war criminal Jha'dur... known to our worlds as DeathWalker.
Comandante Sinclair, esa mujer es la criminal de guerra Jha'dur conocida en nuestros mundos como Muerte Errante.
Commander Sinclair, you always said our worlds have a voice here.
Comandante Sinclair, siempre ha dicho que aquí nuestros mundos tienen voz.
How about Commander Sinclair?
¿ Y el comandante Sinclair?
He asked about Commander Sinclair, how often he stops by.
Preguntaba por el comandante Sinclair, cuándo pasa por aquí y eso.
This is Commander Sinclair.
El comandante Sinclair.
If this interview hadn't been set up weeks ago I'd swear Commander Sinclair didn't want to be interviewed.
Si esta entrevista no se hubiese concertado hace semanas juraría que el comandante Sinclair no quiere ser entrevistado.
Later, Commander Sinclair put me on security for Babylon 5.
Luego, el comandante Sinclair me puso al cargo de la seguridad en Babylon 5.
This is Commander Sinclair, Lieutenant Commander Ivanova and Chief of Security Garibaldi.
Este es el Comandante Sinclair, la Teniente Comandante Ivanova y el jefe de seguridad Garibaldi.
You will apologize to Commander Sinclair privately, for your behavior.
Se disculpará con Sinclair en privado, por su comportamiento.
Commander Sinclair, as the representative of the Centauri Republic I demand to know what information your government has about Ragesh 3.
Comandante, como representante de la república Centauri exijo conocer la información que posee su gobierno sobre Ragesh 3.
Ambassador Kosh, Commander Sinclair.
Embajador Kosh, comandante Sinclair.
This is Commander Sinclair of Babylon 5 to raiding party.
Comandante Sinclair de Babylon 5 a agresores.
Commander Sinclair!
¡ Comandante Sinclair!
This is Commander Sinclair of Babylon 5.
Soy el comandante Sinclair de Babylon 5.
Commander Sinclair ordered me to searchNolan's quarters.
Comandante Sinclair me ordenó revisar el cuarto de Nolan.
- No, Commander Sinclair was right.
- No, tenía razón el comandante Sinclair.
Commander Sinclair seems to think he can handle it.
El Comandante Sinclair parece pensar que puede manejarlo.
Commander Sinclair?
¿ Comandante Sinclair?
- She thought she saw Commander Sinclair... trying to kill Kosh.
- ¿ Qué fue lo que vio? - Creyó ver al comandante Sinclair... tratando de matar a Kosh.
Commander Sinclair is being reassigned.
El comandante Sinclair es reasignado.
Commander Sinclair is being reassigned.
El Comandante Sinclair ha sido reasignado.
Commander Sinclair is being reassigned.
El comandante Sinclair será reasignado.
Commander Sinclair is being reassigned.
El comandante Sinclair ha sido reasignado.
Commander Sinclair is being reassigned.
El Comandante Sinclair es reasignado.
This is Commander Jeffrey Sinclair.
Este es el Comandante Jeffrey Sinclair.
¿ Comandante Sinclair?
I'm Commander Jeffrey Sinclair.
Soy el comandante Jeffrey Sinclair.
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commander 2669
commando 26
command 185
comma 119
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commandments 20
command me 22
commander sisko 22
commander mcgarrett 46
commander 2669
commando 26
command 185
comma 119
commandant 108
commandments 20
command me 22
commander sisko 22
commander mcgarrett 46