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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ D ] / Don't call us

Don't call us traduction Espagnol

388 traduction parallèle
Don't call us Elevens!
¡ Sólo eres un Eleven!
And if they don't - if it looks like that snitch might rat on us - one single phone call and this whole place gets blown sky-high.
Y si no - si parece que ese soplón puede chivarse de nosotros - una llamada de teléfono y este lugar salta por los aires.
Farewell, Grandmother, don't forget to call on us.
Adiós, abuela, no se olvide de llamarnos de nuevo.
- You can reach us at the Adelphi, but don't call unless —
- Pero no llame a menos que...
If that's what you call "rule"... then rule. But don't ask us to love you
Si eso es "gobernar" pues gobierne, pero no pida que se le quiera.
If there's anything we can do to make you comfortable, don't hesitate to call on us.
Si hay algo que podamos hacer para que esté más confortable, no dude en pedirlo.
you have an ill opinion of me, baron i wasn't eavesdropping, but don't call me a rogue again leave us alone
No tiene una alta opinión de mí, barón. No estaba espiando, pero si vuelvo a oírte llamarme charlatán... Déjanos a solas.
I don't know why they don't call some of us up, some of the old Dogs.
No sé por qué no llaman a los'Dogs'.
They all think so. Or if they don't, they still continue to call us so.
Todos se lo creen, O no se lo creen, pero nos siguen llamando así.
You don't have to call us names.
No tiene por qué insultarnos.
These guys resent us Southerners, I don't know for what historical reason and call us clodhoppers.
Ellos la tienen tomada con nosotros los del sur, no sé porqué hechos históricos, y nos llaman "turrones"...
- Why don't you call us by serial numbers?
- ¿ Por qué no usa sus números?
We call him on the viewer screen. Tell him we don't want to fight anymore. He can get us in the ravine if he promises easy death.
Le llamamos por la pantalla, le decimos que ya no queremos luchar, que iremos al barranco, si nos promete una muerte dulce.
Don't call us, we'll call you.
No nos llames, nosotros te llamaremos.
Don't call us.
- Nada.
If there's anything we can do, don't hesitate to call on us.
Si necesita algo, no dude en venir a vernos.
Don't be afraid to call on us.
No tenga reparos en venir a vernos.
- Hey, daddy-o, don't call us, we'll call you.
- Hey, no nos llamen, nosotros los llamaremos.
Don't call us brother. We share our relationship because of her.
No nos llames hermano
Don't call us. We'll call you.
No nos llame, nosotros le llamaremos.
Don't call us.
No nos llames a nosotros.
Don't call us.
No nos llame.
Or why don't we go back in and have them call us a taxi?
¿ O por qué no volvemos y pedimos un taxi?
- Don't call for us, moron!
¡ No nos llames, idiota!
Why don't you give us a call at Nick the Greek's.
- No sé, por ahí.
You don't want the phone to be busy just when they call to let us know.
No querrás tener el teléfono ocupado cuando llamen para avisarnos.
I know. Don't call us, we'll call you.
- Sí ya sé : "No llame, la llamaré yo..."
Don't call me brother. There's nothing between us.
- No me llames compadre, que no hay nada entre tú y yo.
Why don't you call Louise and have her meet us at 7.
Llama a Louise y dile que venga a las 7.
"Don't call us, we'll call you."
" "No nos llame, nosotros lo llamaremos".
Those who call us Nazis don't know that some of us survived Dachau and Buchenwald.
Aquellos que nos llaman Nazis no saben que entre nosotros hay supervivientes de Dachau y Buchenwald.
when you're with a patient i can't keep an eye on you one phone call to the Police HQ and you're rid of us but don't forget one moment... leave your keys in the ignition
Cuando está con un paciente no puedo controlarle. Una llamada a la policía y se habrá deshecho de nosotros. Pero sabe que no debe de olvidarse de una cosa...
Don't call us, we'll call you.
No nos llame La llamaremos
Don't call us, we'll call you.
No nos llame, ya le llamaremos nosotros.
You don't have call to talk to us like that, Wyatt.
No tienes derecho a hablarnos así, Wyatt.
Don't call us, we'll call you.
No nos llame, nosotros lo haremos.
He said, "Why don't you send Bobby Philips on a scum call to us one night... and we'll send you our Taylor?"
"¿ Por qué no nos mandas a Phillips de sirviente alguna noche?" "Y nosotros enviamos a Taylor".
Why don't you call on us tomorrow afternoon at 4 : 00? Then you can examine the casket at your leisure, and you can take home your invitation.
¿ Por qué no viene mañana a la tarde... a las 4 en punto, y así puede examinar... el cofre y su carta, y puede llevarse... la invitación a su casa.
Be quiet, and don't call us damn cops.
Quédese tranquila y no nos llame "malditos policías"
I mean, they don't even call us in unless that's what it is, somebody dead.
Nunca nos llaman a no ser que haya alguien muerto.
Don't you call us names!
¡ No nos diga patanes!
Don ´ t phone us and don ´ t call on us.
¡ No nos llames y no nos visites!
And if anything goes wrong... don't hesitate to call us.
Y si algo va mal... no dude en llamarnos.
Don't call us. We'll call you.
- No nos llames, nosotros te llamaremos.
Don't call us, we'll call you.
No me llames, yo te llamaré.
Don't call us
No nos llame
Where? Don't call us, we'll call you.
- Nosotras lo llamaremos.
Don't call us, we'll call you.
Hasta la vista.
They don't call us the British Broadcasting Charity for nothing
¡ No por nada nos incluyen en las Transmisiones Británicas de Caridad!
He said he'll call us soon with instructions for the money drop and if we don't do what he says, he'll kill Terri.
Dijo que nos llamaría pronto con instrucciones para dejar el dinero y que si no hacemos lo que nos dice, matará a Terri.
Don't you call us foolish, Millar.
B ¹ dŸ uprzejmy, Millar.

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