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Dumb ass traduction Espagnol

1,448 traduction parallèle
No, man, it's just funny, dog, because, Junior, man, you thought it was bad all us knew your dumb ass was failing science.
No, es gracioso, hermano, porque, Junior, hombre te parecía malo que supiéramos que estabas reprobando ciencias.
Now the whole world about to know your dumb ass failing science.
Ahora todo el mundo sabe que estás reprobando ciencias.
It's not Ecstasy you dumb ass, there's something chemical in it.
algún químico muy parecido.
Dumb ass.
Come in, dumb ass!
¡ Entra, idiota!
- They weren't Commies, dumb ass.
- No eran comunistas, idiota.
Man, you're bring sand to the beach, dumb ass.
Viejo, estás hablando de tu novia, idiota.
Which is more serious? Dumb ass
¿ O tú, que tan solo has perdido 500 yenes?
I said cut, dumb ass!
¡ Dije corten, estúpido!
- Hey, dumb ass! - Where are the chips?
¿ Dónde están las papas fritas?
Riley, shut your dumb ass up.
Riley, cierra esa estúpida bocaza.
- Sorry, tungsten. Dumb ass.
- Lo siento, es Tungsteno.
- In the ocean, dumb ass.
- En el océano, tonto.
Relax, dumb ass.
Calmate, nabo.
You dumb ass! But I siphoned that gas from Flanders! Flanders...
Pero yo le robé esa nafta a Flanders. ¡ Flanders!
You dumb ass, you can't fax coffee.
ldiota, no puedes faxear café.
Dumb-ass mule.
Estúpida mula.
Getting tired of your dumb-ass missing.
Estaba harto de que fallaras.
Well, if you gave me a chance, I was going to call you... a crazy, pig-fucking, dumb-ass, pussy piece of shit!
Bueno, si me das la oportunidad te iba a llamar... un loco jode-cerdos, estúpido, maricón pedazo de mierda!
He's a loser, you're a dumb-ass, he's a bum, and he's from somewhere else.
Sé libre y mira lo que hay a tu alrededor.
That's why, you dumb-ass.
Por eso, estúpido.
Same as you, dumb-ass.
Igual que tú, idiota.
Hey, you sprayed my foot, dumb-ass.
Oye, rociaste mi pie, imbécil.
Hey, dumb-ass, I think we'd all appreciate it if you kept your hands away from the explosives. - What do you say there, champ?
Oye, idiota sería mejor que no tocases los explosivos. ¿ Qué dices, campeón?
Come on, grab it, you dumb-ass!
¡ Vamos! ¡ Sujétalo, sujétalo!
You ain't got a chance without me, dumb-ass...
Con tantos idiotas, no hay esperanza.
Hey! Dumb-ass.
Oye, idiota.
Roger Dalton was dumb but don't you think that he would wake up before he cooked his ass?
Roger Dalton era tonto pero, ¿ no crees que se despertaría antes de cocinarse el trasero?
Deaf ass dumb and deaf ass.
¡ Culo tonto!
Hello dumb-ass.
Tendrás cinco minutos durante la pausa del almuerzo.
I'll have to wear some kind of dumb-ass hat.
voy a tener que usar algún tipo de sobrero ridículo.
We've got some dumb-ass motherfuckers floating around this country.
tenemos algunos estúpidos hijos de puta dando vueltas en este país.
Dumb-ass motherfuckers, you know.
estúpidos hijos de puta, saben.
Every one of them has got two dumb-ass kids with them.
cada uno de ellos tiene chicos estúpidos junto a ellos.
¡ Imbécil!
Just dust. Hey, dumb-ass!
¡ Estúpido!
Listen, dumb-ass.
Escucha, idiota.
Oh, I told your dumb ass not to go in there.
¡ Te lo dije tonta!
You know already know what you gotta say... some dumb ass talking point but...
Ya sabes lo que vas a decir...
Shut up, dumb-ass.
Cállate, idiota.
It wasn't from one of your dumb-ass movies, DiNozzo.
No se trata de una de tus tontas películas, DiNozzo.
No, it's not a petition, dumb-ass.
No es una petición, imbécil.
If I ever hear of you pulling this goddamn... dumb-ass scattergun bullshit again, I will have your ass in the brig!
¿ Entendido? Si, Señor.
Put you in for the block anyway, you dumb-ass!
De todos modos te recomendaré para una estrella de bronce, idiota.
It's "shooting fish in a barrel" is the expression, you dumb-ass.
- ¿ Qué? Se dice "pescar en un barril", retrasado.
This idiotic tent, the dumb-Ass wedding band.
Esta carpa absurda, esta orquesta de boda desafinada.
No, G.I. Joe is a 12-inch-tall piece of plastic, dumb-ass.
No, G.I. Joe es un trozo de plástico de centímetros, estúpido.
Told him you werea dumb-ass pledge And that we were hazing you.
Le dije que eras un imbécil y que te estaba acompañando.
Well, you look like a dumb-ass pledge.
Bueno, te ves como un idiota.
That's some dumb-ass thing.
Eso es algo estúpido.
All of you... dumb-ass...
Vosotros... imbéciles...

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