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Earl narrating traduction Espagnol

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[Earl Narrating] I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous about doing number 86 on my list - stole a car from a one-legged girl.
Mentiría si dijera que no estaba nervioso por hacer el número 86 de mi lista. "Le robé el auto a una chica con una pierna".
[Earl Narrating] I understand why she was so upset.
Entiendo porque ella estaba tan enojada.
[Earl Narrating] And as handi-capable as one-legged Didi was... her no-legged boyfriend was handi-capabler.
Y aunque Didi, era ágil para ser una discapacitada de una sola pierna su novio sin piernas, era aún mas ágil.
[Both Chuckling ] [ Earl Narrating] As I grew older, my pranks got the attention of the authorities.
A medida que crecía mis bromas empezaban a llamar la atención de las autoridades.
[Earl Narrating] I did a lot of things to disappoint my dad... but it was something I did four years ago that hurt him the most.
Hice muchas cosas que decepcionaron a mi Papá. Pero fue algo que hice hace cuatro años lo que más lo lastimo.
[Earl Narrating] My father was mad as hell... and for the first time in his life... he wasn't gonna leave it up to the politicians to change the world.
Mi padre estaba enojado como el demonio. Y, por primera vez en su vida no iba a dejar a dejar que los políticos cambiaran el mundo.
[Earl Narrating] He lost in a landslide.
Quedó derrumbado.
[Earl Narrating] He was right.
Él tenía razón :
[Earl Narrating] Unfortunately, things were still bad between my dad and I... and they were about to get worse.
Lamentablemente las cosas seguían mal entre mi papá y yo y estaban por empeorar.
[Earl Narrating] Once again, thanks to me, Dad lost in a landslide.
Otra vez, gracias a mí papá perdió.
[Earl Narrating] I was foolish to think I could win back my father's respect... by simply winning him the election.
Fui un tonto al creer que podía ganar nuevamente el respeto de mi padre simplemente haciéndolo ganar la elección.
[Earl Narrating] So why am I trying to win a car... when I already have a perfectly good 1973 El Camino... with a 1977 door and a 1987 Camaro transmission?
- Sí. ¿ Por qué estoy tratando de ganar un auto cuando ya tengo un excelente El Camino modelo 1973 con una puerta del año 1977 y la transmisión de un Camaro de 1987?
- [Thunder Rumbling ] - [ Earl Narrating] Joy did already have a car.
Joy ya tenía un auto.
[Earl Narrating] While Randy was keeping his hand on the car for me... I thought I'd take care of another thing on my list.
Mientras Randy mantenía su mano sobre el auto por mí pensé que me podía ocupar de otra cosa en mi lista.
[Earl Narrating] This isn't the first time... Joy's asked me to lie to her parents about Darnell.
Esta no es la primera vez que Joy me pedía que le mintiera a sus padres, con respecto a Darnell.
[Earl Narrating] Turns out Darnell was fine with it.
Resulta que Darnell estaba de acuerdo con eso.
[Earl Narrating] She had me.
Joy tenía razón.
[Earl Narrating] I'd take the day shift... and Darnell would sneak back in for the night shift.
Yo tomaría el turno del día y Darnell, entrando sigilosamente, tendría el turno de la noche.
[Earl Narrating] While I was busy making sure I didn't ruin Joy's Christmas... Randy was keeping his hand on that car... so I could cross her off for ruining'the last six.
Mientras estaba ocupado asegurándome de no arruinar la Navidad de Joy Randy mantenía su mano en el auto para poder tacharla por arruinarle las seis anteriores.
[Earl Narrating] After a few days, time took its toll... and there were only three people left - and one of them was gettin'tired.
Luego de unos días, el tiempo cobró sus víctimas y sólo tres personas quedaron. Una de ellas se estaba durmiendo.
You don't want to ruin Christmas, do you, Earl? [Earl Narrating] The last thing I wanted to do was ruin Christmas.
Lo último que quería hacer era arruinar la Navidad.
[Earl Narrating] Turns out Catalina had a secret ofher own.
Resultó que Catalina tenía su propio secreto.
[Earl Narrating] Turns out Buzz had a secret ofhis own.
Resulto que Buzz tenía su propio secreto.
[Earl Narrating] They argued like this for the rest of the night... each one of'em thinking that the other's secret was worse than their own.
Y así discutieron por el resto de la noche cada uno de ellos pensaba que el secreto del otro era peor que el de ellos mismos.
[Earl Narrating] And before you knew it, the fightin'was over.
Y antes de darte cuenta, la pelea había terminado.
[Earl Narrating] It's nice when the old gang... puts their differences aside and gets back together for something important... like Earl Jr.'s birthday party.
Es lindo cuando la pandilla hace a un lado sus diferencias... y se reúne para algo importante... como el cumpleaños de Earl hijo.
[Earl Narrating] I guess Randy was right.
Creo que Randy tiene razón.
[Earl Narrating] A few years ago, the Winky Dinky Dog hot dog chain... opened a new store in Camden County.
Hace unos años, la cadena Winky Dinky... ¡ GRAN inauguración! abrió un local en el condado de Camden.
[Earl Narrating] Luckily, he didn't need geniuses to knock his competition out ofbusiness.
Por suerte, no necesitaba genios para acabar con la competencia...
[Earl Narrating] And just like that, I knew what I needed to do next on my list.
Y así supe con cuál número de la lista debía continuar.
[Earl Narrating] Fortunately, Pops was a very forgiving man... but putting'the cart back in its original location... wasn't enough to get things started.
Afortunadamente, el Abuelo era muy comprensivo... pero no bastó con devolver el carrito... a su lugar anterior.
[Earl Narrating] So, I spent a day spreading the news that Pop's was back in business.
Pasé el día extendiendo la noticia de que el Abuelo había vuelto.
[Earl Narrating] The flyers worked.
Los volantes funcionaron :
[Earl Narrating] Since I couldn't reason with the fellow at the store... I figured I'd go over his head.
Como no pude convencer al encargado, quise hablar con sus superiores.
[Earl Narrating] That's when I realized the only way... I was gonna speak to Mr. Winky Dinky... was to get one of those employee ID's...
Entonces comprendí que la única forma de hablar con el Sr. Winky Dinky... sería con una credencial de empleado.
[Earl Narrating] Catalina was right.
Catalina tenía razón.
- [Earl Narrating ] With Randy and Catalina on board - - [ Knocking]
Randy y Catalina aceptaron.
[Earl Narrating] At the end of the day, everyone got hired.
A fin de cuentas, los contrataron a todos.
- [Earl Narrating] Everyone except for Kenny.
Sí. A todos menos a Kenny.
[Earl Narrating] The next day, the gang was geared up and back in the scam business.
Al día siguiente, la pandilla estaba preparada para volver a las estafas.
[Earl Narrating] After a long night of struggling to unsuccessfully free ourselves... we were finally rescued the next morning.
Después de una larga noche tratando de salir... a la mañana siguiente nos rescataron.
- [Earl Narrating] Ralph never was very good under pressure -
- Ralph nunca soportaba la presión,...
[Earl Narrating] After making our not-so-clean getaway... we headed to the Crab Shack to calm our nerves and blow off some steam.
Luego de nuestra desastrosa huída... fuimos a la Marisquería para calmarnos y desahogarnos.
[Earl Narrating] Later that day, thanks to Ralph's professionalism... plan "B" was in full swing.
Más tarde, gracias a la profesionalidad de Ralph... el plan "b" estaba en pleno desarrollo.
[Earl Narrating] The local Bargain Bag was known for its bad customer service... but we couldn't really blame them for that.
El supermercado local era conocido por su mal servicio... pero no podíamos culparles.
[Earl Narrating] I understood why Randy didn't wanna part with that ticket machine.
Entendía por qué Randy no quería separarse de la máquina.
[Earl Narrating] Don't worry.
No se preocupen.
[Earl Narrating] A few weeks earlier, Darnell's life took a dramatic turn... and he had to relocate to Camden County.
Semanas atrás, la vida de Darnell había cambiado drásticamente... y tuvo que mudarse al condado de Camden.
[Earl Narrating] The more we hung out with Darnell, the more we learned how smart he was.
Cuanto más tiempo pasábamos con Darnell, más inteligente nos parecía.
[Earl Narrating] That's me-baby Earl.
Ese soy yo, cuando era bebé.
- [Earl Narrating] And then it hit me.
Y ahí me di cuenta :

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