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Era traduction Espagnol

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It was super important to him it wasn't a dance video.
Para él era muy importante que no fuera un video de baile.
Matt was one that he trusted and he'd actually learned from.
Matt era uno en quien confiaba y de hecho había aprendido.
We didn't want anybody to know that this was Heath Ledger's new office.
No queríamos que nadie lo supiera Que era la nueva oficina de Heath Ledger.
He would enter through the back on his motorcycle, of course, cloaked in his helmet, and it was like being home.
Entraría por detras con su motocicleta, Por supuesto, envuelto en su casco, Y era como estar en casa.
Heath had a little slogan, and that was "Keep It Real."
Heath tenía un pequeño eslogan, y eso era "Keep It Real".
♪ And though you said that time was blind ♪
♪ Y aunque dijiste que el tiempo era ciego ♪
I knew that it was still a young company, The Masses, and I almost feel like, in a way, they almost weren't prepared for it either.
Sabía Que todavía era una empresa joven, Las Masas, Y me sentí como, en cierto modo, que no estaban preparados para ello.
Heath was very much a part of those sessions with Grace and Carlos, and, I mean, he financed it himself.
Heath era una parte importante De esas sesiones con Grace y Carlos, Y, quiero decir, él mismo lo financió.
He was tapping into something completely different.
Era algo completamente diferente.
That was just him.
Eso era sólo él.
He spent so many hours awake, it was like he was 50...
Pasó tantas horas despierto, era como si tuviera 50 años...
His email was I'llberunningaround at something something dot com... and he always was.
Su correo era l'llberunningaround y algo punto com Y siempre lo fue.
Certain people have that power... and if anybody did, it was him.
Ciertas personas tienen ese poder... Y si alguien lo hacía, era él.
Talked about Nick Drake, a musician that he was absolutely passionate about and wanted to tell his story, how he died and his process of creating music.
Habló de Nick Drake, Un músico que era absolutamente apasionado, Y quería contar su historia, cómo murió
He was all things Nick at that time.
Él era todas las cosas de Nick en ese momento.
At a young age, he was like, "I'm just like these people."
A una edad temprana, era como, "soy justo como estas personas."
Heath brought something to the part, and it wasn't the movie star part that he brought.
Heath trajo algo en su parte, Y no era la parte de la estrella de cine lo que trajo.
That whole idea of controlling your destiny, designing your destiny... the unraveling was not part of the design, and he couldn't control it.
Esa idea de controlar su destino, Diseñando tu destino... El desenredar no era parte del diseño,
He had to take medicated sleeping, which wasn't good for his body.
Tuvo que dormir medicado, Que no era bueno para su cuerpo.
Music was a way for him to heal himself.
La música era una forma de sanarse a sí mismo.
If you asked Heath who he was, he would tell you he was an actor, he was a filmmaker, and he was a brother.
Si le preguntas a Heath quién era, Él te diría que era un actor, era un cineasta, y era un hermano.
He was a brother to me, and to many.
Era un hermano para mí, y para muchos.
and that was a real important aspect of who Heath was.
Y eso era un aspecto realmente importante de quién era Heath.
He was going to direct his first film, which was The Queen's Gambit, about a chess player.
Iba a dirigir su primera película, Que era The Queen's Gambit, acerca de un jugador de ajedrez.
His love of chess was, you know, legendary.
Su amor al ajedrez era, legendario.
By the time he was 10 or 11 or so, it was pretty hard to actually beat him.
Para cuando tenía 10 o 11 años, Era bastante difícil de vencerlo.
He was an amazing chess player, and it's something that we did every day.
Él era un jugador de ajedrez increíble, Y es algo que hicimos todos los días.
there was no pause.
Era como... no hubo pausa.
It was like, " Absolutely.
Era como, " Absolutamente.
It's like, man, the Joker, though.
Era como, hombre, el Joker.
I look at him, and he's kind of walking, holding his shirt, and he's like, "My daddy was a drinker and a fiend,"
lo miro, Y él estaba caminando, sosteniendo su camisa, Y decía, "Mi papá era un bebedor y un demonio,"
It was a very large crowd, so... he didn't expect it to be so big.
Era una multitud muy grande, así que... No esperaba que fuera tan grande.
All it was, was just, like, a wash of white pancake makeup and some smear of red lips.
Todo era un lavado de maquillaje de crepe blanca Y algunas manchas rojas en los labios.
and spend another 20 minutes or half an hour trying to get the lips glued back again, so he licked...
Y lo último que Heath quería hacer era volver y pasar otros 20 minutos o media hora tratando de obtener los labios pegados de nuevo, Así que lamió... se lamió los labios...
He knew that he had something that was amazing.
Sabía que tenía algo que era asombroso.
He felt for the first time, as an actor, that he was like, " I'm untouchable.
Sintió por primera vez, como actor, que era como, " Soy intocable.
He was... it was the first time I'd heard him in a long time being excited about, like, "this role I've nailed."
Era la primera vez que lo había oído en mucho tiempo Sintiendose emocionado, "Este papel me ha clavado."
A lot of people like to think that it was a strenuous process for him, but he would come off the set, and we'd chat, and we'd have a laugh and joke, and we had more fun than was, um... than was respectable
A mucha gente le gusta pensar Que era un proceso agotador para él, Pero salía del set y charlamos, nos reíamos de una broma, nos divertimos más que... más que respetable para los trabajadores y artistas.
Creatively, it was just... it was too good to be true.
De hecho creativamente, era... Era demasiado bueno para ser cierto.
It was Christmas, and my whole family, we were having this wonderful great big dinner.
Era Navidad, y toda la familia, estábamos teniendo esta gran cena maravillosa.
and I was like, "What?" and my mom was like, "What?"
Y yo estaba como, "¿ Qué?" Y mi madre era como, "¿ Qué?"
It was his time to take his little sister, introduce her to the entertainment world.
Era su tiempo de llevar a su hermanita, Presentarla al mundo del entretenimiento.
I hadn't talked to him all morning, and it was pretty rare, and I was getting concerned.
No había hablado con él toda la mañana, Y era bastante raro, Y me estaba preocupando.
And, honestly, he would've texted back or called me back in almost any situation... any situation, except if he was... you know... ♪ Someday my pain ♪
Y, honestamente, él me habría enviado un mensaje o me hubiera llamado en casi cualquier situación... Cualquier situación, excepto si él era... ya sabes... ♪ Algún día mi dolor ♪
and she was like, "Trev, I'm here, and I can't get in,"
Y era como, "Trev, estoy aquí, Y no puedo entrar,"
It was our boy, and it was the world's moment, and our private moment, but it was something that we had to share, and sharing that...
Era nuestro muchacho, Y fue el momento del mundo, Y nuestro momento privado,
This was now our chance to be there with Matt as he grieved.
Esta era nuestra oportunidad de estar allí con Matt Mientras se afligía.
The truth is, he was super happy and was loving life, and he struggled with some demons, but he wasn't wanting to go anywhere but forward.
La verdad es que estaba muy feliz Y era la vida amorosa, Y luchó con algunos demonios,
His heart was just incredibly beautiful.
Su corazón era increíblemente hermoso.
We are lucky that he completed so much in his life that not only he is proud of, but it's left for his little girl, Matilda, to see what her daddy was and how creative and artistic he was.
Somos afortunados, que completó tanto en su vida, que no sólo se siente orgulloso, Pero se queda para su niña, Matilda, para ver lo que su papá era Y lo creativo y artístico que era.
There's these films that she gets to watch and be proud of who her father was.
Hay películas que ella puede ver Y estar orgulloso de quien era su padre.

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