Even if it was traduction Espagnol
1,703 traduction parallèle
You know, it was good having the old Louis back in there even if it was only for a second.
Sabes, fue bueno tener al viejo Louis ahí otra vez así haya sido por un segundo nada más.
Even if it was just to each other.
Aunque sea para nosotros.
And even if it was, you'd drink it anyway, right?
Y si la tuviera, igualmente te la tomarías, ¿ cierto?
Even if it was Valium, you should never give him five. Don't you know anything?
Aún si fuera Valium, nunca le podías haber dado 5. ¿ No sabes nada?
Even if it was the tiniest nagging doubt?
Aunque sea la mínima duda.
And even if it was, he's dead.
Y aunque Io fuera, él está muerto.
If a man wereto hang himself, even if it was only a botched attempt to heighten sexual sensation, the trauma would only occur to the front of the neck... the place where the noose and the throat meet.
- Si un hombre fuese a ahorcarse aunque fuese un intento para intensificar su sensación sexual el trauma sólo ocurriría en la parte inferior del cuello. El lugar donde la soga y la garganta se juntan.
It wouldn't be raining, and even if it was we wouldn't care because we'd be together.
No llovería y, si lloviera, no nos importaría porque estaríamos juntos.
I mean, even if it was a quite serious breach of the Chinese wall, I just feel like, you know, on the politics...
Quiero decir, incluso si fuera una enorme grieta en la muralla china, siento que, tu sabes, en la política...
Even if it was Hank.
Incluso si fue Hank.
You left a work function to tend to your ailing grandmother, Even if it was detrimental to your career.
Dejastes una actividad de trabajo para atender a tu abuela, y eso pudo perjudicar tu carrera
Aronow joins our list of victims even if it was by suicide bomb.
Aronow se unió a nuestra lista de victimas aunque haya sido suicidio.
Even if it was only one in a million.
Aunque sólo fuera una en un millón.
.. and even if it was allowed, I wouldn't have come with you..
Y aún si estuviera permitido, no iría a cenar contigo.
Zero to hero, even if it was just for a few minutes.
De villana a heroína, al menos por unos minutos.
Bridge... okay, even if it was one of, you know, those dreams... there's no way of knowingwhether this is something that's going to happen or somethingthat's already happened.
Bridge... Muy bien, aún si fue uno de, tú sabes, esos sueños no hay forma de saber si esto es algo que va a pasar o es algo que ya pasó.
Even though Yu said it was fate. I felt as if, .. The baby arranged for us to meet.
Aunque Yu dijera que es el destino yo siento que el bebé arregló nuestro encuentro.
I had even met the love of my life. If it was like what you've said, then you didn't lack anything at all.
¡ Donde sea que veo a Dalja, parece ser siempre brillante!
If it wasn't for Harry we wouldn't even know Voldemort was back.
Si no fuera por él no sabríamos que Voldemort ha vuelto.
Even if he wasn't not where I knew he was, it could mean...
Aun si no estuviera donde sabía que estaba, puede ser...
All I ever meant to do was to protect you, even if it earned your hatred.
Sólo quise protegerte, aun a costa de tu odio.
And even if they did, it was covert, remember?
Y aunque lo leyeran, era un secreto, ¿ recuerdas?
( Woman on TV ) Tragic as this event is, we're hearing that it could have been even worse if it weren't for the actions of one man, a man who was apparently unafraid to stand up to a violent world and just say,
Trágico como este caso, escuchamos que podría haber sido aún peor si no fuera por las acciones de un hombre, un hombre que aparentemente sin miedo se enfrentó a un mundo violento y sólo dijo,
I wasn't even sure if it was real.
No sabía si era real.
It was fun hanging out with Dan Archer, even if it was just in my mom's imagination.
¡ Dios mío!
Even if she was drugged, you don't know what it did to her.
Probablemente estaba inconsciente. no sabemos el efecto que pudo causarle.
And even if he couldn't admit it to himself, she was the only reason he went in to get the money.
Y aunque no lo pudiera admitir, ella era la única razón por la que entró para conseguir el dinero.
If he succeeds in killing Arkad, even if he tries and fails, it will be hard to convince people that he was acting alone
Si tiene éxito al matar a Arkad, incluso si lo intenta y falla será difícil convencer a la gente de que estaba actuando solo.
Even if I did have scratch marks on me, it would only prove that Quentin Conrad was a highly unstable individual, fueled by misdirected anger and a desire for revenge.
Incluso si tuviese arañazos, sólo probaría que Conrad era un individuo muy inestable... Impulsado por la rabia y los deseos de venganza.
But even if I did, and even if there were, I'm not sure I'd be inclined to believe what it was showing me.
Pero si lo hubiese tenido, incluso así no estaría seguro de creer lo que me estaría mostrando.
But even if there was a dress somewhere in this world that fit me, we don't even have any money for it anyway.
Pero aunque hubiera un vestido en alguna parte del mundo que me entrara ni siquiera tengo el dinero para pagarlo. Está bien.
Even if dystonia was some big medical mystery, it's not this time.
Incluso si la distonia fuera un gran misterio médico, esta vez no lo es.
Chief, if it weren't for me Dropping that casket, We wouldn't even know That this was a murder.
Jefa, si no hubiera tirado ese ataúd, nunca sabríamos que dentro había un cadáver.
If it wasn't for Harry we wouldn't even know Voldemort was back.
Es Harry. Si no fuese por Harry, no sabríamos que Voldermort volvió.
I was wondering if it was possible to check on my donation, maybe even get it back?
Me preguntaba si sería posible chequear mi donación, ¿ quizá llevármela de vuelta?
- You don't even know if it was alive.
Ni siquiera sabes si estaba vivo.
Even if there was a fleet of hive ships, would it stop us from trying to get him back?
Aunque tuvieran una flota de naves colmena ¿ impediría eso que intentáramos recuperarlo?
I don't even know if I should be sitting down already, but I walked in and it was really crowded, and this woman left her table, so I grabbed it, and now I'm scared to get up because maybe I'll lose it.
No sé si debía estar ya sentada, pero entré y estaba realmente lleno. y una mujer dejó esta mesa, y la tomé, y ahora temo levantarme porque quizás no consiga otra.
And I think she would have agree to do it even if she knew what was coming to her.
Y creo que ella aceptaría, aún sabiendo lo que podía pasar.
It can't be... Even if this girl was the Second Kira in the past, she can't be right now.
¿ o sí?
Even if Light Yagami was Kira... Kira's power can only move by the will of the person who has it.
Haremos un especial de Kira de tres horas en el que anunciaremos que la verdadera identidad de Kira será revelada al final del programa.
If there is a delay before the first symptoms appear, it could've spread anywhere before we even knew what was happening.
Si hay una demora antes que aparezcan los primeros síntomas podría haberse extendido por todas partes antes de darnos cuenta de lo que pasaba.
And... then y-years after... after I was a lawyer, even a partner, if I was feeling particularly low, I would pull out that costume and put it on.
Y muchos años después... después de ser abogada, aun siendo socia, si me sentía particularmente mal, todavía halaba ese disfraz y me lo ponía.
It's just that it was always there in the same spot, even if I did, like... there it was.
Pero estaba siempre ahí, en el mismo lugar y aunque yo... ahí estaba.
And I'd do it again in a heartbeat even if I knew this was going to be the outcome.
y lo haría de nuevo sin dudar aún si supiera que terminaría de esta manera.
It was a white lie and it's not even that if you count emotional health.
- Fue una mentirijilla. Ni siquiera eso, si se tiene en cuenta la salud emocional.
Even if that was true, I'd never admit it.
Incluso si fuera verdad, yo nunca lo admitiría.
If I'd known it was guns, I wouldn't even have been there.
Si hubiera sabido que eran armas, nunca hubiera estado allí.
If I didn't hear your voice, I couldn't even tell it was you.
Si no escuchara tu voz, no sabría si eres tu.
I'm the first one they come looking for, of course, but Kate could truthfully say she didn't know that I was doing it, so she might still get to bring up Zachary and get him started, even if I go to prison in Canada.
Kate podría decir honestamente que no sabía lo que iba a hacer,... y de esa forma quizás, podría criar a Zachary y encaminarlo, aunque yo estuviera preso en Canadá.
And then he went straight to the bathroom and I just laid there in shock. I mean, he didn't even ask me how it was, if I was okay or not. Nothing.
Y entonces fue directo al baño, y yo me quedé tendida ahí en shock quiero decir, ni siquiera me preguntó cómo estuvo, si estuve bien o no, nada.
even if you don't 27
even if it hurts 20
even if it is 23
even if 79
even if i wanted to 108
even if i did 84
even if i knew 18
even if you do 18
even if that's true 36
even if you're right 47
even if it hurts 20
even if it is 23
even if 79
even if i wanted to 108
even if i did 84
even if i knew 18
even if you do 18
even if that's true 36
even if you're right 47