Except for that traduction Espagnol
2,164 traduction parallèle
I don't know what to say except for that I am really, really sorry.
No sé qué decir excepto que estoy muy arrepentida.
Just anywhere except for that one.
Esta va en el escritorio.
Well, except for that computer chip.
Bueno, excepto por ese chip de computadora.
'Cause you seemed, you know, pretty sure about every other detail, except for that one small thing.
Pareces muy seguro de todo menos de ese pequeño detalle.
But everything else in the kingdom, except for that stick, that little stick right there, that's not yours...
Pero todo lo demás en el reino, salvo ese palo ese palito de ahí, ése no.
Yes, except for that.
- Sí, excepto por esto.
The rigour mortis sot In wall. You know, except for that left hand.
La rigidez cadavérica le sienta bien Ya sabes, ecepto por la mano izquierda.
Except for that girl with Pesi
Aparte de la chica que estaba con Pesi
- Except for that firemen thing.
- Excepto por el asunto del bombero.
All of it except for that.
Todo excepto eso.
Well, except for that guy Rich.
Bueno, excepto para ese chico Rich.
Except for that Navajo ceremony, but that was really more of a group love thing.
Excepto por la ceremonia Navajo, pero en realidad fue más una cosa de amor grupal.
Except for the stuff that was wrong, which was all of it.
Excepto por el hecho de que estaba mal, lo cual es mucho.
Amelia, I wanted to tell you. I was... Is there anything that we can do except for the surgery?
No se puede hacer nada, a parte de la operación?
Oh, fine, except for the fact that I've been set up for a murder I didn't commit, and I'm looking at a trip to the death chamber.
Oh, bien, excepto por el hecho que he sido acusado de un asesinato que no cometí, y estoy mirando un viaje a la cámara de gas. ¿ Y tú?
Except for the clear skin and smooth hair and... straight teeth and... straight spine and... the inner confidence that... keeps her from making out with her... typing teacher.
Excepto por la piel clara y el cabello liso y... los dientes derechos y... la postura recta y... la confianza interna que... le impide hacerlo con su... maestro de escritura.
I've been following the central pacific campaign for so long that it sometimes feels like I've never written about anything except war.
He seguido la campaña del Pacífico Central por tanto tiempo que a veces parece que nunca he escrito sobre otra cosa más que la guerra.
Except for one group that found your negativity and delinquent following a positive opportunity to get their message out there and help you and those people.
Salvo un grupo que cree que tu negatividad y tu personalidad antisocial son una buena oportunidad para difundir su mensaje para ayudarte y ayudar a esa gente.
Except for the fact we gotta sit next to that woman who came with her co-workers.
Excepto por el hecho que nos sentamos al lado de aquella chica que vino con sus compañeros de trabajo.
Except, he then turned around and voted for that bill.
Salvo, que luego se volteó y votó a favor de esa ley.
Well, that describes 95 % of my employees and everyone in my family... except for my dog.
Bueno, eso describe al 95 % de mis empleados y toda mi familia... menos mi perro.
- Nothing is going on... Except for the fact that you won us a blue ribbon award
- nada pasa... excepto por el hecho que ganaste para nosotros una condecoración azul
You can either keep this door shut, and trust me that right now, in this moment, there is no one in there and there is no one in my heart except for you
Puedes mantener esta puerta cerrada, y confiar en mí. que ahora, en este momento, no hay nadie allí y que no hay nadie más que tú en mi corazón.
So that basically means that all the traffic violations, minimum age requirements, and everything except for damage to another person or their property doesn't really apply to the natural person.
Se puede simplemente abrir los ojos y reclamar la libertad con la que se nació la cual sólo tiene los límites que la imaginación imponga. Así se puede asegurar que los derechos naturales estén protegidos.
So just suppose for a moment you let me stay and I see something too. And since you haven't described what you saw except as a woman at the bottom of some stairs, then if I see her too, and I could describe her, well, I mean, that would be proof of something, wouldn't it?
Supongamos que me dejas quedarme y veo algo también y ya que no has descrito lo que viste excepto que era una mujer al pie de las escaleras entonces si yo también la veo y puedo describirla probaría algo, ¿ no es así?
Except for the parts that don't.
Excepto cuando no apesta.
Except for the exceedingly precious and depreciating asset of time. Winnie's all I got left. You understand that?
Salvo por el activo devaluado y sumamente preciado del tiempo Winnie es lo único que me queda.
Nathan, the youngest Meyerwitz, had relished every moment of his book tour except for today. That's because he was facing his family for the first time since Peep World came out.
Nathan, el menor de los Meyerwitz había disfrutado cada instante del tour de su libro salvo hoy porque era la primera vez que enfrentaría a su familia desde que se publicó Peep World.
Well, except for the flower that is.
Bueno, excepto por la flor.
And why do we put our money into banks that refuse to hire blacks except as janitors, and are loathe to give us loans for anything except automobiles.
¿ Por qué llevamos el dinero a los bancos... que se niegan a contratar a negros, excepto como conserjes, y se muestran reacios a dar préstamos excepto para automóviles?
That would be impressive, except if you had known what you were looking for, you would have seen it written on my dorm room window.
Si hubieran sabido lo que buscaban lo habrían visto en mi ventana.
None of you will do anything except live the life that has already been set out for you.
Todos ustedes no harán otra cosa que vivir la vida que ya les han determinado.
Except that you use the word "but" way too often for my taste.
Salvo que pone demasiados peros para mi gusto.
Great guy, except for the delusion that he can play.
Es buen tío, salvo que delira con que sabe tocar.
Except for... she kinda mentioned to me that she's a pretty darn good bowler, so... we're goin'bowling.
Excepto que, me dijo que es muy buena con los bolos, así que, iremos a la bolera.
I mean, except for all the people dying, when they were bleeding on us and everything. That wasn't so much fun, but... you know... I enjoyed every minute I got to spend with you.
Digo excepto por... la gente muriendo y sangrando, eso no fue tan divertido, pero disfrute cada minuto que pase contigo.
And all branches of the military, for that matter. except, of course, the coast guard.
Y todas las ramas de las fuerzas armadas, para el caso excepto, claro, para la Guardia Costera.
Everything is true, except for the fact that it's fiction.
Todo es cierto, excepto... - Por el hecho de que es ficción.
We give up, she kills everyone except for those who have value to her, and let me tell you, that's not a hell of a lot of people.
Nos rendimos, ella mata a todos excepto a aquellos que le sean valiosos, y déjame decirte, no son demasiadas personas.
Normal, except for the fact that he likes to play dress-up.
Normal, salvo por el hecho de que le gusta jugar a disfrazarse.
Except for the part that there's no fever.
Excepto por que no hay fiebre.
And, yes, no good can be found in that paper, Except maybe the obituary for reporter Chad Gorsuch.
Y sí, no hay nada bueno que se pueda encontar en ese periódico excepto, quizá, la esquela del reportero Chad Gorsuch.
Hey, here's to Cleveland for bringing baseball to town so that all our sons, except his, can enjoy it.
Hey, esta es por Cleveland por traer el baseball de vuelta al pueblo para que todos nuestros hijos, excepto el suyo, puedan disfrutarlo.
Except for the fact that I was kne e-deep in a mud vision When it all exploded.
Excepto por el hecho de que estaba con barro hasta las rodillas en una visión cuando todo explotó.
The ACM that comes in and gives you five dollars to carry this stuff around the mountains and tells you that you're doing a jihad and go fight the Americans is doing nothing for you except making you a slave for five dollars
El AMC viene y les da cinco dólares para cargar estas cosas por las montañas y les dice que están haciendo una Guerra Santa. ... y que vayan a pelear con los americanos no hace nada por ustedes salvo hacerlos esclavos por cinco dólares.
Well, unless our bad guys are into pre-war architecture, there's really nothing in that apartment that's worth anything, except for the audiolvisual equipment, which was still there.
A menos que a estos tipos les guste la arquitectura no hay nada en ese lugar que tenga mucho valor salvo por el equipo de audio, que todavía estaba ahí.
I can't promise you anything, except this one thing... that I will always be there for you.
Excepto esto... que yo siempre estaré junto a ti.
Except that treating for everything could kill him faster than whatever.
Pero tratarlo contra todo podría matarlo más rápido que lo que lo está matando ahora.
I'm not really interested in a long drawn-out anything, except to say that I am executive of my mother's estate and, as such, it would mean the world if I could set up a college fund for the girls,
No estoy muy interesada en decir algo interminable salvo que soy la ejecutora de los activos de mi madre y como tal, significaría mucho si pudiera iniciar un fondo universitario para las niñas.
Nobody knew about those letters except for us and the killer, but you're just gonna ignore that, right?
Nadie sabía de esas letras excepto nosotros y el asesino, ¿ pero simplemente vas a ignorarlo, verdad?
Except for pierce- - that's a misdirect.
Excepto Pierce. Esa es para despistar.
except for you 175
except for us 19
except for me 72
except for her 17
except for 89
except for him 16
except for one thing 106
except for one 63
except for the 24
except for this 43
except for us 19
except for me 72
except for her 17
except for 89
except for him 16
except for one thing 106
except for one 63
except for the 24
except for this 43
except for this one 26
for that matter 510
for that 365
for that reason 51
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
for that matter 510
for that 365
for that reason 51
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161