Except for him traduction Espagnol
313 traduction parallèle
Father, the pastor came and all of us confessed except for him.
Padre, ha venido el párroco. Nos hemos confesado todos y él no ha querido.
Except for him, I'm the only one qualified to dive in it.
Salvo él, yo soy el único capacitado para usarlo.
I wouldn't take any of you except for him, but if his going means work for many men, then I must take him, and his wife.
No iré con nadie, sólo con él, representa trabajo para la gente. Vendrán él... y su esposa.
What a lovely-looking couple, except for him.
Qué pareja más adorable, excepto él.
Except for him, there was nothing.
No había nada, a parte de él.
Yeah, Henry got'em. All from out of town, except for him and me.
Henry lo hizo, todos de fuera excepto el y yo.
Everybody knows it, except for him.
Usted y todos lo saben, menos él.
Nobody touches it except for him.
Nadie la toca, excepto él.
Except for him, it's a quiet night.
- Excepto por él, no hay movimiento.
- Except for him.
- Excepto por él.
I never took my glasses from his face except for an instant to let him see mine.
No quité los gemelos de su rostro excepto para dejar que él viera el mío.
He was a grand young man, except for his wild temper. And his son grew up just like him.
Fue un joven maravilloso, excepto por su terrible carácter... y cuando su hijo creció, se volvió igual que él.
Taking it out on him, on anything, except yourself. 'Cause he did something nice for you and you couldn't stand it.
Le echas la culpa porque te hizo un favor y no puedes soportarlo.
The boy was beaten for swearing. No one accused him of being a thief, except you, you slut!
Al muchacho lo golpeamos por maldecir, pero nadie piensa que él es un ladrón, excepto tú, sargentona.
We got an honest man, but nobody votes for him except his brother and his wife.
Tenemos a un hombre honesto... pero nadie lo vota salvo su hermano y su esposa. Y ni siquiera estoy seguro sobre ella.
Except... he's waiting for some killers to come and get him.
Pero... Está esperando que unos asesinos vayan a por él.
There's nothing wrong with him except he's busy fixing up the world for everybody.
Está ocupado arreglando el mundo para todos.
I'd never have come back except for Bébert. To keep him in silk shirts and pomade.
Sólo volvía por Bébert, para regalarle sedas y perfumes.
Except for the guys that pushed him off.
Sin contar los que lo empujaron.
There's nothing we can do, except wait for him to show up again.
No hay nada que podamos hacer, excepto esperar a que aparezca de nuevo.
The other man becomes ill and would die, except for a physician... who returns him to health - to rob and lie again.
El otro hombre cae enfermo y habría muerto si un doctor no le hubiera curado... para volver a robar y a mentir.
Because I wouldn't turn him in except for having a good reason.
Porque yo no lo delataría a él si no tuviera una buena razón.
We all enjoyed the victory... except Gerardo, who seemed to have all the girls fall for him.
Todos disfrutamos de la victoria... excepto Gerardo, que parecía tener fascinadas a las muchachas.
Well, five or 10 minutes wouldn't have made much difference, except to the man who was waiting for him.
6 ó 10 minutos no tienen demasiada importancia. Salvo para el hombre que lo estuviera esperando.
And in that inordinate love for a child... completely a stranger to him, except in that she's his teacher,... was a petty interest.
Y en ese desmedido cariño hacia una criatura... ajena a ella por completo, exceptuando que es su profesora,... había un interés mezquino.
I say he very likely would have, except for something that will soon happen to him, something that will considerably alter his existence... and ours.
Me dicen que es muy probable que pueda ser así, a excepción de algo que pronto pasará con él, algo que modificará considerablemente su existencia... y la nuestra.
Me too. I wouldn't mess around with him except for the neat way he opens up cans... with his ears.
No sería su amigo, excepto por cómo abre las latas :
We've never laid eyes on him, except for those.
Nunca lo hemos visto, excepto en la foto.
What's a little runt like you gonna do for him, except stand in his way?
¿ Qué harás tú por él además, de pararte en su camino?
I never thought there'd be more for him, except the ounce of his backie.
Nunca pensé que recibiría más de una onza de su tabaco favorito.
He's as dead-pan as a lumberjack except for that stubborn look he has when he lets the cops drag him away... or when he intervenes personally if there's real trouble.
Tiene un rostro algo redondo, de leñador canadiense, que expresa... que no expresa ningún sentimiento... excepto una obstinación algo obtusa. Cuando se sienta en el suelo y se lo lleva una furgoneta de policía... o cuando se interpone, personalmente... cada vez que la situación se vuelve explosiva...
Well, I told him that was all of it except for $ 300 that I'd spent.
Le dije que sólo me había gastado 300 dólares.
No post-op infection, no fracture, no reason for him to be here. Except maybe he's become a drinking buddy of Pierce and McIntyre.
No hubo infección ni fractura ni hay motivo para que siga aquí... excepto para beber con Pierce y Mclntyre.
And you never saw him any other time except for that?
¿ Nunca lo vio excepto por eso?
Well, there's nothing I seem to be able to do for him... except keep his house tidy.
Parece que no puedo hacer nada por él... excepto mantener su casa ordenada.
- Ya no hay nada que puedas hacer ¡ salvo venir a enterrarlo, recoger sus cosas y largarte!
Like I hardly ever see him except for birthdays and stuff.
Casi no lo veo. Sólo en cumpleaños y cosas así.
They was all pretty quick, except for Lonnie - he was a fiddle player, and... They killed him off right quick.
Todos eran muy rápidos, excepto Lonnie - que tocaba el violín, y... lo mataron muy pronto.
Nothing more to be done, except wait for the fever to break or to kill him.
Sólo nos queda esperar a que la fiebre desaparezca o lo mate.
Nothing more to be done, except wait for the fever to break or to kill him.
Sólo nos queda esperar a que la fiebre desaparezca o le mate.
We haven't been able to find out much about him, sir. Except for this.
No descubrimos mucho sobre él, Sr. Excepto esto.
There is no one else for them except a fat innkeeper who only remembers his name because people shout it at him all day!
No tienen a nadie más, excepto a un tabernero gordo... ¡ que sólo se acuerda de su nombre porque la gente le grita todo el día!
I don't give a rat's ass for the senator except when you put him up against the alternative.
No me importa el senador, excepto si lo comparas con la alternativa.
I had no mind then for anything except Sebastian. And I saw him already as being threatened though I did not yet know how black was the threat.
Yo no tenía otra cosa en la cabeza entonces... excepto a Sebastian, y ya entonces le vi amenazado aunque aún no sabía lo cruel que era esa amenaza.
Jack and Kate owe Nick and me $ 1 23 each for provisions. except for the wine and beer which Nick brought. which everybody owes him $ 47 each for.
Jack y Kate nos deben $ 123 a Nick y a mí por la comida... sin contar el vino y la cerveza que Nick compró... y todos le debemos $ 47 por eso.
Except for that strange lapse into morality you would have taken him?
Y excepto ese arrebato de moralidad, ¿ habrías aceptado?
Would you please give him what you took. I'm broke, except for the money I put in the pot tonight.
No tengo más dinero que el que gané esta noche.
I had no time for my son... except to yell at him.
No tenía tiempo para mi hijo... O sólo para retarlo.
My mother and I were left without a relation in the world except for one uncle, Ralph Smith, who went to Africa 15 years ago, and we have not had a word from him since, despite our Christmas cards and photographs.
Mi madre y yo fuimos dejadas sin relaciones en el mundo... excepto por un tío, Ralph Smith, quién se fue a África hace 15 años, y no hemos tenido una palabra de él desde entonces, a pesar de nuestras tarjetas de Navidad y fotografías.
They would have got him too, except that he had to pardon me... and thereby destro y his chances for re-election in'76.
Lo tendrían a él también, excepto que él tuvo que exonerarme... destruyendo así sus posibilidades para la reelección en el'76.
Yes, the theory being that a man scared for his life will find solutions to this planet's problems, except the poor unfortunate will discover there are no popular solutions to the difficulties he will find waiting for him here.
Sí, la teoría es que un hombre que teme por su vida... encontrará soluciones a los problemas de este planeta. Sólo que el pobre desgraciado descubrirá que no hay soluciones populares... para las dificultades que le estarán esperando aquí.
except for you 175
except for us 19
except for me 72
except for her 17
except for 89
except for one thing 106
except for one 63
except for that 35
except for the 24
except for this 43
except for us 19
except for me 72
except for her 17
except for 89
except for one thing 106
except for one 63
except for that 35
except for the 24
except for this 43
except for this one 26
for him 328
for himself 17
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
for him 328
for himself 17
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
except 945
except you 292
exceptional 32
except me 168
except one 86
except what 26
except this time 34
except this 31
except yours 16
except us 33
except you 292
exceptional 32
except me 168
except one 86
except what 26
except this time 34
except this 31
except yours 16
except us 33