Follow through traduction Espagnol
1,168 traduction parallèle
Didn't you follow through with this?
¿ Es que no lo has repasado?
You really got to learn to follow through with things.
Realmente tenes que aprender a continuar con las cosas.
She'd never follow through.
Nunca era más que eso.
You follow through no matter what.
Sigues adelante sin importarte nada.
Head down, follow through.
Con cuidado, golpeo.
On the other hand, sometimes they follow through.
Por otro lado, a veces también las cumplen.
And once we started, I just couldn't follow through.
Y cuando empezamos, yo no podía.
And when you go up- - And then release the ball and follow through.
Y cuando saltes lanzas el balón.
Follow through!
¡ Síguelo!
Why can't he just leave us alone and let us follow through with our plans?
¿ Por qué no nos deja en paz para continuar con nuestra vida?
- l'd like to follow through the O.R.
- Quiero ir a la cirugía.
- I'd like to follow through the O.R.
- Quiero ir a la cirugía.
You don't think Graham is going to follow through.
No crees que Graham vaya a continuar.
You have to follow through.
Debes continuar.
- Just gotta follow through.
- Ahora hay que continuar.
Susan, if we don't follow through, then Sheridan went through this for nothing.
Susan, si no lo hacemos, lo de Sheridan habrá sido en vano.
If we don't follow through, Sheridan went through this for nothing.
Si no seguimos adelante, Sheridan habrá pasado por todo esto en balde.
- Follow through? Here, let me show you.
Déjame mostrarte cómo.
Therefore, Communism is a judgment against our failure to make democracy real and follow through on the revolutions that we initiated.
Por lo tanto, el comunismo es un juicio contra nuestro fracaso en hacer realidad la democracia y llevar a cabo las revoluciones que iniciamos.
Maybe, I'm a total nimrod who can't follow through on anything
Quizá no sepa lo que quiero.
AII right £ ¬ bend your knees £ ¬ follow through... and give me some more stirring power £ ¬ and get your elbow up.
Dobla las rodillas, sigue de un lado al otro y dame algo más de potencia revolviendo y levanta los codos.
AII you had to do was follow through. Come on.
- Intentémoslo de nuevo.
But I get you to follow through as much as I can... by teasing and pushing and getting you to take steps.
Yo les ayudo a encontrar su inspiración persuadiéndolos, haciendo que den pequeños pasos.
Follow through.
Now, hold that. Tip it up a little bit. Ease back, big breath, relax, follow through.
Sostenga eso, venga aquí, hacia atrás, respire hondo... relájese y arrójelo...
The follow-through.
La continuación.
So then we paid the toll, and then we went through and then they started to follow us!
Cuando pagamos el peaje, pasamos ¡ y empezaron a seguirnos!
But I think I can follow this and then talk you through it.
Pero creo que puedo leer esto y guiarla por el radio.
I will follow my brothers through the gates of hell.
Seguiré a mis hermanos a las puertas del infierno.
If you'll just follow the path through the garden.
Sigan el caminito a través de los jardines.
If I was her boyfriend, I'd have a follow-through of my own.
Si yo fuera su novio, reaccionaría ante la situación.
And so - So then we paid the toll, and then we went through and then they started to follow us!
Y... cuando pagamos el peaje, pasamos ¡ y empezaron a seguirnos!
I want you to follow through, so you can find out what an idiot you are.
Bien, no te lo permitiré.
- Would you do that? It'd probably follow you all through high school.
Probablemente te perseguiría durante toda la secundaria.
Their wars were waged between massive armies even by contemporary standards. In this hour, we follow an epic story told through the actual words of those who took part in it along with eyewitness illustrations of events that occurred almost 500 years ago.
sus guerras se libraban entre enormes ejércitos incluso para los estándares de hoy en este episodio, seguimos una historia épica contado con los registros auténticos de los que participaron en junto con ilustraciones de testigos presenciales de los acontecimientos que ocurrieron hace casi 500 años
If I don't follow this through, I'm sentencing my son.
Si no lo hago, estoy condenando a mi hijo.
Everybody thinks my old man was just some humble junk man who made it big through hard work, but all he did was follow this and invest wisely.
Todos piensan que mi viejo era un hombre humilde que se hizo rico trabajando, pero sólo siguió esto e invirtió sabiamente.
Out of here we follow up on witness statements, go through the company personnel records... that is, if Mr. Crawford's ever gonna produce'em for us. - The F.B.I. Comin'in?
Interrogaremos a los testigos e investigaremos a los empleados de la... empresa, si el señor Crawford no tiene inconveniente.
Then the follow-through to finish always on line.
Y luego, la terminación para acabar siempre alineada.
I have a short follow-through.
Tengo una terminación corta.
But if you have a nice follow-through, you know, that's golf.
Pero si le das un golpe con un palo, ya sabes, eso es golf.
Follow the signs to find your way through the city to the finish line.
Sigan las señales para hallar su camino por la ciudad hasta la meta.
When the long winter nights come on and the wolves follow their meat he may be seen running at the head of the pack through the pale moonlight leaping gigantic above his fellows his great throat a-bellow as he sings a song of the younger world,
Cuando llegan las largas noches del invierno y los lobos persiguen a sus presas, se le puede ver encabezando al grupo, bajo la pálida luz de la luna, destacando con saltos de gigante sobre sus compañeros, con su gargante henchida cuando entona el canto salvaje del mundo primitivo,
I'll follow you anywhere, through ice and snow, but Mayor's offer will help us for the moment and if the final decision is unfavourable, we will leave.
Te seguiré donde quieras, sobre el hielo o por la nieve, Pero la oferta del alcalde nos ayudará por ahora y aunque la decisión final sea desfavorable. siempre podremos irnos,
Tommy! Follow-through!
¡ Tommy, síguelo!
Your follow-through!
¡ Debes seguirlo!
Six in a row without hitting yourself in the kidney on your follow-through.
Seis seguidas sin golpearte a ti mismo en el riñón.
And the follow-through comes completely natural.
Y lo que sigue viene completamente natural.
If you could just stay tuned into that transmission... I could follow it through the power system and find the source.
Si puedes seguir captando esa transmisión a través del sistema eléctrico, llegaré a la fuente.
There's a lot of hard talk here and no follow-through.
Todos hablan y hablan pero nadie hace nada.
No follow-through.
Sin seguimiento.
through 593
through the window 42
through me 16
throughout history 33
through and through 51
through the woods 16
through christ our lord 18
through the door 29
through that door 24
through here 120
through the window 42
through me 16
throughout history 33
through and through 51
through the woods 16
through christ our lord 18
through the door 29
through that door 24
through here 120
through there 98
through you 26
follow 201
following 32
followed 19
followers 63
follow me 2942
follow your heart 43
follow us 80
follow my lead 178
through you 26
follow 201
following 32
followed 19
followers 63
follow me 2942
follow your heart 43
follow us 80
follow my lead 178
follow the money 43
follow it 35
follow the light 18
following me 22
follow up 18
follow her 57
followed by 20
follow you 16
following you 29
follow them 77
follow it 35
follow the light 18
following me 22
follow up 18
follow her 57
followed by 20
follow you 16
following you 29
follow them 77