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Food for thought traduction Espagnol

176 traduction parallèle
Okay, food for thought.
Bueno, para la reflexión.
Food for thought.
Todo esto requiere reflexión.
I tell you, this is food for thought.
Lo dicho... esto requiere reflexión.
This is a show that gave you food for thought.
Es un espectáculo que se presta para la reflexión.
It's food for thought.
Es algo en lo que pensar.
Frozen food for thought.
Con la cabeza bien fría.
That'll give them a little food for thought.
Eso les dará que pensar.
It wasn't a revolution yet, but it did give me food for thought.
Todavía no era una revolución, pero me motivó a reflexionar.
Food for thought.
Alimento para el pensamiento.
That's... food for thought, Waterlow.
Un asunto en el que pensar con más detenimiento, ¿ eh, Waterlow?
Don't give them any food for thought.
No hay que cargarles de argumentos.
- Just food for thought.
- Eso lo pondrá a reflexionar.
Yes, why indeed? Food for thought. Why feed us information in such a bizarre fashion?
Eso requiere pensar mucho.
- I'll admit. It's food for thought.
- Sí, es alimento para el cerebro.
Now, while we're all busy... feeling sorry for ourselves, let me give you a little food for thought.
Mientras estamos ocupados... autocompadeciéndonos, déjenme darles algo en qué pensar.
Everything is food for thought
Todo es comida para pensar
That's some food for thought.
Elementos de reflexión.
It does give one food for thought.
Pues, sí me pones a pensar.
It's certainly food for thought.
Ciertamente es materia para reflexionar.
Food for thought.
Buenos recuerdos.
Art should give food for thought.
El arte ha de expresar ideas.
- You've given me much food for thought.
Me has dado material para alimentar el pensamiento.
That was food for thought.
Eso me hizo reflexionar.
But it's food for thought.
Pero da que pensar.
It's perfect food for thought on a bright midsummer's night.
Perfecta reflexión para una luminosa noche de verano.
Food for thought.
Algo que reflexionar.
Yo lo llamo "Mente perdida".
Mente perdida
Food for thought.
Es para pensarlo.
I think we've given Mr. Poirot enough food for thought.
Ya le hemos dado al señor Poirot bastantes cosas en las que pensar.
That's food for thought, sir.
Eso es motivo de reflexión, señor.
Here's food for thought.
Esto es para que pienses mejor.
It gives me food for thought.
Me ayuda a pensar.
So in this instance, a timely flat tire might raise... a few superstitious eyebrows... it's hardly food for thought for those of us professionally trained... to recognize the hand of God.
Así que, aunque una rueda oportunamente pinchada,... podría hacer que supersticiosos arquearan las cejas,... no resultaría digno de estudio para los profesionalmente formados... para reconocer la mano de Dios.
Food for thought.
Algo en lo que pensar.
- As for food, have you thought what to do in the meantime?
En cuanto a la comida, ¿ ha pensado cómo hará en estos días?
In your words, there's food for much thought.
En tus palabras, hay alimento para muchos pensamientos.
I thought you said scorpions could go for months without food.
Los escorpiones pueden ayunar durante meses.
- That'll give them food for thought.
Eso está bien.
- "C. Emerson Winchester's Thought for Food."
"Comida para la mente de C. Emerson Winchester".
Oh, I got lonely for the old days, thought I would come down here to get a little Oriental soul food.
Sentía añoranza y venía a recordar los viejos tiempos.
I just thought it might be fun to eat someone else's food for a bit, that's all.
Simplemente pensé que podría ser divertido comer un poco la comida de otros, eso es todo.
If it weren't for me, people would've thought "surreal" was a breakfast food.
Si no fuera por mí, la gente pensaría que el surrealismo es algún tipo de cereal.
Now, before we discuss food, we must first plan a theme for your party. Have you thought of one?
Antes de planear la comida, pensemos en un tema para su fiesta.
What you did killing the ox has given me food for a great deal of thought lately.
Lo que hiciste matando al buey Me ha dado mucho alimento estos últimos días
It's not for me. The agent who checked the food thought it was delicious.
El de seguridad que lo probó dijo que estaba delicioso.
I thought so! I was going to punish you by shredding you up, but for your honesty I'll turn you into food instead!
Lo que pensaba. pero por tu honestidad sólo te privaré de comer.
I just wanted to say that I ran for president because I thought the job was about more than dances and lunch food.
Solo quiero decir que quise ser presidente... porque pensaba que el puesto era más que bailes y comidas.
I thought he'd be beggin'me for food, but so far he's not.
Pensé que iba a pedir comida pero hasta ahora no lo ha hecho.
Food for thought?
¿ Te ayuda a pensar?
Thought me might trade it in for some food.
Pensamos que tal vez lo podríamos intercambiar por un poco de comida.

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