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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ G ] / Get off of him

Get off of him traduction Espagnol

720 traduction parallèle
Hey, let go. Hey, get off of him.
Judson, get off of him.
Judson, bájese.
Get off of him!
- ¡ Déjale, vamos!
Get off of him! You big bully! Poor baby.
Quítate de encima suyo, maldito pendenciero.
Get off of him!
¡ No le toques!
Just get off of him the best you can, but don't let him roll in that saddle.
Baja como puedas, pero no dejes que se quite la silla.
Get off of him!
¡ Suéltalo!
You're trying to tell me you can get rid of the gangster by ignoring him, by keeping him off the front page.
¿ Intentan decirme que pueden deshacerse del gángster ignorándolo? ¿ No poniéndolo en primera plana?
To bad we, uh-we didn't get rid of him and get him off up to Congress there... after him spending'that, uh, term in the state senate.
Lástima no habernos desecho de él enviándolo al Congreso... luego de su mandato en el Senado Estatal.
But if he thought you were trying to get the best of him he'd cut off both hands to keep you from doing it.
Pero, si pensara que intentas aprovecharte de él se cortaría ambas manos para impedir que lo hicieras.
Get him off of there.
Sácalo de ahí.
Le daré calabazas y se largará con el corazón partido.
I was wondering if the ends of justice wouldn't be just as well served if I left him here tonight and stop off in the morning and get him.
Me preguntaba si no serviríamos igual a la justicia si le dejara aquí esta noche... y pasara a recogerle por la mañana.
If you are... Get your slimy hands off of him, you dirty...
¡ Quítale las manos sucias de encima, cochino...!
Once we get that map off of him, we're rollin'.
- Conseguiré el mapa y empezará la acción.
I wish I knew of some way to break it off without hurting him... but all I can do is wait for him to get tired of coming.
Ojalá pudiera cortar la relación sin hacerle daño... pero sólo puedo esperar a que se canse de venir.
Until you get tired of feeding him, then leave the jail door open and shoot him off his horse getting away.
Hasta que se canse de alimentarlo. Luego le abrirá la puerta y le disparará mientras intenta huir.
Alright, go on in and get him.. you don't take no hair off of my scalp.
De acuerdo, entre y lléveselo. Eso no me va a quitar el sueño.
I put Petey away to get him off of Kelly's tail, and this is what happens.
Encierro a Petey para librarle del acoso de Kelly, y esto es lo que sucede.
Get this stuff off of him.
Hay que quitarle esto de encima.
We gotta get him and the boys off of there.
Tenemos que sacarlos a él y a los muchachos de allí.
- Wait a minute - Pay him off and get him out of here.
Págale y sácalo de aquí.
Get off of me, I'll kill him!
- ¡ Dejadme, que lo mato!
I'll go down to the Board of Health and make arrangements... to get him off the boat at once.
Voy a la oficina sanitaria a ocuparme de todo... para sacarle del barco.
I figure I can get him off at Culpepper, but it'll take two of us.
Puedo soltarlo en Culpepper, pero se necesitan dos.
You have to keep Santa Anna off the back of my neck until I can get in shape to fight him.
Deben mantener a Santa Anna alejado de mí... hasta que esté en forma para combatirlo.
You cut him out of whole cloth! Now, i don't know what your graft is, goldsmith... i don't know how you get paid off, but i do know that it's time you let these people know what's in that cave.
Lo que no sé es lo que gana usted con ello, no sé cómo le pagan, pero lo que sí sé es que ya es hora de que se sepa lo que hay en la cueva.
You shall get down off that ladder, and you will go in here and you shall be real quiet until I get rid of him.
Baje de esa escalera, métase ahí dentro y estése callada hasta que me deshaga de él.
Get her off of him.
! Llevàosla de aquí!
- Get off him, all of you!
- ¡ Déjenlo, todos ustedes!
Tell him we got a general with them... tell him anything you want, just get that West Point bum off of my back.
... y cuya identidad es secreta. Dile que hay un general con ellos, dile... ... Io que quieras, pero que ese inútil de West Point me deje tranquilo.
Get your hands off of him, Spock.
Quítele las manos de encima, Spock.
And he set Renick up to get the heat off of him.
Envió a Renick para desviar la atención.
Get - Get him off of me!
¡ Aléjen... aléjenle de mí!
Is going to have to get out of town ". So, I suppose this imposter Took off as fast as a horse would carry him.
Así que supongo que este impostor huyó tan rápido como pudiera llevarlo un caballo.
You ape! Get that thing off of him.
Gorila, sueltele enseguida.
Get him off of me!
¡ Quítamelo de encima!
You won't get anymore out of him, even if you shoot his balls off.
No te ha dado ningún consejo, te ha amenazado.
I mean, you tell him you are the queen of the giant Kluck-luks from Inner Siberia and he starts dripping in his pants, and the only way he's gonna get it off is to have you crawl around the floor, talk bad to you, spit on you, things like that.
Si le dices que eres la reina de un burlesque en Siberia central, el se querrá meter en tu ropa interior. La única forma de que termine, es que te arrastres por le piso, que te insulte... cosas como esas.
Would some of you people get him up off the ground and into it?
¿ alguno de ustedes podría sacarlo de ahí y llevarlo dentro?
You better get him off of there.
¡ Tíralo de ahí!
You wanna get a shot of somethin', get a shot of this baby hangin'off him.
Quieres deshacerte de algo, deshazte de esta cosita que le cuelga.
- Get him off of me! Get him off!
- ¡ Quítamelo de encima!
Oh, god, get him off of me! Chauncey, don't bite.
¡ Dios mío, quitàdmelo de encima!
Get him off of me!
Te estropearàs las fundas.
Get him off of me!
- ¡ Quitàdmelo de encima!
He is trying to get her to sign a document which will get him out of the soup. I think I've scared him off for the moment, but who knows what he'll try next? Exactly.
Un documento que lo salvara.
How are we gonna get that off of him?
Cómo se lo van a quitar?
Get him off of me!
- Aléjalo de mi.
I say, "get him off of me!"
¡ Quítate de encima!
Of course that was the only way we could get him off our couch.
Así pudimos sacarle de nuestro sofá.

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