He wouldn't say traduction Espagnol
756 traduction parallèle
Oíd, escuchad, no va a delatar a nadie.
I didn't say I wouldn't give her a tryout, did I?
No he dicho que no la fuera a probar.
Yet he wouldn't say a word to explain.
Pero no me explicó nada.
Say, if I told you the story he told me... you wouldn't believe he could be so dumb.
Si te contara la historia que me contó a mí... no creerías que pudiera ser tan tonto.
If he's as fair as you say he is, he wouldn't want you to go on this way.
- Si él es tan justo como dices, no querría que te fueras de este modo.
- He wouldn't say.
- No me lo ha dicho.
I should say he stood about 5'11 ", wouldn't you, Doc?
Diría que medía 1,80, ¿ no te parece?
I can't check whether this is true, but it doesn't matter anyway, I wouldn't allow my children to go to the opera just like I find the theatre and the cinema depraved what would you say if my mother got married again?
No he podido comprobar si es cierto, pero es posible. De todos modos, yo no permitiría que mis hijos fueran a la ópera. Igual que al teatro o al cine, ¡ pervierten a los niños!
I didn't say I would, didn't say I wouldn't.
No he dicho que le ayudaría.
He wouldn't listen to anything you had to say.
Él no escucharía nada de lo que usted le diga.
Oh Dearie, I wouldn't say that was all he wanted.
No creo que eso fuera todo lo que quería.
Well I wouldn't say it was the most cheerful spot I have ever seen.
Yo no diría que es el lugar más acogedor que he conocido.
He wouldn't say that.
Él no diría eso.
I wouldn't say what I said... if I didn't like you some.
No diría lo que he dicho... si no me gustara algo.
He said I wouldn't dare say that if I wasn't a woman.
¿ Y qué?
I wouldn't say what I said... if I didn't like you some.
Sí que es usted calculadora. No diría lo que he dicho... si no me gustara algo.
He said I wouldn't dare say that if I wasn't a woman.
Dijo que si no fuera mujer, no me atrevería a decirlo.
Wouldn't you say he'd loathe his friend for doing such a low contemptible thing to him?
No, no pensaba en eso.
I know he wouldn't... he couldn't do the things you say he did.
Deja que sepan que no estás a favor de esos forajidos que vienen aquí a arruinar lo que hemos salvado.
Then I heard him say that he never loved her. She said she wouldn't let him marry anyone else.
Le oí a él decir que nunca la había querido... y ella dijo que no permitiría que se casase con otra.
Bueno, a lo mejor no lo seria si le dijeras, "hola"
Wouldn't you think the sensible thing to do is to say he took the car?
¿ No está de acuerdo en que lo más sensato es decir que se llevó el coche?
I've been frightened of this moment, Frightened that I wouldn't be able to say anything That could even touch my gratitude to you.
He estado asustado de este momento, temía no ser capaz de decir nada que pudiera incluso aludir mi gratitud hacia usted.
No, he wouldn't say that.
No, él no diría eso.
Say, didn't Trudy's old man say that he wouldn't have any liquor in the house?
Oye, el viejo de Trudy dice que él no tiene ningún licor en la casa?
I heard him say myself just a couple of days ago he wouldn't sell a head to nobody this spring.
Yo mismo le oí decir hace sólo unos días... que no le vendería una sola cabeza a nadie esta primavera.
You mean to say that if you walked up to him and said, "Father, I'm going to marry a detective," he wouldn't disown you?
¿ Tú crees que no se opondría si le dijeras que te vas a casar con uno?
Well, I wouldn't say all over him, but he's got a few. Eh, Dicky?
Bueno, no digo que todo, pero tiene unos cuantos. ¿ Eh, Dicky?
- Didn't say a word. - No, he wouldn't.
- No dijo ni palabra.
I wouldn't undertake to say what exactly... but he was kind of in a mess.
No me atrevería a decir qué exactamente, pero estaba algo desaliñado.
Everyone in Germany used to say that he'd never get in... and he wouldn't know how to regenerate Germany if he did get in.
Todos en Alemania decían lo mismo sobre Hitler. Que no conseguiría Alemania si se hacía con el poder.
But what I would like to say is this : I've seen something today that I wouldn't believe could happen in this country.
Lo que quiero decir es que hoy he visto aquí lo que nunca creí que sucedería.
I knew he wouldn't say a word.
Supe que él no diría nada.
Though, I must say, I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't working up for a nasty illness.
Aunque la verdad, no me extrañaría que esté enfermando.
And if he is who you say, he wouldn't be easily persuaded, would he?
Y si es el hombre que usted dice será difícil convencerle de que hable, ¿ no le parece?
So I wouldn't forget him, as he used to say. What a nasty thing to do!
¡ Qué porquería!
He wouldn't say how long he might be, but it stands to reason, his time being valuable, he won't be longer than he can help.
No dijo lo que tardaría, pero dado que su tiempo es valioso será poco.
Hey, Al, bright boy says he wouldn't say what he thinks it's all about.
¡ Eh, Al! El chico listo no se atreve a decir lo que piensa.
- He wouldn't say.
- No quiso decir.
You and me, there ´ re so many things I wanted to say to you but Robert wouldn ´ t let me say them, he hates me Did you know that?
Tú y yo. Hay muchas cosas que he querido decirte pero Robert no me dejaba. Me odia ¿ Lo sabías?
Furthermore, since it so happens... Said prosecutor's name is Callum, I wouldn't want to say he's prejudiced'cause I'm clean-minded, I am.
Además, ya que el nombre del susodicho fiscal es Callum, no quisiera implicar a un hombre subjetivo, soy una persona abierta.
- If it were serious, he wouldn't say. - Probably not.
- Si fuese algo serio tampoco lo iba a decir.
I wouldn't say he was wildly happy about it. Would you?
No parecía exultante de alegría, ¿ verdad?
And I swore to myself that I wouldn't bother you... that I would let you go calmly, that I would say goodbye to you... as if we were going to see each other the following day.
Después me he jurado a mí misma que no te fastidiaría... que te dejaría ir tranquilo, que te diría adiós... como si nos fuésemos a ver al día siguiente. Sin embargo...
Like I say, if he hadn't have helped the'tec, the'tec wouldn't have hit his head.
Si no le hubiera ayudado, el detective no se hubiera golpeado la cabeza.
He showed remarkable foresight in this, wouldn't you say?
Mostró una previsión notable, ¿ verdad?
- My father! He wouldn't say no now that he's broke, but he hated me before.
Claro,... ya no se opondría, porque no tiene nada.
He always used to say, "Never do nothin'you wouldn't want printed... on the front page of the New York Times."
Siempre decía : "No hagas nada que no quisieras que publicara el New York Times".
Knowing Eugene, you wouldn't say he was the type of man to be mixed up in that, would you?
Eugene no era de los que se meten en cosas así, ¿ no?
He wouldn't know what to say to Ulrich.
No sabría qué decirle a Ulrich.
It wouldn't have to be too big. Just big enough to say all the things I've left unsaid.
No tendría que ser grande sólo lo bastante grande para decir lo que no he podido.
he wouldn't hurt a fly 20
he wouldn't do that 83
he wouldn't listen to me 16
he wouldn't dare 22
he wouldn't have 16
he wouldn't 192
he wouldn't tell me 33
he wouldn't listen 42
sayonara 114
say hello to my little friend 37
he wouldn't do that 83
he wouldn't listen to me 16
he wouldn't dare 22
he wouldn't have 16
he wouldn't 192
he wouldn't tell me 33
he wouldn't listen 42
sayonara 114
say hello to my little friend 37
saying 381
says 221
say my name 79
sayid 267
sayuri 58
say it louder 17
say cheese 102
say hi 185
say it like you mean it 26
say what now 22
says 221
say my name 79
sayid 267
sayuri 58
say it louder 17
say cheese 102
say hi 185
say it like you mean it 26
say what now 22
say your prayers 56
say it again 435
say something 1124
say it ain't so 28
say it out loud 26
say something nice 28
say what 525
says who 419
say something to me 20
say something else 34
say it again 435
say something 1124
say it ain't so 28
say it out loud 26
say something nice 28
say what 525
says who 419
say something to me 20
say something else 34
say your name 29
say it one more time 17
say thank you 77
say hello 271
say goodbye 109
say hi for me 19
say you're sorry 71
say no more 261
says me 53
say it one more time 17
say thank you 77
say hello 271
say goodbye 109
say hi for me 19
say you're sorry 71
say no more 261
says me 53