Hell if i know traduction Espagnol
455 traduction parallèle
Hell if I know!
¡ Yo que sé!
The hell if I know...
Si lo supiera...
The hell if I know.
ni puta idea.
Hell if I know! - Wait!
- ¡ Maldición no sé!
Hell if I know.
Como si lo supiera.
The hell if I know where love resides.
Al diablo si sé dónde está el amor.
Hell if I know.
- Que me cuelguen si lo sé.
Hell if I know,
- Cómo demonios lo sabré.
Hell if I know.
- ¿ Y yo qué sé?
If I didn't know we are mentioned in his will... - l'd beat the hell out of him!
Si no estuviese seguro de que nos colocó en su testamento... le partía la cara.
I don't know if you'll be one to have the fortitude to dtick it... to follow the dpoor no matter where it leadd... to what pain and duffering... through hell and high water.
No sé si tendrás la entereza para perseverar... para seguir la pista sin importar adónde te lleve... así te cause dolor y sufrimiento, contra viento y marea.
Miss Blanche, I'll tell you right now, if that sister of yours has gone and given you sleeping tablets to keep you quiet while she's out doing I don't know what I'm sure as hell gonna call the police on her.
Señorita Blanche, se lo advierto, si esa hermana suya se ha ido y le ha dado pastillas para dormir para mantenerla callada mientras ella está fuera no sé qué le aseguro que llamaré a la Policía.
And I know a hell of a lot more than you ever will, even if you live to be my age, which it don't strike me you ever will.
Y sé mucho más de lo que sabrá, aunque llegue a mi edad, y no creo que eso suceda.
Hell, I wouldn't even know what to say to them if they were still here.
No sabría qué decirles si aún estuvieran aquí.
Mr. Crockett, I know it sounds strange as hell, but... what if nature were trying to get back at us?
Sr. Crockett, sé que sonara terriblemente extraño... pero, y si la naturaleza tratara de vengarse de nosotros?
Hell, I don't even know if his garage is still there
Ni siquiera sé si el garaje sigue allí
Well Honey if I knew that, then I'd know what the hell to do about it wouldn't I.
Bueno Cariño si lo sabía, entonces yo saber qué diablos hacer al respecto no I.
You know, I used to blame her for not making it into the big time, but I tell you, you ain't got a chance in hell if you ain't one of them.
Le echaba la culpa por no haber triunfado, pero la cuestión es que no hay posibilidades si no eres uno de ellos.
If you didn't want to see me I don't know why the hell... you didn't tell me when I was in Washington?
Si no quería recibirme, ¿ por qué no lo dijo... cuando todavía estaba en Washington?
What the hell are you doing here? Dammed if I know.
Que diablos esta haciendo aquí arriba?
"I'm damned if I know how the hell he can."
"Qué me cuelguen si sé cómo diablos lo hace."
I personally don't know if this kind of situation could repeat itself, but if it does, we all deserve a life in hell.
Yo no se si esto pudiera pasar otra vez. Pero si pasa, todos merecemos ir al infierno.
Hell, you know if your old man didn't own him already, I might have bought him myself.
Te aseguro que si no fuera propiedad de tu viejo, yo mismo le habría comprado.
I don't know what that thing is, but we're gonna be a hell of a lot safer if we stay together, OK?
No sé lo que esa cosa sea, pero vamos a estar más seguros si nos mantenemos juntos. ¿ OK?
- I mean, you know... suppose you're going through some kind of hell in your own life. Well, you would love to know if your friends have experienced similar things.
Cuando pasamos por una tragedia, nos gustaría saber si a nuestros amigos les ha pasado lo mismo.
What in the hell to decide if I don't know what is it all about?
¿ Qué demonios voy a decidir si no sé de qué se trata?
Now, if that's not real law, if that's not big law, I don't know what the hell is.
Si eso no es Abogacía -... Si eso no es Abogacía por lo alto, no se que cornos es.
I don't know what the hell you're talking about! Let me tell you something. If they taught English on Ellis Island, this never would have happened!
Si hablaras inglés, esto nunca habría sucedido!
When my men come to me tomorrow morning wanting to know what the hell's going on... I'll be damned if I'm gonna lie to them!
Mis trabajadores querrán saber qué está pasando y no les voy a mentir.
But if I die on this hill, I won't know who did it, and I sure as hell won't know the reason why.
Pero si muero en esta colina no sabré quién lo hizo, y de seguro no sabré el motivo.
Hell, if I know the girls, they oughta be havin'breakfast about now.
Deben estar desayunando.
I know he's younger than you, but if it makes you feel better, he's going to have one hell of a week.
Se que es más joven que Uds., pero si los hace sentir mejor, él tendrá un infierno esta semana.
I don't know if I'll ever be happy but I sure as hell know I'm never gonna be poor again.
No sé si algún día seré feliz pero estoy segurísima de que nunca volveré a ser pobre.
Them Colombian motherfuckers... they took permanent vacation in hell... if you know what I mean.
Esos colombianos cabrones... se tomaron unas vacaciones en el infierno, ¿ me entiendes?
Them Colombian motherfuckers... they took permanent vacation in hell... if you know what I mean.
How the hell do I know if he had a camera?
¿ Cómo demonios voy a saber si él tenía una cámara?
I don't know what the hell all you people want, but if you make me mayor and let me know your heart's desire, I guarantee it won't take me five years to get my yea or nay on it.
No sé qué rayos quieren todos ustedes... pero si me hacen alcaldesa y me dicen qué desean... garantizo que no me tardaré cinco años para decir que sí o que no.
If I'm not there in 15, you know what to do. - We get the hell out of here.
Si no estoy allí en 15 minutos, saben lo que tienen que hacer.
Hell, if it were still in my name, you and I both know it'd be gone.
Diablos, si estuviera a mi nombre, tú y yo sabemos que no estaría.
Because if it is, I'd like to know how that's going to get us out of here... so I can figure out what the hell...
Si es asi, quisiera saber cómo eso nos va a sacar de aqui... - para que yo pueda saber qué rayos...
Hell, I don't even know if it works.
Rayos, ni siquiera sé si sirve.
If Victor was my brother and I knew what you know, every day of my life would be a living hell.
Si Victor fuese mi hermano y yo supiese lo que sabes tú, cada día de mi vida sería un infierno.
If my name isn't there as Mrs. Franklin J. Caldwell Ill then how the hell is anybody gonna know who I am?
Si mi nombre no está allí como Sra. Franklin J. Caldwell III ¿ como diablos va alguien a saber que soy yo?
Meanwhile, if I can grab your share of the market, put a little coin in the pocket, by being the asshole? Well, what the hell, you know what I mean?
Entretanto, si puedo hacerme con tu parte del mercado, hacerme un dinerillo al comportarme como un imbécil.
I don't know if there's a hell, but if there is, I've already been there.
ya he estado ahí.
I don't know what the hell he's talking about, but I got some jewellery somewhere, if you please.
No sé de qué carajo está hablando, pero yo tengo joyas en alguna parte, por favor...
"I don't know if I'm going to heaven or to hell but I'm going from Jackson."
"No sé si iré al cielo o al infierno pero iré desde Jackson".
"I don't know if I'm going to heaven or hell, but I'm going from Jackson."
No sé si iré al cielo o al infierno, pero iré desde Jackson.
I wonder if we'll ever know who the hell he really was.
Me pregunto si alguna vez sabremos... quién mierda era realmente.
I don't know if I want to train like hell and kick Lasse Viren's ass... or stay in bed.
No se si quiero entrenar como el infierno y patear el culo de Lasse Viren... o quedarse en la cama.
I don't know if this is gonna work, but it's gonna be one hell of a fight either way.
No sé si funcionará, pero será una pelea impresionante de todas formas.
i know 63170
i know you can do it 61
i know you will 227
i know everything 279
i know that 3661
i know you don't like me 31
i know who you are 1036
i know you don't know me 17
i know you can 181
i know you 1720
i know you can do it 61
i know you will 227
i know everything 279
i know that 3661
i know you don't like me 31
i know who you are 1036
i know you don't know me 17
i know you can 181
i know you 1720
i know how you feel 379
i know you're tired 50
i know it 1515
i know it's been a while 32
i know what it is 314
i know you're scared 181
i know what you mean 503
i know her 343
i know that's right 19
i know what i saw 201
i know you're tired 50
i know it 1515
i know it's been a while 32
i know what it is 314
i know you're scared 181
i know what you mean 503
i know her 343
i know that's right 19
i know what i saw 201