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I'd be careful traduction Espagnol

383 traduction parallèle
But I'd be careful.
Pero yo tendria cuidado.
Polly, I'd be careful about the way you break off your engagement. - Why?
Polly, rompe el compromiso con tacto, ante todo.
And I adore you, too, but you'd better be careful.
Yo también te adoro, pero ten cuidado.
I'd be careful.
Tendré cuidado.
I'd be careful, Joe. He's a hard guy.
- Bueno, ten cuidado es un tipo duro.
- Camera? - I'd be careful if I were you
- Yo tendría cuidado de ser Ud.
I'd advise you to be more careful of your uniform.
Y usted con su uniforme.
But I'd be careful.
Pero yo tendría cuidado.
I'd be careful what i said and did, see? Like what?
Si fuera tú, cuidaría lo que dices.
Perhaps not, but if I were you, I'd be just a little careful.
A lo mejor me equivoco.
I'd be careful who you call a crook, mister.
A ver a quién llama estafador.
I ´ d be careful, Mr. Daniel Miller.
Ten cuidado, Danny Miller.
I'd be careful about too much dancing, however.
No bailo.
If I were in charge of someone like you I'd be a little careful about how I'd pass it around.
Si yo tuviese que hacerme cargo de alguien como tú,... tendría mucho cuidado de dónde va y con quién.
Están poniéndome nervioso.
- I'd be careful, if I were you, ma'am.
Yo me andaría con cuidado, señora.
If I was you, Wiggs, I'd be careful who I took up with.
Si fuera tú, Wiggs, me cuidaría de ciertas personas.
I think you'd better be very careful of what you say next.
Cuidado con lo que vas a decir ahora.
I'd be careful if I were you.
Sería cuidadosa en tu lugar.
I'd be careful.
Yo tendría cuidado.
I suppose if we all knew the consequences beforehand we'd all be a bit more careful, eh Missus Birling?
Supongo que si todos conociéramos de antemano las consecuencias,... actuaríamos con un poco más de cuidado, ¿ eh, Sra. Birling?
I was going to ring the bell... but then I had a hunch I'd better be careful.
Iba a tocar el timbre... pero tuve el presentimiento de que debía ser cuidadoso.
Only this time, I'd be more careful.
Sólo que esta vez sería más cuidadoso.
- I'd be a little careful with that.
- Yo tendría cuidado con eso.
I told him he'd better be careful, if that's what he's up to.
Le dije que tuviera cuidado, si es capaz de hacerlo.
You'd better be careful, or I'm gonna tell your wife on you.
Se lo voy a contar a tu mujer.
I wish he'd be more careful.
Debería tener más cuidado.
I'd be pretty careful of whatever opportunities I put in his way.
Yo voy a tener cuidado con las oportunidades que coloco en su camino.
I'd like to send him a signal telling him to be careful, but I'm sure he'd resent it.
Me gustaría enviarle un mensaje... pidièndole que sea cuidadoso... pero estoy seguro que no le haría caso.
I I were you, I'd be more careful with my money.
Si fuera tú, sería más cuidadoso con el dinero.
- That's some fit. - A real fit. - I'd better be careful.
- Será mejor que tenga mucho cuidado.
But be careful tomorrow because if anything should go wrong... I'd just hate to think of what would happen.
Pero trata de tener cuidado mañana porque si algo llegara a salir mal... no quiero ni pensar en lo que ocurriría.
I'd be careful of that cheese if I were you, sir.
Yo que usted, tendría cuidado con ese queso, señor.
Well, if she's a woman I'd be careful.
Si es una mujer, tengamos cuidado.
I hoped he'd go too far and be put down, but he was careful.
Me limitaba a desear que él se pasara y ella le pusiera en su sitio. Pero era prudente.
She's a divorcée, Mr. Corbett... and if you don't mind some advice, I'd be very careful.
Es divorciada, Sr. Corbett... y, si me permite darle un consejo, yo que usted me cuidaría.
- I'd be careful...
- Tenga cuidado...
In your place, I'd be careful.
En tu lugar, tendría cuidado.
I'd still be very careful if I were you.
Aún así tendría mucho cuidado en vuestro lugar.
If I were you, I'd be more careful in the future.
Yo tendría más cuidado en el futuro.
It's safe now, I think, but we'd better be careful.
Ahora es seguro, creo, pero es mejor tener cuidado.
I'd be careful... with that mouth of yours.
Yo tendría cuidado... con esa boca tuya.
I'd be careful, doctor.
Tenga cuidado, doctor.
I know we said we'd be careful... but I don't think anybody will be on the top deck.
Sé que dijimos que seríamos cuidadosos. Nadie habrá en la cubierta alta.
I guess we'd both best be careful that one doesn't jump out at us some dark night.
Creo que deberíamos tener cuidado de que no nos ataque ninguno alguna noche.
We'd better be careful. I promised Mrs. Appleyard I'd have you lot back at the college by 8 : 00.
Hay que tener cuidado, prometí a la señora Appleyard que os tendría de vuelta al colegio a las 8 : 00.
- I'd better be careful then.
Pues mejor que tenga cuidado. ¡ Sí!
I only borrowed you to loan that truck'cause you said you'd be careful.
Te lo presté porque dijiste que tendrías cuidado.
I'd be careful of that if I were you. It's an ultra-beam accelerator.
Yo tendría cuidado con eso si fuera tú, es un acelerador de ultra rayos.
I'd be careful about taking the law in my own hands without suitable authority.
Yo me cuidaría de tomar la ley en mis propias manos a menos que tuviera una autoridad apropiada.
I don't know. You'd have to be good and careful.
tendría que ser bueno y cuidadoso.

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