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I always liked you traduction Espagnol

446 traduction parallèle
I always liked you, Biff.
Siempre me has gustado, Biff.
But I... I always liked you.
Yo siempre te quise.
I always liked you, Jim.
Siempre me has agradado, Jim.
I always liked you. When you were a boy and came to play with my nephews, I said to myself :
Cuando eras niño y yo una bella mujer madura, y venías a jugar con mis sobrinos, me decía a mí misma :
I always liked you.
Simpatizo con usted.
I always liked you. But, there wasn't anymore than that for either of us.
Nos gustábamos, pero nunca hubo nada más.
I always liked you, Mrs. Rosalie.
Siempre me gustaste, Sra. Rosalia.
You know I've always liked you.
Siempre me has gustado.
That's what I always liked about you.
Era lo que siempre me gustó de ti.
You know I always liked it in that corner.
Sabes que me gustaba en ese rincón.
I forgot you always liked those.
Olvidé que a usted le gustan esas cosas.
You, by me, you've always been offended, in any place. At any time. For all the reasons I liked.
Tú, por mí, siempre serás humillado, en cualquier parte.
I can't say I've always liked you.
No puedo decir que siempre me has caído bien.
I always knew you never liked the idea of marriage, and neither did the bride.
Siempre supe que no te gustaba la idea del matrimonio, ni a ella tampoco.
I know all of you have always liked me a lot. I know so.
Yo sé que ustedes siempre me han querido.
That's what I always liked about you.
Es lo que siempre me ha gustado de ti.
Lucky I always liked soldiers! How about you?
A mi siempre me gustaron los soldados, ¿ y a ti?
- I've always liked you a lot. - You're laughing at me.
¡ Ah, qu, Don Cruz, Ud. siempre tan burlista!
I have always liked you, but you must not bring this gentleman again.
Usted siempre caerme bien, pero no traerle más.
You know me, I've always liked young people.
Ya me conoces. Siempre me han gustado las jovencitas.
I've always liked you, Chris. Right now more than ever.
Siempre me gustaste, y ahora más que nunca.
I've always liked you very much.
Sabes que siempre me has caído muy bien.
- You look wonderful. I always liked...
- Estás muy guapo...
You know, I've always liked you ever since high school.
Tú sabes, siempre te quise desde la secundaria.
I've always liked you, Oliverio.
Siempre me simpatizaste, Oliverio.
- You sit right here. - Don't you like that? I've always liked fall.
Bien, siéntese usted aquí.
One thing I always liked about you, Anne.
Una cosa que siempre me gustó de ti, Anne.
One thing I've always liked about you, Fred, you're sentimental.
Una cosa que siempre me gustó de usted Fred. ... es que es un sentimental.
I like you. I've always liked you but Dave's my blood. Him, I love.
Siempre me has caído bien... pero Dave es sangre de mi sangre.
You always liked me when you thought I had money, didn't you?
Yo te gustaba cuando creías que era rica.
You know, I always liked that hat on you.
Oye, siempre me ha gustado ese sombrero.
Yeah. that's what I always liked about you, Jake.
Sí, eso es lo que siempre me ha gustado de ti, Jake.
Do you know what I've always liked about you?
¿ Sabes qué es lo que siempre me ha gustado de tí?
I have always liked you.
Ya sabes que siempre me has gustado.
I mean, you always liked simple food and a regulated, well-ordered life.
Además, siempre te ha gustado la comida sencilla y llevar una vida bien ordenada.
You know, Smart, I have always liked you, even when I was trying to kill you.
Sabes, Smart, siempre me agradaste incluso cuando intentaba matarte.
I always thought you liked me, Max.
Siempre pensé que te agradaba, Max.
You know, Jones, I've always liked you.
Siempre le he apreciado, Jones.
I understand you've always liked me.
Entiendo que siempre te he gustado.
"The sun rises for you today." Yes! So I liked him, because he knew or felt, as was a woman. I knew I could always be by your side, giving all the pleasure I could.
sí por eso me gustaba porque vi que comprendía y sentía cómo era una mujer y yo sabía que siempre podría hacer con él lo que quisiere y le di todo el placer que pude teniéndole en ascuas hasta que me dio el sí
You know I ´ ve always liked you, Kid.
¿ Quieres alguna cosa mas, pequeño?
I'd have liked to be... with you always.
Me habría gustado estar con Ud para siempre, para amarla.
I have known you from a child Susanna, and always liked you.
Susanna, le he conocido desde pequeña, y siempre me gustó.
Vorobyaninov! I have always liked you. You know that.
Vorobyaninov, siempre me ha caído bien, ya lo sabe.
I know you always liked to make it for Janos
Sé que siempre te gustó prepararla para Janos.
Believe me, prince, I admire you for your courage for your bravery in battle I respect you and have always liked you
Créeme, príncipe, te admiro por tu valor por tu valentía en la batalla Te respeto y siempre me has gustado
I know why, because you've always hated him because my mother liked him, because he belongs to me, because he's mine, which you'll never be because you're a whore, a dirty bloody whore!
¡ Yo sé por qué, porque siempre lo has odiado! ¡ porque le gustaba a mi madre, porque me pertenece! ,
I've always liked you.
Siempre me gustaste.
That must be why I've always liked you Earthlings so much.
Por eso debe ser que siempre me gustaron ustedes, los terrícolas.
I just wanted you to know I've always admired you. - Always liked you.
Sólo quería decirle que siempre le he admirado, siempre me ha caído bien.
You see, Mr. Bond, I always thought I liked animals and I discovered that I liked killing people even more.
Verá, Sr. Bond, siempre creí que me gustaban los animales. Después descubrí que me gustaba aún más matar gente.

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