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I always knew traduction Espagnol

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And I always knew you would be there if it did.
Y yo siempre he sabido que tú estarías ahi si pasaba
And when I first went looking for Stuart, I always knew this was a possibility.
Y cuando empecé a buscar a Stuart, siempre supe que esto era una posibilidad.
The thing is, in my heart, I always knew he was innocent, and I was right.
La cosa es, en mi corazón, siempre supe que era inocente, y tenía razón.
But I always knew there was an expiration date on this relationship.
Siempre supe que esta relación tendría fecha de vencimiento.
You were always attracted to him, and I always knew that you two would get around to kissing each other one day.
Usted siempre se sintieron atraídos a él, y siempre supe que ustedes dos se moverse a besarse un día.
I always knew that the best gift I could give him. Was to let him know that everything back home was still good.
Yo siempre he sabido que el mejor regalo que le podia dar era hacerle saber que cuando volviera a casa todo estaría igual de bien.
I always knew if we didn't quit, one of us, one day, would lose the other.
Siempre supe que si no lo dejábamos, algún día, uno de nosotros perdería al otro.
And the worst part of it is, somewhere deep down, I always knew she was gonna leave me, and it's like I'm watching my worst fear come true and there's nothing I can do to stop it.
Y lo peor de todo es que, en el fondo... siempre supe que ella iba a dejarme, y es como que estoy viendo cómo mi peor temor se hace realidad y no hay nada que pueda hacer para pararlo.
- I always knew this guy was no good for you, Stephanie.
Siempre supe que este sujeto no era bueno para ti, Stephanie.
- But I always knew,
- Pero siempre supe,
I always knew this was going to happen.
- Pero siempre creí que serías tu. - Debería haber sido yo. No podemos hacer nada.
I always knew you could do it.
Siempre supe que podías hacerlo.
I've had a lot of ups and downs in my life, but I always knew I could probably out-do any person out here as far as stamina and I proved to myself I could.
En mi vida he tenido muchos altibajos, pero siempre supe que podría enfrentarme a cualquier persona de aquí con energía y me probé que puedo hacerlo.
* Guess I always knew this day was coming. *
Supongo que siempre supe que este día llegaría.
I always knew, you made a big mistake by coming here.
Siempre supe que cometías un gran error viniendo.
As I always knew it would be.
Siempre supe que esto llegaría.
I always knew the South was loco, but damn I
Siempre pensé que eI Sur estaba loco, i pero vaya!
I always knew those little cunts would be the end of me.
Sabía que esas cabronas... serían mi fin.
I always knew the bastard was one of them.
Siempre supe que el hijo de puta era uno de ellos.
I always knew you'd return.
Siempre supe que regresarías.
My little princess, I always knew you had it in you.
Mi princesita, siempre supe que lo tenías dentro de ti.
I always knew you were crazy, but now I see you're nuts.
Siempre supe que estabas loca, pero ahora veo que estás loco.
I always knew you were a nice guy.
Siempre supe que eras un buen tipo.
I always knew you would destroy her.
Siempre supe que la destruirias.
I always knew she'd be needed one more time.
Siempre supe que se había se necesita una vez más.
I always knew this day would come.
Siempre supe que este día llegaría.
You're really becoming the father I always knew you could be.
Estás convirtiéndote en el padre que siempre supe que podías ser.
I always knew you were a butthead.
Yo sabía que eras una "retrasera mental".
I always knew I'd be famous.
Siempre supe que yo sería famoso.
Go on. I always knew I'd be famous.
¡ Pasen!
I always knew you was gonna be good.
Siempre supe que sería bueno.
I think you always knew with Leslie. I did. When I found out about Leslie,'cause Leslie was really young.
Si, cunado supe lo de Leslie porque Leslie era muy joven
Why would you say that? ( chuckles ) Well, I always just kind of assumed you knew.
¿ Por qué podrías decir eso? Bueno, siempre asumí que lo sabías.
Well, I always just kind of assumed you knew.
Tú no has hecho nada para merecer esto.
Sorry. I obviously asked if Lucy knew about me, but Rita was always adamant that she wouldn't tell her till she was 18.
Lo siento.Obviamente pregunté si Lucy sabía de mí, pero Rita se mantuvo firme en que no le quería decir nada hasta los 18.
But I fell in love with you before I knew that, so even if you were... I'm always gonna be on your side.
Pero me enamoré de ti antes de saber eso, así que incluso si lo fueses, siempre estaría a tu lado.
But see, the truth is that I overcame my fears because I knew that he would always be standing there, to catch me if I fell.
Pero veras, la verdad es que vencí mis miedos porque sabria que el siempre estaria cerca, para atraparme y yo caia.
I mean, she always referred to them as my brothers, but as far as I knew, she understood that I'm a human being.
Quiero decir, siempre se refiere a ellos como mis hermanos, pero hasta donde yo sabia, ella sabia diferenciar que soy una persona
When you loved Ole like I did - you always knew you had an awesome rival.
Quien ama a Ole como yo lo amé, sabe que tiene una asombrosa rival.
I mean, if she only knew. He was always saying we should lay off her.
Si ella supiera.
I always knew we'd work well together.
You always know. I knew it was going to happen.
No dicen nada, ¿ verdad, Mary?
I knew he was up to something, he always was.
No. Sabía que estaba tramando algo, siempre lo hacía.
And I knew somehow I always wanted to play in that band.
Entonces supe que quería tocar en aquella banda.
The fact that you were always a softie, I knew it from the beginning.
Desde el principio supe que en realidad era un blandito.
Then of course I always had to sneak them back into his closet before he got home because he'd flip out if he ever knew.
Por supuesto, debía guardarlas a hurtadillas antes de que regresara porque enloquecería si se enteraba.
Raw. Best friend, BFF always, uh... I knew it.
Para mi mejor amigo, por siempre- -
I always knew you had the talent.
Siempre supe que tenías talento.
Well, tools were always on your Christmas list, but I had no idea that you knew how to actually make anything.
Siempre pediste herramientas para Navidad, pero no tenía idea de que supieras hacer algo.
You know, deep down, I think I always kind of knew.
Sabes, en el fondo, siempre lo supe.
I guess you always knew it.
Supongo que siempre lo supe.

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