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I know you wouldn't traduction Espagnol

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You know, I bet you Ben Franklin wouldn't have traded Rodgers, either... Even if, you know, after he didn't catch the pigeons, he was forced to clean up their droppings...
Te apuesto a que Ben Franklin nunca habría traspasado a Rodgers, incluso, después de no atrapar las palomas, se vio obligado a limpiar sus excrementos...
I'm guessing you know you screwed up, or you wouldn't have hidden it from me.
Supongo que sabes que la cagaste, si no, no me lo habrías ocultado.
I know, but Parker wouldn't have given that surgery a second thought if I wasn't in there with you.
Lo sé, pero Parker no habría pensado dos veces en esa cirugía, si no estuvieras aquí.
You know, I-I wouldn't feel right accepting money from you, Mr. Doran.
¿ Sabe? No me sentiría bien aceptando dinero de usted, señor Doran.
Thing is, I wouldn't be having a baby at 20 if I didn't have the BRCA gene, and I know that you're not ready to be a dad, but if there are feelings that we want to explore,
La cosa es, que no estaría teniendo un bebé a los 20 si no tuviera el gen del cáncer, y sé que no estás preparado para ser padre, pero si hay sentimientos que queramos explorar, y desde que necesitamos citas, pensé que podríamos ir
so that means you actually did know that the girl there is how it works, they find somebody, I show up for the photo shoot, I wouldn't be able to recognize her if you showed me a picture of her
Así que eso significa que realmente conocía a la niña. Esto funciona así : primero encuentran a alguien, y me presento para la foto. No podría reconocerla si me mostrasen una foto de ella.
I got out of the joint, not a cent in my pocket and wouldn't you know it, there's this purse lying right there on the ground.
Salí de la trena, sin un centavo en el bolsillo y no te lo creerías, estaba este bolso tirado allí mismo en el suelo.
I know when you have something really nice, you wouldn't want to wreck it.
Sé que cuando tienes algo bonito, no quieres destrozarlo.
I know I said I wouldn't help you, but I changed my mind.
Sé que dije que no iba a ayudarte, pero algo me hizo cambiar de opinión.
I don't know how you'll take this kind of speech in this situation, and you probably wouldn't believe me no matter what I say, but....
No sé como tomará lo que le diré, en este tipo de situación... y es probable que no me crea sin importar lo que le diga, pero...
I don't know, and if I were you, I wouldn't get too invested in her winning.
No lo se, y si estuviera en tu lugar, no me entusiasmaría tanto con su victoria.
I wouldn't worry about it, you know, if I were you.
No me preocuparía por eso, ya sabes, si fuera tú.
You think I wouldn't know this was a trap?
¿ Crees que no sabría que era una trampa?
Well, you know, I know those girls think that Teddy makes the world go round, but... they wouldn't even have a world without you.
Bueno, sabes, sé que esas chicas creen que Teddy hace girar el mundo pero... ellas no tendrían un mundo sin ti.
You know, if it wasn't for some weird alignment of the universe, I wouldn't have stuck around BlueBell.
Sabes, si no fuese por un extraño aliñamiento del universo, no me habría quedado en Bluebell.
You really put yourself out there, and I was so scared that it wouldn't work, you know, that we would have nothing in common, I kind of sabotaged it.
Realmente te has expuesto allí, y yo estaba tan asustada que no podría funcionar, ya sabes, que no tendríamos nada en común, creo que lo he saboteado.
Well, I wouldn't mind you sending a little down south, if you know what I mean.
Bueno, no me molestaría enviar un poco abajo al sur, si sabes lo que quiero decir.
It's good news, and I don't know why you wouldn't want to share that with me?
Son buenas noticias y no entiendo por qué no querrías compartirlas conmigo.
I mean, wouldn't you hate to think you had a kid out there and not know it?
Es decir, ¿ no odiarías pensar que tienes un hijo ahí fuera y no saberlo?
I wouldn't have come back, at all, because, as you know, I don't like you and you are not good people, but I decided since I am here I will collect my sandwich toaster before you put it on eBay.
No tenía pensado venir para nada, porque, como sabéis, no me gustáis y no sois buenas personas, pero he decidido que ya que estoy aquí podría pasar a por mi sandwichera antes de que la pongáis a la venta en eBay.
You know there's nothing I wouldn't do for you.
Tú sabes que no hay nada que no haría por ti.
If I had know, I wouldn't have looked for you.
Si lo hubiera sabido, no te habría buscado.
You know I wouldn't.
Sabes que eso nunca pasará.
Do you think I wouldn't know?
¿ Pensaste que no iba a saberlo?
I guess... you wouldn't know, would you?
Supongo... que no lo sabrías, ¿ verdad?
I don't know how to pick the lock, you wouldn't happen to know how to do that?
No sé como forzar la cerradura. ¿ Por casualidad no sabrías cómo hacer eso?
I wouldn't want anything to, you know, happen.
No quisiera que algo, ya sabes, suceda.
- You know, I've been thinking, honey, that maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea if we- -
He estado pensando... que no sería mala idea si...
Hey, I didn't know her, obviously, but she sounds like the kind of woman that wouldn't want you spending all your time being sad.
Hey, yo no la conocía, obviamente, pero suena como el tipo de mujer que no le gustaría que el gasto todo su tiempo de estar triste
Well, I wouldn't expect a dickhead like you to know about legends like us.
Bueno, yo no esperaría un imbécil como tú saber sobre leyendas como nosotros
Look, I don't know if I'm going to be staying in the house much longer, so if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to be by myself.
No sé si me quedaré en la casa mucho más tiempo no te ofendas, prefiero estar a solas.
You know, I wouldn't go if I didn't have this job thing.
No me iría de no tener que trabajar.
And I know they wouldn't want you to be burdened with that beat-up old trap.
Y sé que ellos no querrían que cargaras con esa pocilga destartalada.
You know I wouldn't have missed that for nothing, man. Appreciate that.
Esto no me lo habría perdido por nada del mundo.
Um, I'm not trying to keep you girls in suspense, but I wouldn't know.
La verdad no quiero mantenerlas en suspenso, pero no lo sé.
I know that you wouldn't go on a date if your life depended on it.
Tú no saldrías en una cita ni bajo amenaza de muerte.
I wouldn't pretend to know how you're feeling.
No pretendería saber cómo te sientes.
You know those vintage diamond earrings you bought for me after you did that thing I asked you not to do, and we said we wouldn't talk about it?
¿ Recuerdas los aretes de diamantes antiguos que me compraste después de hacer lo que te pedí que no hicieras y que dijimos que no los discutiríamos?
You wouldn't know who I am.
Usted no sabe quién soy.
You know I wouldn't stand a chance without you.
Sabes que no tengo ninguna opción sin ti.
And I want you to know that I wouldn't be having sex tonight if it weren't for you.
Y quiero que sepas que yo no tendría sexo esta noche si no fuera por ti.
Yeah, I took theater class in middle school, but you wouldn't know about that.
Sí, tuve clases de teatro en la escuela secundaria, pero no lo saben.
You know, I wouldn't worry about it, Vi.
¿ Sabes? No me preocuparía.
♪ I know you wouldn't go You'd watch my heart burst ♪
"Se que tú no iras, mira mi corazón estallar"
You wouldn't know where I could get one of these?
¿ Tienes idea dónde puedo conseguir uno de estos?
Oh, you know I wouldn't miss it.
Oh, tú sabes que no lo extrañaría.
I wouldn't take the money, but you know where it goes to.
No tomaría el dinero, pero ya sabes adónde va.
And just know that if the camp wasn't in danger... I wouldn't be wasting this on you.
Que sepas que si el campamento no corriera peligro, no lo desperdiciaría contigo.
Oh yuck, I know. You wouldn't have to actually kiss me, I'm just saying.
No tienes que darme un beso.
You know me, I wouldn't do that.
Tú me conoces, yo no haría eso.
I can... Wouldn't be, you know...

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