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I really don't traduction Espagnol

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So, listen, I don't want to interrupt, but we should really talk now that you're up, in case you remember anything about the shooting.
Escucha, no quiero interrumpir, pero debemos hablar ahora que estás bien en caso de que recuerdes algo del disparo.
I really don't need you to be my conscience right now. Okay?
Ahora mismo no necesito que seas mi conciencia. ¿ Vale?
- Well, uh, see, I am working, and so no, I really don't want to have a conversation.
Bueno, mira, estoy trabajando, y no, realmente no quiero tener una conversación.
I'm just saying, it's your life and your career that you've worked really hard for, and I just don't want you to- - let your life be absorbed into his life, you know?
Sólo te estoy diciendo, es tu vida... y tu carrera por la que has trabajado realmente duro, y yo simplemente no quiero que... dejes que tu vida sea absorbida por la vida de él, ¿ ya sabes?
I don't think she knows how good she really is.
No creo que ella sepa lo buena que realmente es.
Nah, I don't really feel like it.
No, no tengo ganas.
And do you really think I don't get drunk when I want?
¿ Y de verdad crees que no me emborracho cuando quiero?
In case you're about to ask, I don't know who really ran Indian Hill.
En caso de que lo pregunte, no sé quién dirige Indian Hill.
I don't... I don't really know.
La verdad es que no lo sé.
Oh, um, I don't really play, no.
La verdad es que no sé, no.
I guess I don't really understand the question.
Supongo que no comprendo la pregunta.
Yeah, I don't really see it that way.
Yo en realidad no lo veo así.
I don't really remember, but if the records say so...
En verdad no recuerdo, pero si los registros lo dicen...
Hey, I know we don't really know each other, but this Lady of the Lake Pageant does not seem like your thing. My dad is making me.
Oye, sé que no nos conocemos mucho, pero parece que esto del desfile de la Dama del Lago no va mucho contigo.
No, Brooke, please. I really don't...
No, Brooke, por favor.
Both your boys wanted to spend time with you, and I know you don't want to hear this but... it says something really nice about you.
Ambos sus muchachos querían pasar tiempo con usted, Y sé que no quiere oír esto, pero... Dice algo muy agradable sobre usted.
I mean, I- - I really don't see the point.
En verdad no le veo el sentido.
I don't really understand them'cause, I don't know, everyone seems so happy, but that seems odd because someone just died.
en realidad no lo comprendo porque, no sé, todos se ven tan felices, pero eso parece extraño porque alguien acaba de morir...
I personally don't like it, but he really hates it.
A mí personalmente no me gusta pero él lo odia.
I really don't know. You injected me with Nazi serum?
La verdad no sé. ¿ Me inyectaste con el suero nazi?
I don't think The Flash really takes vacations.
No creo que Flash deba tomar vacaciones.
And I don't know how many times I've said this, but... I'm really sorry about Dante, man.
Y no sé cuántas veces habré dicho esto, pero... de verdad siento mucho lo de Dante, viejo...
I don't really talk like that.
De verdad no me gusta hablar así.
I mean, if I could just shadow you for a day, maybe ask a few questions, I don't know ; I think that you could really help bring my skills up to... snuff.
No lo sé ; es decir, si puedo seguirte por un día, tal vez hacerte algunas preguntas, creo que podrías ayudarme a poner mis habilidades más a tu... altura.
I don't really remember anything.
En realidad no recuerdo nada.
Though, I don't think you really ever had a way around that one.
Aunque no creo que en realidad hayas tenido la manera de evitarlo.
I really don't want to talk about it.
Realmente no quiero hablar de eso.
- Well, I really don't care. - Oh. Ha ha!
Bueno, en realidad no me importa.
Uh, I really hope you hit autopilot because I don't see any controls on this thing.
Espero que encuentres el piloto automático porque no veo controles en esta cosa.
I really don't like the way Democrats always treat political differences like the opposition has to be insane.
La verdad es que no me gusta la forma en que los demócratas tratan las diferencias políticas como si la oposición tuviera que estar loca.
I don't really know what I'm supposed to say.
Realmente no se, que se supone que debo decir.
Uh, I don't want to jeopardize the really hot sex we're about to have, but that sounds just awful.
No quiero echar a perder la posibilidad de tener sexo contigo ahora, pero ese plan suena fatal!
- I think I got good critiques, like, we're seeing something different, but then I got told from Michelle that I don't really have a soul.
Crei que estaba recibiendo buenas criticas por mostrar algo diferente. Pero entonces Michelle dice que no tengo alma.
- I really don't mean it that way. I have an ear for music, rhythm, and, like, beats.
No lo hago de esa forma, tengo oido muy bueno para la musica, ritmos y beats.
She made me want to wear it, but I don't know if it really screamed "Madonna."
Derrick Barry. Su Britney me sorprendio.
And I spoke to him, didn't really understand what he was saying, and I don't think he understood a word I was saying either, but it was just fascinating.
Y hablé con él, la verdad es que no entendí lo que decía, y tampoco creo que él entendiera una palabra de lo que le dije, pero fue fascinante.
I really don't know.
De veras, no lo sé.
Although I've never really wanted a break from that, so I suppose I don't understand.
Aunque nunca quise un descanso de eso, así que supongo que no te entiendo.
I'm sorry. I was just wondering if it's that you don't want to be here or if you're never really anywhere.
Simplemente me preguntaba si es que no quiere estar aquí o si en realidad nunca está en ningún sitio.
I don't really have a phone, but I know this guy- -
Realmente no tengo un teléfono, pero sé que este tipo -
I don't really go out much.
No salgo mucho.
I don't really have any secrets, Pat.
En realidad yo no tengo secretos, Pat.
I guess you just don't know how much you really want something until you almost lose it, you know?
lo siento realmente.
I mean, you don't seem like the type of person who's really interested in leadership roles.
Bueno, no pareces la clase de persona a quien le interese demasiado el papel de líder.
Keep all the doors locked just so we feel safe, and I really don't want any of you guys on your phones or computers, please.
Mantengamos las puertas cerradas con llave para sentirnos a salvo, y no quiero a ninguno de ustedes en sus teléfonos ni computadores, por favor.
I mean, I don't really know what to say.
O sea, es que no sé qué decir.
Dana, I really don't think this is going to fit in here comfortably.
Dana, no creo que esto vaya a caber aquí cómodamente.
Ironic, given the fact that I don't really dance.
Es irónico, teniendo en cuenta el hecho de que nunca bailo.
I don't really feel like leaving, so...
Y no pienso irme, así que...
I don't really think this whole friends-with-benefits thing is working out.
No creo que todo esto de "amigos con derechos" esté funcionando para mí.
I don't think I'm really ready to smoke pot.
No creo que esté listo para fumar hierba.

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