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I see him traduction Espagnol

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- I see him, grommet. Seth, he sees him.
Seth, él puede verlos.
I see him fall.
Lo veo caer.
I see him...
Lo veo...
Well, I'll have to thank him next time I see him.
Tendré que agradecerle la próxima vez que lo vea.
And I see him jump before me, when I jump into my bed.
y salta junto a mí cuando a la cama salto.
- I see him.
- Lo veo.
I want to see his face when he realizes I helped tear him from the throne.
Quiero ver su cara cuando se de cuenta de que he ayudado a quitarle el trono.
I'll see if I can get him here to at least meet you guys. Okay.
Verà © si puedo lograr que venga para que lo conozcan.
Even if I let your da go people will see him and they'll say, "That's the man from Herot."
Incluso si dejase a tu padre marchar... la gente le miraría y dirían : "Ese hombre viene de Herot."
I want to go see him and tell him that Yoo Jung set me up.
Quiero ir a verlo y decirle que Yoo Jung me puso una trampa.
I will tell him that you want to see it.
Le diré que usted desea verle.
I don't want to see him nor his guests.
Y no tengo ganas de verle a él ni a sus amistades.
There was this other girl there, and I think I left it in a bad place, but I know if I could just see him and I could talk to him, then I could fix it.
Había otra chica allí, creo que lo arruiné, pero sé que si lo viera o hablara con él, podría resolverlo.
I don't want you to see him.
No quiero que lo veas.
I couldn't see him coming.
No podía verlo venir.
And I can see why he'd wanna make a deal, because he knows we're coming, and we will follow him till the end of the fucking Earth until he's walking in shackles.
Y puedo ver por qué querría hacer un trato, porque sabe que venimos, y lo seguiremos hasta el fin del maldito mundo hasta que le pongan los grilletes.
But that's just the part of him I know... that he's allowed me to see.
Pero esa es solo la parte de él que conozco... la que él me permite ver.
- Can I at least see him?
- ¿ Puedo al menos verlo?
What right do you have to tell me that I can't see him?
¿ Qué derecho tiene de decirme que no puedo verlo?
Can I please see him?
¿ Por favor puedo verlo?
No, I didn't think we'd see him again.
No, no creí que lo veríamos de nuevo.
I want him to see where it happened.
Quiero ver dónde ocurrió.
That's why I had to get him to see : we will find Abbie.
Por eso que tuve que hacerle ver que nosotros encontraremos a Abbie.
I don't see him here.
No le encuentro.
I'd like to see him.
Me gustaría verlo.
My friend, Mina, she said I should come see him.
Mi amiga dijo que debía verlo.
I'm inclined to let him pull it. See what unravels.
Voy a dejarlo continuar, quiero ver qué descubre.
When I heard about his grandma, I went to see him.
Cuando escuché sobre su abuela, lo fui a ver.
But I can see by your face that you're familiar with that side of him.
Pero puedo ver por tu cara... que ya conoces esa parte de él.
I'd always loved him, you see.
Siempre lo quise, saben.
I just wanted him to see what it was like.
Solo quería que viese lo que se sentía.
I see you're doing Harry's paperwork for him.
Veo que está rellenando usted el papeleo de Harry.
And I want to see him stopped.
Y quiero que le detengan.
I want the whole unit to see him working for you.
Quiero que toda la unidad vea que trabaja para ti.
If I win, I walk out of here with him and you never see us again.
Si soy yo, salgo de aquí con él y no volverán a vernos.
I've already filled an application for this, but I can't see him until next week.
He presentado solicitud, pero no podré verlo hasta la semana que viene.
You know that's why I let you see him.
Sabes que te he dejado verle por eso.
Word is, Roy, you do not hand that sack of money to me, I shall see the whole world apprised of who it was cut that Indian gentleman's throat for him.
Lo que digo Roy es que, si no me entregas la bolsa del dinero me ocuparé de que el mundo entero sea informado de quién cortó la garganta de ese caballero indio.
Please, I need to see him.
Por favor, tengo que verle.
And what can be the use of him... is more than I can see.
pero qué hacer con ella, yo nunca lo he sabido.
Oh, I'd see him again, but never as Batgirl.
Lo volvería a ver, pero nunca como Batichica.
See what I see... what you and the Essex witches have done by bringing back the Devil himself and handing this earth over to him.
Ve lo que yo veo... Lo que tu y las brujas de Essex han hecho al traer nuevamente al mismo diablo y entregarle esta tierra.
I need to prove myself to him, and then he'll see...
Necesito demostrárselo a él, y entonces verá...
I've been waiting to see him since noon.
Lo he esperado bastante.
I mean, do you know what I'd give to see him, talk to him, even, like, for a second?
¿ Sabes cuánto daría para verlo, hablarle, siquiera por un segundo?
- Okay, I wanna see him.
- Vale, voy a verle.
I remember it now. I-I can see him there in the kitchen.
Lo recuerdo ahora, puedo verle... allí en la cocina.
To get out of this hell, I got to see my brother, so I'm going straight to him.
Para salir de este infierno tengo que llegar a mi hermano, así que voy directo hacia él.
I see you buddying up with Joyner, talking to him, thick as thieves.
Te he visto confraternizando con Joyner, hablando con él, como uña y carne.
Because Samantha said that the only way that I could see him is if I promised to not tell him or anyone else that I'm his father.
Porque Samantha me dijo que solo podría verlo si prometía no contarle ni a él ni a nadie que soy su padre.
I just need him to see.
Sólo lo necesito ver.

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