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In spite of everything traduction Espagnol

243 traduction parallèle
" In spite of everything, I'm certain they're still fond of one another.
" A pesar de todo, estoy segura de que todavía se quieren.
In spite of everything...
A pesar de todo...
I am. in spite of everything.
- Sí, a pesar de todo.
If he really loves me, He'll marry me in spite of everything.
Si de verdad me quiere, se casará conmigo de todos modos.
You know down in your heart that in spite of everything I've done
Sabes que en el fondo de tu corazón y a pesar de todo lo que hice...
Myself and my colleagues would feel considerably embarrassed should Carlos De Rezende be able to meet his obligation in spite of everything.
Mis colegas y yo nos veríamos en un aprieto... si Carlos De Rezende lograra cumplir sus obligaciones.
It's just that things seem pretty beautiful to me in spite of everything I've done to spoil'em.
Es sólo que las cosas parecen más lindas para mí, a pesar de todo lo que hice para arruinarlas.
But in spite of everything, I've never been a traitor.
Pese a todo ello, no soy un traidor.
In spite of everything, there's only one man I'd work for.
Pero si lo hiciera, trabajaría para ti.
He knew that, in spite of everything, Yes?
- Supo que a pesar de todo... - ¿ Sí?
Don't forget that in spite of everything, I'm your father. You can count on me, except if money's concerned.
No olvides que soy tu padre y que puedes contar conmigo, a no ser que se trate de dinero.
Two people, who in spite of everything...
Dos personas, que a pesar de todo...
I believe, in spite of everything, that some sort of equality of opportunity is possible.
Yo creo, a pesar de todo, que es posible una cierta igualdad de oportunidades.
In spite of everything.
A pesar de todo.
I really do, in spite of everything.
Desde luego, a pesar de todo.
Say, you're looking good, kid, in spite of everything.
Tienes buen aspecto a pesar de todo.
You know, John... In spite of everything that's happened and everything that's going to happen... I want you to know that I've gained something.
A pesar de todo lo que pasó y de todo lo que va a pasar, quiero que sepas que gané algo.
Seem like that fever will get into a creek or a well in spite of everything.
Esa fiebre se mete en un arroyo o en un pozo a pesar de todo.
I need you to tell me you still love me in spite of everything that's happened.
Necesito que me digas que aún me amas a pesar de todo lo que ha sucedido.
In spite of everything. No.
A pesar de todo.
You are a wonderful little priest in spite of everything.
Eres un gran cura.
Leon is my brother, in spite of everything.
León sigue siendo mi hermano.
In spite of everything you wouldn't want to see her dead?
¿ Realmente no quieres verla muerta, verdad?
I had been there in spite of everything.
Sin embargo, yo estaba ahí.
And in spite of everything, we've had many together, haven't we?
A pesar de todo, tuvimos muchos buenos momentos.
Well in spite of everything I had to say, I put in plenty of knocks... that palpitating Princess is all in a twiter over you.
Porque descubrí que la princesa está loca por vos.
In spite of everything, Jorge still loves me.
A pesar de todo Jorge me sigue queriendo.
Tell me, Gemma, my child, am I also guilty..... of having thought that, in spite of everything, you could be..... happy with someone else?
Dime Gemma, niña mía, ¿ soy también culpable de haber creído que, a pesar de todo, podías vivir feliz con otro.
They're my children in spite of everything.
Son mis hijos a pesar de todo lo que pasó.
In spite of everything I could say, they voted to stop the operation tomorrow.
A pesar de todo lo que dije, votaron por suspender el trabajo mañana.
Now, now, in spite of everything that's happened, I see no real reason why you shouldn't go through with the wedding.
Vamos, vamos, a pesar de todo lo que ha pasado, no veo ninguna razón para que no sigáis con la boda.
Do you love me, in spite of everything? Of course...
¿ Aún así me amas?
And in spite of everything, you may come to the ball.
Y a pesar de todo, puedes venir al baile.
[Blows air] i don't think i could live on my own again, in spite of everything.
No creo que podría volver a vivir por mi cuenta, a pesar de todo.
I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are really good at heart.
Sigo creyendo a pesar de todo que, en el fondo, la gente es buena.
In spite of everything, will you love me?
Pese a todo, ¿ me amarás?
In spite of everything, he's the right man for the job.
A pesar de todo, siempre es él el hombre más adecuado.
Let's hold out, let's continue and be merry in the rain in spite of everything.
Continuemos, seamos felices en la lluvia a pesar de todo.
In spite of everything, I -
A pesar de todo,
I can't help liking you in spite of everything.
No puedo evitar quererte a pesar de todo.
See, the big problem is, in spite of everything, I'm...
El problema es que, a pesar de todo, yo soy...
In spite of everything, I'm just a country boy.
A pesar de todo, soy un chico de pueblo.
It was a wonderful night... in spite of everything.
Fue una noche maravillosa... a pesar de todo.
In our cynical and unidealistic generation in spite of everything, romantic impulses manifest themselves.
En nuestra generación, cínica y sin ideales, aún hay lugar para arrebatos románticos.
In our cynical and unidealistic generation... in spite of everything romantic impulses manifest themselves.
En nuestra generación, cínica y sin ideales, aún hay lugar... para arrebatos románticos.
- In spite of everything. Do you think I'll wait on some murdering swine to get at me?
Sí, no dejaré que un asesino apestoso me pille.
In spite of everything?
¿ A pesar de todo?
Now you can start unpacking because you're staying on, honey, in spite of your name and everything.
Bueno empieza a desempacar, porque te quedarás, cariño... a pesar de tu nombre y todo.
In spite of the town, the children, everything.
A pesar del qué dirán, de sus hijos, de todo.
Dear, in spite of my competence, I don't know everything.
Verá, querida amiga, mi competencia acaba donde empiezan los imponderables.
A maiden never bold of spirit so still and quiet that her motion blushed at itself. And she, in spite of nature of years, of country, credit, everything to fall in love with what she feared to look on.
Una doncella tímida, tan apacible y tan modesta que hacía ruborizarse a sus emociones, en contra de su naturaleza, de sus años, de su país, de su fama,

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