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Is she coming traduction Espagnol

1,049 traduction parallèle
- Is she coming?
- ¿ Ella viene?
Is she coming right back?
¿ Va a volver?
- When is she coming?
- ¿ Cuándo vendrá?
Yes. Is she coming to dinner too?
Seis. ¿ Va a cenar ella también?
- Is she coming?
- ¿ No viene?
When is she coming back?
¿ Cuándo vuelve?
Is she coming with us?
¿ Ella viene con nosotros?
When is she coming?
¿ Cuándo llega?
Is she coming?
¿ Viene o no?
Is she coming?
- ¿ Iba a venir?
- When is she coming?
- ¿ Cuándo va a venir?
- Is she coming?
- ¿ Ella también va?
Is she coming later, or something?
¿ Vendrá más tarde o algo?
Is she coming down to lunch?
- ¿ Bajará a comer?
Why is she coming back?
¿ Por qué regresa?
Is she coming?
La... - ¡ Ah!
- When is she coming back?
- ¿ Dice cuándo vendrá? - No muy pronto.
- When is she coming back?
- ¿ Cuándo volverá?
- When is she coming down?
- ¿ Cuándo va a bajar?
Well, is she coming?
Si va a venir, venga.
Is she coming back soon?
¿ Va a volver pronto?
All present and accounted for. is she coming along?
Estamos todos, no ha habido ninguna baja. ¿ Viene ella también?
- What train is she coming on?
- ¿ En qué tren viene?
What I want to know is, is she coming back here or not?
¿ Va a volver aquí o no?
When is she coming back?
¿ Cuándo volverá?
Emiko is coming over this evening, and she said it was important.
Emiko va a venir esta noche. Dice que es importante.
So, she is coming out.
puede estar de acuerdo con ser internado en Montevideo.
There she is, she is coming this way.
Pero necesito cinco minutos. ¡ Allí está, viene a la cama!
She is coming back soon enough.
Vuelve más temprano que tarde.
Michiko is not coming to live with you, she comes to marry Hatsuji.
Michiko no viene a vivir a tu casa, viene a casarse con Hatsu.
She says her reason for coming to the party is to write a feature article on ghosts.
Dice que la razón de que vino a la fiesta es porque quiere... escribir una nota especial sobre fantasmas.
She is coming.
Ahora viene.
Calm down, she is coming.
Cálmese, ahora viene.
You heard the woman, she is coming with me.
La has oído, se viene conmigo.
She is not coming.
- ¿ Qué ocurre? Como llevo dos días sin venir...
You turn around, and run this way and you see Milano eating parsley he's not here, he's in his place the rose is coming up and the carnation is fading away... She's dead!
abriendo la rosa y cerrando elclavel, iEstá muerta!
Is she still coming, Frank?
- ¿ Sigue estando ahí, Frank?
She is coming.
Ahí viene.
She is coming up Friday.
Llega el viernes.
And now, coming to our microphone, here she is, Mrs. Pinky Benson.
Y ahora, se acerca a nuestro micrófono, aquí la tenemos, la señora Pinky Benson.
She is coming to us.
Vendrá con nosotros.
How is Kati? - She's not coming.
No viene.
Coming up on the sly, is she?
Subía a escondidas, ¿ verdad?
All I'm saying is she had it coming to her.
Sólo digo que es un asunto entre ellos.
But then I change my position, so that she is coming from the right
Entonces cambié mi posición, así que ella venía por la derecha.
"It is quite likely that although she was coming to the fist promptly indoors, she will now refuse to come at all".
"Es bastante posible que, aunque acudiera prontamente al puño en sitio cerrado, ahora se niegue en redondo a acudir."
She is anxious to meet her Uncle Charles... and was very happy when I told her that you and Aunt Martha... were thinking of coming out here for a visit. "
Tiene prisa por conocer a su tío Charles. Se ha puesto muy contenta al saber que tía Martha y tú... teníais la intención de visitarnos. "
Not so sick, my Lord. As she is troubled with thick coming fancies, that keep her from her sleep.
No tan enferma como turbada por fantasías que le impiden descansar.
She's coming. There she is. My chronicler and good right arm.
Ahí está, mi cronista y mi gran novelista.
Today she is not coming.
Hoy no vendrá a buscarla.
This is Nonnie, she's coming with us.
Es Nonnie, viene con nosotros.

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