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It isn't funny traduction Espagnol

1,067 traduction parallèle
Funny what nasty thoughts people have sometimes, isn't it.
La gente piensa mal...
Funny how they're right sometimes, isn't it.
Pero a veces tiene razón.
- Funny our meeting like this, isn't it?
- Es gracioso conocernos así. - Sí, es gracioso.
Say, this is funny, isn't it?
- Qué divertido es esto, ¿ no? - ¿ Qué?
Kind of funny, isn't it?
Es gracioso, ¿ no?
Funny to think this is such a little island, isn't it?
Es gracioso pensar que esta es sólo una pequeña isla, ¿ no?
Isn't it funny?
¿ No es curioso?
Qué lugar tan extraño, ¿ no?
If Harold laughs then I know it isn't funny.
Si Harold ríe, es porque no es gracioso.
Look at that. Funny, isn't it?
Mira eso. ¿ No es gracioso?
That's funny, isn't it.
Es curioso, ¿ no?
It isn " t funny.
No es ningún chiste.
Funny, isn't it, how different it looks from where you sit.
Qué curioso es lo diferente que parece desde tu lugar.
It's funny, isn't it?
Qué curioso, ¿ no?
Funny, isn't it?
Qué curioso, ¿ no?
It's funny, isn't it, how things work themselves out?
Es curioso cómo resultan las cosas, ¿ no?
- Yes. Funny isn't it.
¡ Tiene gracia!
That's funny, isn't it?
Qué gracioso, ¿ no?
Isn't it funny?
¿ No es divertido?
That isn't funny. It's logical.
No es divertido, es lógico.
- That's funny, isn't it?
- Qué raro, ¿ no?
Isn't it funny?
¿ No es irónico?
It's funny, isn't it?
¿ Es gracioso, no es cierto?
It's funny, isn't it?
Es curioso.
- That's funny, isn't it?
- Es curioso. - ¿ El qué?
Funny sort of war, isn't it? Here one minute and gone the next.
Me paso la vida yendo y viniendo.
That's funny, isn't it, because I can't walk at all.
Es curioso, ¿ no? Porque no puedo caminar.
It isn't funny. What conceivable motive do you think we possibly could've had?
¿ Y qué motivo habríamos tenido?
Funny, isn't it?
Gracioso ¿ no?
Funny-looking thing, isn't it?
¿ Qué cosa más graciosa, verdad?
It isn't funny. She's only 1 7 and spoiled rotten.
Sólo es una malcriada de 17 años.
Funny place for a schoolteacher, isn't it?
¡ Vaya un sitio para un maestro!
It is sort of funny, isn't it?
Es un poco gracioso, ¿ verdad?
It's funny, isn't it? I mean, to think of people doing it as a profession. Hmm.
Es gracioso pensar que la gente se dedique a eso como profesión.
Isn't it funny?
¿ No es gracioso?
Funny isn't it we were talking about him.
Es curioso, precisamente estábamos hablando de él
This is a funny house, isn't it?
Esta es una casa extraña, ¿ no crees?
It's funny, isn't it?
Curioso, ¿ verdad?
Funny I'd remember what day it was, isn't it?
Qué curioso que recuerde qué día fue, ¿ verdad?
- Funny, isn't it?
- Curioso, ¿ verdad?
- It's funny, isn't it?
- ¿ No es extraño?
- Funny, isn't it?
- ¿ Divertido, verdad?
- lt's a funny thing, isn't it?
- Es gracioso, ¿ no?
Funny, isn't it?
Gracioso, ¿ no?
Isn ´ t it funny, we were just talking about him.
¡ Qué casualidad! Estábamos hablando de ti.
Isn't it funny how a little bit of nothing like this makes everything else so unimportant?
¿ No es curioso cómo un nada como éste hace que todo lo demás carezca de importancia?
Funny isn't it Riling?
Es gracioso. ¿ Verdad, Riling?
They'll hunt you with dogs and turn you in. Funny, isn't it?
Te perseguirán con perros y te entregarán.
Funny, isn't it?
Es gracioso, ¿ no?
Funny isn't it?
Es divertido.
It's sort of funny, isn't it?
- Tiene su gracia, ¿ verdad?

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