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It looks fantastic traduction Espagnol

70 traduction parallèle
It looks fantastic.
Es algo fantástico.
It looks fantastic, man.
- Está genial, tío.
Come on. It looks fantastic down below.
Vamos, el mar luce fantástico.
"Since this is something I just threw on, even though it looks fantastic on me."
"Acabo de ponerme esto, aunque me queda genial."
It looks fantastic.
Parece fantástica.
You guys, it looks fantastic in here.
¡ Chicos, se ve fantástico aquí dentro!
And in the Guinea grey it looks fantastic.
Y en el gris guinea se ve fantástico.
Come here! It looks fantastic on you!
¡ Te queda fantástico!
Well, it looks fantastic.
Bien, es fantástico.
It looks fantastic. Good.
- Tiene un aspecto delicioso.
Thank you, Ricky, it looks fantastic.
Gracias, Ricky, se ve fantástico.
It looks fantastic.
Se ve fantástico.
It looks fantastic.
Tiene un aspecto fantástico.
And on paper, it looks fantastic.
Sobre el papel, es fantástico.
Okay, owen, um, you'reonna love regina's chicken salad. Oh, thank you. It looks fantastic, but, uh, i don't eat chicken.
vale, owen, te va a encantar la ensalada de pollo de regina oh gracias, parece deliciosa, pero no como pollo
- It looks fantastic.
- Queda fantástico.
It looks fantastic tonight.
Se ve esta noche fantástica.
I gotta say, it looks fantastic.
Tengo que decir que se ve fantástico.
It looks fantastic.
Es fantástico.
- It looks fantastic.
- Parece fantastico.
It looks fantastic from the airplane, but if you are down at eye level on your feet and going from one place to another,
Se ve fantástica desde el avión, pero si estás abajo a nivel de suelo, caminando de un lugar a otro,
- Thank you, it looks fantastic. - Mm-hm.
Gracias, se ve fantástico.
Ah, it looks fantastic.
Luce fantástico.
And I have to say, it looks fantastic.
Y tengo que decir, se ve fantástico.
It looks fantastic, but it was built very badly by people who didn't seem to care what they were doing.
Luce fantastico, pero fue fabricado muy mal por gente a la que no parecía importarle lo que hacían.
But I think it looks fantastic.
Pero creo que se ve fantástico.
It looks fantastic.
Se ve genial.
It looks fantastic.
- Se ve fantástico.
I think it looks fantastic but there are some odd things about it.
Pienso que se vé fantástico, pero hay cosas que no me agradan.
- Looks fantastic, doesn't it?
- Se ve increíble, ¿ no crees?
That looks fantastic! What's in it?
¡ Tiene un aspecto impresionante!
It looks like Lucy from Pennsylvania has done a fantastic job!
Parece que Lucy de Pennsylvania ha hecho un trabajo fantástico!
That's fantastic. - Yeah, it looks great.
- Sí, está bien.
- Yes, it looks so fantastic here.
- Sí, luce fantástica aquí.
It looks like you're trying to put a hat on her head. You're fantastic.
Parece que intentas poner un sombrero sobre su cabeza.
The Mazda 6 needed an image, so it got one, and it looks... fantastic.
El Mazda 6 necesita una imagén, por lo que tiene una, y luce... fantástico
It looks great, really fantastic.
Realmente fantástico.
It looks fantastic.
- ¿ No es excelente?
it all looks fantastic, man.
Todo se ve fantástico, amigo.
- This looks fantastic. - It's like real food, Mommy.
Oh, se ve fantastico es como comida de verdad, mama.
It's this place that looks fantastic.
Este lugar es fantástico...
It really looks fantastic
¡ Parece fácil!
No, no, no, no, no. It looks great ; you look fantastic.
Es genial, estás estupenda.
But the one that really caught my eye is this, it's the Honda CR-V, and I think you'll agree it looks absolutely fantastic.
Pero el que realmente me ha cautivado, es el Honda CR-V, y creo que estaréis de acuerdo, parece absolutamente fantástico.
And it's not just the numbers. It's overall the entire picture, and your picture looks fantastic.
Y no son solo los números sino que se ve en todas las fotografías ; es fantástico.
I have to say, for a Peugeot, especially, it looks absolutely fantastic.
Tengo que decir, por un Peugeot, sobre todo, parece absolutamente excepcional.
It looks fantastic.
- Luce fantástico.
Do you think he got his butt done too? It looks fantastic.
Se ve fantástico.
It does look fantastic and it looks even better like that.
Tiene un aspecto fantástico y se ve mejor así.
So... So it looks absolutely fantastic.
Así que, es fantástico.
It looks fantastic! It's wrong, is what it is.
Está mal, es lo que es.

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