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It never did traduction Espagnol

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It never did make sense how you could blow off a hottie like me.
Nunca pude entender por qué rechazaste a una belleza como yo.
Look, I would never do this, because I'm loyal to the show. That dude did it!
Miren, yo jamás haría algo así, porque le soy fiel al programa.
- You guys never did it before?
- ¿ Ustedes nunca lo hicieron?
I never had the chance to see Mayhem with Dead, but Demonaz did so he can say something about it.
Nunca tuve la oportunidad de ver a Mayhem con Dead, pero Demonaz sí.
You'll never understand why I did it.
Nunca entenderás por qué lo hice.
Anyway, even if he did fancy me, that whole friendship thing, it never works, does it?
De todos modos, si él gustaba de mí, toda esa amistad no era verdadera?
You never did it with Nat...
Nunca lo hiciste con Nat...
I know it sounds weird, but I promised her we'd do it... a long time ago and we never did.
Sé que parece extraño, pero le prometí que lo haríamos... hace mucho tiempo y nunca lo hicimos.
Yeah, it never happened, but I convinced myself it did.
Sí, ya que nunca ocurrió, pero me convencí a mí misma que hice.
You Just Did It. Most Of Us Never Leave The Curb.
Tu solo lo hiciste.
You're never gonna believe what Billie did. It's not often we get to meet one of Kenny's girlfriends.
No sucede a menudo que conozcamos a una de las novias de Kenny.
" Never mind.You definitely did it right.
No importa. Definitivamente lo hiciste bien.
You said it to the world, you said it to me, and I wish you never had because you did not mean any of it.
¡ Se lo dijiste al mundo, me lo dijiste a mí y ojalá nunca lo hubieras hecho porque no hablabas en serio!
And I did not realize that by saying I wasn't ready, it would mean that we would never be together again.
No me di cuenta que decir que no estaba lista significaría que no volveríamos a estar juntos.
We always knew they did it with greater numbers, we just never knew where they came from.
Siempre supimos que eran muchos más, pero nunca supimos de dónde venían.
He never told you, but it was one of his favorite things that you did.
Él nunca se lo dijo, pero era una de las cosas favoritas de las tú hacías.
A very talented guy. It's just a shame he never did anything.
Vale mucho, pero no ha hecho gran cosa, es una pena.
It was known that he did not have to trust never in him.
Sabía que no debía confiar nunca en él.
[To whom did it never happen, at school, to discover the teacher ill and absent] [ and to suddenly enjoy an unexpected day of vacation?
¿ A quien no le ha pasado, de estudiante, llegar a la escuela y descubrir que la maestra estaba enferma ¿ y poder gozar así inesperadamente de una vacación mañanera?
I'll never know what that was or how she did it.
Nunca sabré que es o como lo hizo.
I never said, but it did.
Nunca lo dije, pero era así.
It's almost as if you never did leave.
Es casi como si nunca te hubieras ido.
- * * * * * * - It never made any sense. yeah, it did!
¡ Tienes que admitir que tenía sentido!
- No, just stop it. I never meant for this to happen, but it did, and I know you feel it, too.
No quería que sucediera esto, pero fue así y sé que tú sientes lo mismo.
- Yeah. You never did it before?
- Sí. ¿ Nunca la usaste?
And I'll never be sorry I did it, either.
Y tampoco me arrepentiré nunca de haberlo hecho.
I knowl promised never to speak about it, but... don't you think I should tell him what john wanted, what you did for him?
Sé que prometí no hablar nunca de eso, pero... ¿ No crees que debería decirle lo que John quería, lo que tú hiciste por él?
They'll remember who they are, but not what they did over the past few months. - So they got away with it? - It'd never stand up in a court of law.
Nunca se podría defender en un juzgado.
Never did it before?
Nunca antes lo hiciste?
In fact, he never gets mad at Chloe, so I told him you did it.
De hecho, él nunca se enoja con Chloe, así que le dije que tú lo habías hecho.
I would never have forgiven myself... well, something did happen to me, and all I know is, I can't control it.
Bueno, algo me ocurrió, y lo único que sé, es que no puedo controlarlo. De momento no, pero- -
Mr. Pollack did have a ticket for Montreal, but it was never used.
El Sr. Pollack realmente tenía un boleto para Montreal, pero nunca fué usado.
Thrown out of a window. And the LAPD never caught who did it? Oh.
- ¿ Y la policía capturó a quien lo hizo?
You must also know that they never found out who did it.
Entonces también sabrá que nunca encontraron a quién lo hizo.
he started changing their prescriptions to make his patients sicker that's why you never got better he did it to everyone he painted that sign on your door
Él comenzó a cambiar sus recetas médicas para agravar a sus pacientes... Por eso es que usted nunca se mejoró. Él se lo hizo a todo el mundo...
Why do I never did not mention it?
¿ Por qué no lo dijiste? ¿ Por qué no me contaste nada?
Tosh was working on it, I never thought she finished it, but she did!
Tosh estaba trabajando en ello, yo nunca pense que terminaría, ¡ pero lo hizo!
You never did it?
Usted nunca lo hizo?
Mom never did it.
Mamá nunca lo hizo.
Never even saw who did it.
Nunca vi quién lo hizo.
He probably did, but he never said anything about it.
Probablemente los tuviera, pero nunca dijo nada.
A poison vine I've never seen before, that glowing thing in her hand, what she did to that man who attacked her, it was magic, wasn't it?
Una cepa venenosa que nunca antes había visto, esa cosa que brillaba en su mano, lo que le hizo al hombre que la atacó, era magia, ¿ verdad?
- She says she never did. But these days, it's hard to find a woman who ain't been bit.
- Dice que jamás lo ha hecho pero hoy en día, son pocas las mujeres que no han sido mordidas.
I never meant for any of this to go down the way it did, you know?
Oye, sólo quería decirte que... nunca fue mi intención que nada de esto acabase como ha acabado.
I never meant for any of this to go down the way it did.
Nunca quise que las cosas salieran como salieron.
Maybe I came from a future where it never happened, And now you've come from a future where it did.
Quizá vengo de un futuro donde nunca ocurrió, y ahora tú has venido de un futuro donde ocurrió.
I never made it home, but unfortunately for Joy, Randy did.
Yo nunca llegué a casa. pero para mala suerte de Joy, Randy sí.
Me and Earl have been dreaming about being cheerleaders our whole lives, but we never did anything about it because we let what other people thought control us.
Earl y yo hemos soñado con ser animadores, toda la vida pero nunca hicimos nada al respecto porque permitimos que lo que pensaban los demás nos controlara.
Never got a conviction, but everybody was sure he did it.Except me.
Nunca recibió una condena, pero todo el mundo estaba seguro de que él lo hizo. Excepto yo.
Yeah, so did I. But it never dawned on me That they may not be Roger's kids.
Sí, así es, pero nunca me aclaró que quizá no sean hijos de Roger.
We've never discussed this. Because I thought it went without saying. But when I catch Red John, I'm gonna cut him open and watch him die slowly like he did with my wife and child.
Nunca discutimos esto porque pensé que era obvio pero cuando atrape a Red John voy a abrirlo y ver como muere lentamente tal como él lo hizo con mi esposa e hija.

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