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It totally is traduction Espagnol

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The coolest thing about Apex is it's totally under the radar and all word of mouth.
La cosa más genial sobre Apex es que está totalmente bajo el radar y de todo tipo de palabras.
Totally well is it today.
Totalmente bien Es hoy.
But it is totally useless.
Pero es totalmente inútil.
And you do not know how said it is to see a friend gone totally nuts..... and who's giving a hand to his own ruin.
Y tú no sabes lo triste que es ver a un amigo completamente loco que prepara su ruina con sus propias manos.
Really, Eliot, that story is totally incredible and decidedly improper. Sorry, I had to tell it.
- Tu historia es absurda y está fuera de lugar.
Where is it now? Totally dead
¿ Qué ha sido de ella?
In these three similar classic philo - sophies based on totally new data Hannibal does not have died so far as it knew the History, that is poisoned himself, but he died in a revolution of Carthage...
En base a los hechos completamente nuevos que se exponen aparece como indiscutible que Aníbal no se envenenó,... sino que fue víctima de una revolución cartaginesa.
I was never totally sure if this would be successful. but if it is, then what is one life against millions?
Ignoro si la bomba explotará, pero si fuese así, ¿ qué es una vida comparada con millones de otras?
Rebuilding abnormal or totally destroyed cells, it is completely successful in correcting abnormal cell growth... as well as in restoring cells which have been destroyed.
Y no dudo en afirmar que mi Derma-28 es la fórmula casi milagrosa que la humanidad estaba esperando. Su efecto regenerativo es total, tanto en el caso de desarrollo tumoroso de las células, como en el de su total destrucción.
It is totally despicable to do this, I assure you.
Es despreciable hacerlo, se los aseguro.
It is totally backwards.
Está completamente al revés.
It is estimated that, out of 100 sold snakes, at least 50 are discarded as totally inedible and are regularly shipped to the American and European gourmets.
Se calcula que por 100 serpientes en venta, 50 son descartadas por ser incomibles... y regularmente expedidas a clientes de E.E.U.U. y Europa
It was one thing for you to live as you did when you were alone but you are no longer alone and your behaviour is totally unsuitable.
Una cosa era vivir como vivía cuando estaba solo pero ya no está solo y su conducta es totalmente inaceptable.
Then the trouble isn't totally in the mind, is it?
Entonces el problema no está sólo en su mente.
It is totally insane.
Es una auténtica locura.
No, it's this party - -- the real truth is I find it totally boring.
No, es que esta fiesta, la mera verdad, se me hace réquete aburrida.
It is up-to-date, totally accurate.
Está actualizada y bien detallada.
A world gone totally radioactive, stripped of all life, is of no greater value to them than it is to us.
Un mundo totalmente radioactivo, pelado de toda vida, no tiene ningún valor para ellos ni para nosotros.
But it is totally different to do the same thing under pressure and fear, thinking this might be your last day of liberty.
Es diferente hacer lo mismo... en un ambiente de miedo... y cuando se cree estar viviendo el último día en libertad.
Captain, the enemy ship is drifting, totally disabled. - And we never fired upon it.
Capitán, nave enemiga a la deriva y nunca abrimos fuego sobre ella.
It is much older than Earth, and about a half million years ago, its atmosphere was totally ripped away by some sort of cataclysm.
Es más viejo que la Tierra y hace cerca de medio millón de años su atmósfera fue destruida por una especie de cataclismo.
It is totally alien in configuration.
Es una configuración completamente desconocida.
It is totally unknown, definitely the work of Brahms, and yet... unknown.
Es totalmente desconocido, sin duda una pieza de Brahms, y aun así... desconocida.
It is a totally intellectual society.
Es una sociedad completamente intelectual.
Yes it is! If Setsuko said so, we're totally concerned! Totally concerned!
¡ Si tía Setsuko dice que quiere morir, es cosa nuestra!
It is totally up to you now if we can be friends, no kidding.
Somos totalmente libres si queremos ser amigos, no estoy bromeando.
It is totally powerless.
Es totalmente impotente.
You know, the way it is, we're totally isolated, sir.
Sabe, por como estamos, estamos totalmente aislados, señor.
When the proletariat discovers that its own exteriorized force... conspires in the permanent reinforcement of capitalist society, no longer just in the form of labor, but also in the form of the unions, of the parties or of the state power... that it had constituted in order to emancipate... itself, it discovers as well by concrete historical experience... that it is the class totally inimical... to all fixed exteriorization... and to all specialization of power.
Cuando el proletariado descubre su propia fuerza exteriorizada contribuye al fortalecimiento permanente de la sociedad capitalista, ya no solamente bajo la forma de su trabajo, sino también bajo la forma de los sindicatos, los partidos o el poder estatal que él había construido para emanciparse, descubre también por la experiencia histórica concreta que él es la clase totalmente enemiga de toda exteriorización fijada y de toda especialización del poder.
The only way I can guarantee he saves it all for me is by totally exhausting him.
El único modo de asegurarme de que es fiel es dejarlo completamente exhausto.
Why is a totally uninteresting thing suddenly becomes interesting, because it is new?
¿ Por qué algo sin interés de repente se vuelve interesante sólo porque es noticia?
There is no doubt you are totally exhausted and you know it.
No hay duda de que estás completamente exhausta, y tú lo sabes.
The prosecutor is trying to negotiate but it's Ferrender's gang, it's totally useless.
Y ahora vino el Procurador Benatto que conduce las tratativas pero si se trata de la banda de Ferrender las palabras no servirán de nada.
But as observers it is important you stay totally alert and awake, completely alert and awake.
Como espectadores, es importante que estén muy alerta y despiertos.
This one is totally broken, it needs to go to repair shop.
Está estropeado, hay que llevarlo a reparar.
It's just that this is so totally out of my experience.
Es que es algo totalmente distinto a lo que he vivido.
He's a sick man He shouldn't be totally alone as he is It's awfully bad for his health
Es un hombre enfermo. No debería estar totalmente solo. Es muy malo para su salud.
It is totally finished between us.
Completamente terminado.
In 30 Earth years, it is possible to create a totally new technology.
En 30 años terrestres, es posible crear tecnología nueva.
Now, it's rumoured that this is not in fact, yourown policy, that you'd like to have safeguards forthe individual citizen, but that you are being totally frustrated at every stage of the game by the Civil Service machine.
Dicen que no se trata de una política suya y que le gustaría tener garantías para los ciudadanos, pero que la maquinaría de la Administración pública le frustra cada paso que da.
The history that we will have the honour and the pleasure of telling to you is an absolutely precise one It is a totally truthful account
La historia que estamos a punto de tener el honor y el placer de contaros es una historia absolutamente verídica.
It is totally impossible to open!
Es totalmente imposible abrir.
'However, all four of them are soon totally overwhelmed by surprise'when they discover that the ancient world of Magrathea,'a planet legendary for its trade in manufacturing other planets,'is not as dead as it was supposed to be.
Sin embargo, los cuatro pronto fueron completamente abrumados por la sorpresa al descubrir que el antiguo mundo de Magrathea, un planeta legendario por su industria de manufacturación de otros planetas, no estaba tan muerto como debería.
Everything in it is just totally black!
Todo aquí es absolutamente negro.
I doubt that we'll even get it working, before Germany is totally defeated.
Dudo de que se ponga en funcionamiento antes de que derroten a Alemania.
Whereas, you know, you seem to be saying... that, uh... it's inconceivable that anybody could be having a meaningful life today... and, you know, everyone is totally destroyed... and we all need to live in these outposts.
Y me parece que tú estás diciendo... que hoy es imposible que alguien tenga una vida con sentido, que el mundo está acabado y que debemos irnos a los reductos...
It is obvious that letter was sent by some charlatan.-And totally made crazy poor Ognjen.
- Es obvio que aquella carta la envió algún charlatán - Y volvió totalmente loco al pobre Ognjen.
But making sure that the Dragon is totally secure, that's worth it.
Pero asegurarse de que el Dragón esté a salvo vale la pena.
It is magnificent... and totally unspoiled.
Es grandiosa... y salvaje.
It is totally awesome.
Es increíble.
So, it is not something you'd totally rule out as never taking place again?
¿ Entonces no es algo que descartas en absoluto? No.

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