Just eat traduction Espagnol
4,337 traduction parallèle
We could just eat by ourselves now that you've opened the can for us.
Podíamos comer solos ahora que nos abriste la lata.
No, let's just eat together since I'm going to eat anyways.
No, comamos juntos ya que lo haré de todos modos.
I'll just eat and play here.
Me voy a divertir aquí.
Let's just eat.
Sólo comamos.
So, I just eat and run away?
Entonces, ¿ como y me voy sin pagar?
Just eat and wash your dishes.
Come y lava tus platos.
Santiago, can we please, please just eat?
Santiago, ¿ podemos por favor comer?
If you want to attend school quietly, then just eat.
Si quieres terminar el colegio sin problemas, entonces solo come.
- Don't get up first. Let's just eat, both of us, chummily.
Vamos a disfrutar de un buen momento los dos.
Order two and just eat one.
Ordena dos y come uno.
We could just eat outdoors, and...
Podríamos comer al aire libre, y...
Just eat.
Sólo come.
- Yeah, just eat it.
- Sí, cómela.
Let's just eat.
Just eat.
- Just eat like we... - Forget it!
- Solo tenemos que- - - ¡ Olvídalo!
I can just eat it and not say anything.
Puedo sólo comer y no decir nada.
Please, just eat.
Por favor, come.
When you eat, just eat comfortably!
¡ Cuando comas, come tranquilamente!
If you're not comfortable, we can just eat on our own.
Si no te sientes cómoda podemos comer solos.
Now you're just creating more beef. You can eat it off the floor like a dog, how'bout that?
- Puedes comer del suelo como un perro, ¿ Qué te parece?
I just threw a good party for you. Why didn't you eat in there?
Sólo organicé una buena fiesta para ti. ¿ Por qué no te quedaste a comer?
I'm probably just gonna eat when I'm hungry.
Seguramente voy a comer cuando tenga hambre.
I love that little face, so much I could just freaking eat it.
Amo tanto esa linda carita que me la podria comer.
- I'm just saying, handle this carefully, or the tabloids will eat you alive.
- Solo lo digo, trata esto con cuidado, o la prensa te comerá viva.
Just make sure those fashionistas order food, even if they don't eat it.
Asegúrate de que estos fashionistas piden comida, aunque no se la coman.
Just because I like to eat meatballs does not mean I'm made of meatballs.
Solo porque me guste comer albóndigas no quiere decir que esté hecha de albóndigas.
Just long enough to miss dinner with my family, so that I can sit in front of the TV and eat dinner alone.
Lo suficiente para no cenar con mi familia, para poder sentarme delante de la tele y comer sólo.
I just feel that I don't want to eat alone.
Únicamente sentí que no quería comer solo.
( CHUCKLES ) You just want to eat her.
Cielos, provoca comérsela.
It just sounded like you said, "eat his face off".
Sonó como si dijeras "cómete su cara".
I didn't want to eat it, but it just looked so good.
No quería comérmela, pero tenía muy buena pinta.
I'm just gonna eat a little.
Solo voy a comer un poco.
Well, we're just about to eat.
Bien, estamos a punto de comer.
Just think of all the pies you're going to eat in Helios.
Tan solo piensa en todas las tartas que vas a comer en Helios.
We just can't eat one meal together.
No podemos comer juntos ni por una vez.
Let's just sit down and eat some delicious almonds.
Vamos a sentarnos y comer unas deliciosas almendras.
Just... let me eat this disgusting fish and...
Solo... Déjame comer este pez asqueroso y...
I can't eat anything because the card that I've been holding for the 3 years just flew past my eyes!
¡ No puedo comer nada porque la tarjeta que he estado esperando desde hace 3 años acaba de volar más allá de mis ojos!
Don't threaten her just because you want to eat black bean noodles.
No le amenace sólo porque usted quiere comer fideos de frijol negro.
Even if I eat just a little, I'm strong and I don't get sick.
Incluso si como poco, soy fuerte y no me enfermo.
I just want to find something delicious to eat.
Sólo quiero encontrar algo delicioso para comer.
Just between you and me, if you could eat a rooster, I'd have done it by now.
Entre usted y yo, si mañana fuera a comerme un pollo al horno, tendría que tenerlo ya hecho.
I just laugh a lot and eat well.
Sólo río mucho y como bien.
I was going to eat just three bites.
Iba a comer sólo tres bocados.
It means "You won't know by just talking, please come down here and eat it yourself".
¡ Es "wang bang"! "No lo sabría si se lo dijera, por favor venga y coma Ud. mismo". ¡ Eso significa!
But I didn't go to school just to eat my lunch.
Pero tampoco iba a la escuela sólo para almorzar.
I just want something to eat.
Solo quiero comer algo.
Don't think about anything, and just come eat.
No pienses en nada y come.
I would just be asleep in my room... and my dad would shake me up and say,'Soo Yeon, let's go eat some roasted chicken.'
Estaría dormida en mi cuarto... y mi padre me sacudiría diciendo, "Soo Yeon, vamos a comer pollo rostizado".
Also... if there's anything you want to eat, just point towards it with your eyes.
Además... si hay algo que quieras comer solo ponle la mirada.
just eat it 38
eating 184
eater 122
eaten 38
eaters 43
eat me 116
eat my shorts 18
eat your heart out 25
eat a dick 20
eat shit 72
eating 184
eater 122
eaten 38
eaters 43
eat me 116
eat my shorts 18
eat your heart out 25
eat a dick 20
eat shit 72
eat your dinner 19
eat your food 42
eat a lot 33
eat your breakfast 34
eating bacteria 17
eat something 105
eating contest 28
eat it 402
eat more 18
eat that 46
eat your food 42
eat a lot 33
eat your breakfast 34
eating bacteria 17
eat something 105
eating contest 28
eat it 402
eat more 18
eat that 46
eat this 131
eat buffet 21
eat well 20
eat now 18
eat some 19
eat slowly 16
eat up 250
eat with us 18
eat them 26
eat buffet 21
eat well 20
eat now 18
eat some 19
eat slowly 16
eat up 250
eat with us 18
eat them 26