Just talk traduction Espagnol
19,807 traduction parallèle
Look, I think if I just talk to her, I can get her to change it.
Sabes, Creo que si hablo con ella, podría hacer que lo cambie.
Oh, great, a stupid tour guide. Can we just talk to someone important, please?
oh, grandioso un guia estupido podemos hablar de lo importante?
Maybe we could just talk some.
Quizá solo podamos hablar un poco.
Just talk to me for a few minutes.
Sólo habla conmigo unos minutos.
Anyway, listen, can you just talk me through this procedure one more time?
De acuerdo. ¿ Podría explicármelo una vez más?
Wait, can we just talk for a sec about how Kirsten was able to understand Chinese?
Esperen, ¿ podemos hablar por un segundo de como Kirsten fue capaz de entender el chino?
Yeah, or, you know, we could just talk to completely different groups of people.
Sí, o, ya sabes, podríamos hablar Para completamente diferentes grupos de personas.
Just talk to her.
Solo habla con ella.
- We need to talk. - You're just a troll?
necesitamos hablar, - eres un troll?
Uh, I just had a long talk about the beta with my friend, Todd Chambers.
Conversé sobre la versión beta con mi amigo Todd Chambers.
Soda? Maybe just a moment alone... to talk. S-Sure.
quizas solo un momento a solas... para hablar claro, acerca de que?
No, I just wanted to talk to him.
No, sólo quería hablar con él.
Liv, I just wanted... to... talk.
Liv, solo quería... hablar.
I'm telling you, I've just never had the nerve to talk to him.
Créetelo, nunca me he atrevido a hablar con él.
I mean, no offense to you, but everyone says, "I'm not the guy to talk to," and then I just end up not getting paid.
O sea, no te ofendas, pero todo el mundo dice : "No soy el tipo con el que hablar", y luego termino sin cobrar nada.
just call you "Sh"'cause I don't want to hear you talk.
"Sh", porque no quiero escucharte.
I was just gonna say, you are so easy to talk to.
¡ Iba a decir lo mismo de ti!
I just need to talk.
Solo necesito hablar.
I just want to talk to you about what happened to Janet.
Sólo quiero hablar con usted acerca de lo que sucedió a Janet.
We're just here to talk to your son and take a look around his room.
Estamos aquí sólo o hable con su hijo y echar un vistazo alrededor de la habitación.
Just something to talk him down.
Solo algo para calmarlo hablando.
I don't know, it's just... at home, you would never let anyone talk to you the way that Aunt Maureen does.
No lo sé, es solo que... en casa, nunca dejarías que nadie te hablara en la forma que lo hace la tía Maureen.
We aren't just gonna talk to Him, we're gonna see Him.
No solo vamos a hablar con Él, vamos a verle.
I mean, if you want to talk about it over a beer with Andy, I know he'd love to just...
Quiero decir, si quieres hablar de eso Tomando una cerveza con Andy, yo sé que le encantaría que...
I just wanted to talk to you about infinite Earths.
Solo quería hablarte de Tierras infinitas
I'm just trying to get a name so we can talk to the kid's parents.
Estoy tratando de obtener un nombre Para que podamos hablar con los padres del niño.
I know, I just... I don't like to see a father talk to his daughter like that.
Lo sé, es solo que... no me gusta ver a un padre hablarle así a su hija.
I just don't even want to talk about it.
Ni siquiera quiero hablar de eso.
No, I just heard talk of it.
Dime antes de que te deje ir. No, solo escuché hablar de ello.
Don't talk to me like I'm a child, just'cause I have to tinkle.
No me hables asi, no soy una niña, solo porque tenga que echar un agüita.
Just triple-checking to see if you need some hand soap, a chance to talk to one of us alone, some muffins.
¡ Cam! Nosotros otra vez. Sólo comprobábamos por tercera vez... por si necesitan jabón... hablar con uno de nosotros a solas, unas magdalenas.
We are just gonna talk about work.
- We just want to talk to her.
- Sólo queremos hablar con ella.
I'll talk to mom about us going away someplace together, just you and me...
Voy a hablar con mamá y nos vamos... juntos a algún lugar, sólo tú y yo...
Okay, let's just get out of here and never talk about this ever.
Está bien, vámonos y no volvamos hablar de esto.
Oh! I hate it when guys just want to talk and cuddle.
Odio cuando los chicos solo quieren hablar y acurrucarse.
Not to eat, just to talk.
No para cenar, solo para hablar.
Can I talk to you down here just a minute?
- ¿ Podemos hablar aquí? - Sí.
You just let us talk to him, and then you can do whatever you want.
Dejadnos hablar con él, y luego podréis hacer lo que queráis.
Look, I just want to meet someone who I can talk to, someone who understands me. You know, someone like you.
Solo quiero conocer a alguien con quien pueda hablar, alguien que me entienda.
We're just replacing "I can't do sports," with "I can't do small talk," just as I will be replacing this memory with a Cadillac Margarita at chi chi's.
Solo cambiaremos el "no puedo hacer deporte", por "no puedo tener conversaciones triviales", así como yo cambiaré este recuerdo con una margarita del Chi Chi.
I just came to see if you wanted to talk to Kiran's family together.
Sólo vine a ver si quería hablar con la familia de Kiran juntos.
I just want to talk to him for a second.
Solo quiero hablarle un segundo.
Let's just cut through the hay and talk horses.
Vamos a cortar a través de los caballos de heno y hablar.
Should be just a matter of time before we talk to every registered owner.
Debería ser cuestión de tiempo antes de que hablemos con todos los propietarios.
Just... Let me talk to jp, okay?
Solo... déjame hablar con JP, ¿ de acuerdo?
All this talk of consent is just demoralizing.
Hablar de consentimiento es desmoralizante.
I just want to... talk about how...
Solo quiero... hablar de cómo...
Here to talk terms or just gloat?
Aquí para hablar términos o simplemente regodearse?
Just let me talk to Ben, yeah?
Déjame hablar con Ben, ¿ sí?
Let's just stop the dessert talk, can we?
Vamos a para la charla de postres, ¿ Sí?
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just talking 61
just talk to her 40
just talk to him 60
talkies 34
talk 1219
talking 358
talks 18
talkie 126
talked 42
just talking 61
just talk to her 40
just talk to him 60
talkies 34
talk 1219
talking 358
talks 18
talkie 126
talked 42
talk to you tomorrow 30
talk to me 2348
talk to the hand 19
talk to you later 250
talk to you soon 72
talk to her 263
talk soon 65
talking to yourself 25
talk later 61
talking about me 21
talk to me 2348
talk to the hand 19
talk to you later 250
talk to you soon 72
talk to her 263
talk soon 65
talking to yourself 25
talk later 61
talking about me 21