Leave her be traduction Espagnol
462 traduction parallèle
- Leave her be.
- Déjala dónde está.
Leave her be!
Déjala en paz!
Just leave her be, Katie.
- Déjala, Katie.
I think you ought to leave her be.
Deben dejarla tranquila.
Leave her be.
Déjala en paz.
I've learned to leave her be.
He aprendido a dejarla estar.
If she's just for your amusement, then please just leave her be.
- Si es sólo un capricho, olvídese de ella.
- Leave her be.
- Deje que la señorita se explique.
Leave her be, she's a little bewildered.
Déjala en paz, está algo desconcertada.
- You leave her be. - Strip her down!
- Déjala en paz.
Leave her be.
- Déjala.
You leave her be.
¡ Déjela en paz!
Leave her be.
Déjala ir.
Leave her be, Wilt.
Déjala, Wilt.
- Leave her be.
- Déjala.
I don't understand nor want to be considerate of her wanting to leave me.
No entiendo ni quiero ser considerado con su deseo de dejarme.
Your wife does not want to be reconciled with you because you have insulted her honor. She will leave this house under my protection.
Su esposa no desea reconciliarse con el que atentó contra su honor, y se marchará de esta casa bajo mi protección
Well, that may be, but a girl can't just disappear off the face of the Earth and not leave some trail behind her.
Eso es posible, pero una chica no puede desaparecer de la faz de la Tierra y no dejar ningún rastro.
And be sure the lady doesn't leave her room before morning.
La dama no debe salir de su cuarto hasta la mañana.
She won't be able to leave her room for a month.
No podrá dejar su habitación en un mes.
My sister says if you agree to look after her, it'll make it hard for Mr. Furusawa to hang on, and he'll be forced to leave.
Mi hermana dice que si usted aceptara cuidarla. Le pondría las cosas difíciles al Sr. Furusawa. Y le echaría de casa.
I'll leave it to you. Would any court not be in sympathy with a woman who gave up her best years for your uncle?
Lo dejo a su juicio. ¿ Qué tribunal no compadecerá a la mujer que dio los mejores años de su vida a su tío?
Just leave her alone. She'll be all right in a minute.
Déjala sola, enseguida estará bien.
But before you take leave, it might be well if you thanked her for saving your life.
Pero antes, debéis agradecerle que haya salvado vuestra vida.
On account of her carryings-on in Little Bend, she was asked to leave town... and she will not be permitted to return until she is respectable and married.
A causa de sus enredos en Little Bend, le pidieron que se marchara. ¡ Y no le permitirán regresar hasta que sea una mujer respetable y casada!
It isn't fair that a young boy should be brought up by an old woman who will leave him when he needs her most.
No es justo que un niño sea criado por una señora mayor... que lo dejará cuando él más la necesita.
She says she's trained me now in her illnesses and if I leave her to join up, it'd be fatal.
Dice que conozco tan bien sus achaques....... que si me fuera sería fatal para ella.
You can't leave her there to be hurt and hurt again... not knowing what she's done wrong or how to do right... happy as a child because he so much as sends a plant to her room.
No puede dejarla allí sufriendo, sin saber qué ha hecho mal y cómo hacerlo bien. Alegrándose porque él le lleva - una planta y...
So if you were to leave this room because you didn't kill her you'd soon be back here again for helping her kill Nick.
Si sale de aquí porque no la mató volverá pronto por ayudarla a matar a Nick.
Marry her and never leave her... because people have to be families.
Cásate con ella y no la dejes nunca... porque la gente debe tener familia.
I'd be the first to tell her to leave.
Yo sería el primero en decirle que se fuera...
Tell him that if he doesn't leave Birgitta Carolina, she will be accused of murdering her baby.
Dile que si no deja a Birgitta Karolina la acusarán de haber matado a su bebé.
Leave her, old man. She might be your daughter.
Déjala, viejito, que a lo mejor es tu hija.
Yes, so that Madame will be ready to leave her husband.
Sí, así la señora Yuki podrá dejar a su marido.
It would be wrong to leave her go alone.
No sería correcto dejarla ir sola.
You'II leave, but she'II be stuck with her reputation.
Tu te irás, pero su reputación se verá mancillada.
Just leave her to rest a while and she'll be fine
Bien, lo mejor será que descanse un rato más.
Or Leave her to expire in a scene of misery and debauchery to which no man should be consigned if I had my will.
O dejarla expirar en un escenario de miseria y... libertinaje al que ningún hombre debería ser relegado si por mí... fuera.
That he would leave her to be with me.
Que quería separarse y quedarse conmigo.
No matter who she is, I'll be a gentleman and I won't leave her.
Sea quien sea, no puedo dejar de ser hombre y de ser caballero dejándola plantada.
You may be dumb about some things, but you're not dumb enough... to kill someone in your own apartment and then leave her there.
Podrás ser tonto en unas cosas, pero no lo suficiente... para matar a alguien en tu apartamento y dejarla ahí.
Elizabeth will be quoting you when she wants me to leave my work and idle away the time with her.
Ahora Elizabeth le citará cada vez que quiera que deje mi trabajo y que pase más tiempo con ella.
But the number must be very great. Because even now that they have stopped shining for her they still leave a bright glow over The Great White Way.
Pero su nímero debe ser elevado porque incluso ahora que han dejado de brillar por ella siguen dejando un gran resplandor sobre Broadway.
To leave her would be unfeeling, unlawful, and unsanitary. I assure you she's been moved by now.
Le aseguro que ya no está ahí.
I tried to dissuade her but it would be inconvenient if I were forced to leave because of her father.
Intenté disuadirla pero sería inconveniente si tuviera que irse a causa de su padre.
It's got to be serious for her to go off and leave this.
Debe ser serio para ella para irse y dejar esto.
Leave off, Carmela, don't be scorpion, you don't know her yet.
Anda, Carmela, no seas alacrán, que aún no la has podido conocer.
so I made her leave so I could be alone to examine myself in the mirror.
La despedí para poder mirarme en el espejo a solas.
Tell her that I had to leave and that I don't know when I'll be back.
- Dígale que me he tenido que ir y no sé cuando volveré. - Está bien.
If you don't learn to be more careful, the next time Grandma dies, she'll leave her money to someone else.
Si no aprendes a tener más cuidado... la próxima vez escogerá a otro heredero.
If I leave here, I might not be able to see her.
Si yo me marcho de aquí, podría no ser capaz de volver a verla.
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leave here 21
leave her alone 726
leave her out of this 43
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beta 115
bell 467
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