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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ M ] / May i present

May i present traduction Espagnol

1,145 traduction parallèle
May I present Mr. Gerard.
Te presento al señor Gerard.
Ladies, may I present Mr. Harland?
Señoras, ¿ puedo presentarles al Sr. Harland?
Your Highness, may I present Mr. Sherlock Holmes.
Majestad, os presento al señor Sherlock Holmes.
Mrs. Du chenfrais, may i present colonel maroon?
Sra. Du Chenfrais, le presento al Coronel Maroon.
Good morning. May i present mrs. Du chenfrais.
Te presento a la Sra. Du Chenfrais.
My dear, may I present Mr. Kit Locksby.
- Qué pequeño es el mundo. Querida, el señor Locksby.
May I present my letter of commission?
Ésta es mi carta de servicio.
[Speaking Siamese] Mrs. Owens, may I present His Excellency the Kralahome... Prime Minister of Siam.
Sra. Owens, le presento a Su Excelencia el Kralahome Primer Ministro de Siam.
Your Majesty, may I present Mrs. Cortwright and Mr. Cortwright.
Majestad, le presento a la Sra. Cortwright y al Sr. Cortwright.
Your Majesty, may I present Miss Elizabeth MacFarlane... who's just come out from England.
Majestad, le presento a la Srta. Elizabeth MacFarlane, que acaba de salir de Inglaterra.
Miss Carver, may I present the most harmless man in town...
Srta. Carver, te presento al hombre más inofensivo de la ciudad :
- May I present my friend, Wyatt Earp.
- Te presento a un amigo, Wyatt Earp.
Miss Huberman, may I present Eric Mathis.
Srta. Huberman, le presento a Eric Mathis.
- May I present my great-uncle, Judge Turner.
- El es mi tio abuelo, el Juez Turner.
May I present my colleague, Mr. Keane?
Le presento al Sr. Keane.
May I present Mr. Winslow.
¿ Puedo presentarle al Sr. Winslow?
Boys, may I present Mr. Arthur Bannister, the world's greatest criminal lawyer.
Chicos, os presento a Arthur Bannister, el mejor criminalista del mundo.
Oh, may I present Mr. O'Brien.
Te quiero presentar al Sr. O'Brien.
May I present new evidence?
¿ Puedo presentar nuevas pruebas?
May I present Mr. William packett. How do you do?
Les presento a William Packett.
Mrs Atwater, may I present Mr Phillip Morgan?
- Le presento a Phillip Morgan.
Mrs Atwater, may I present Mr Rupert Cadell.
- Sra. Atwater, el Sr. Rupert Cadell.
May I present Mr. Bellis.
¿ Puedo presentarle, Sr. Bellis?
Mrs. Harwood, may I present sir John curle.
Sra. Harwood, ¿ puedo presentarle a Sir John Curle?
May I present Major Horvath.
Le presento al comandante Horvath.
The Countess de Winter, may I present your jailer, Mademoiselle Bonacieux.
Condesa de Winter os presento a vuestro carcelero la señorita Bonacieux.
May I present a new athlete.
- Te presento a un nuevo deportista. - Mucho gusto.
May I present my old friend jahrma.
Permítame que le presente a mi viejo amigo Karma.
Oh Mrs. Moline, may I present Mr. Neil Latimer... of Chicago.
Sra. Moline, le presento al Sr. Latimer, de Chicago.
May I present Captain Carroll and John Breen, sir?
Permítame presentarle al Capitán Carroll y a John Breen, señor.
Oh, Mama, may I present John Breen of Kentucky?
Oh, mamá. Déjame presentarte a John Breen, de Kentucky.
Miss Francon, may I present Howard Roark?
Señorita Francon, le presento a Howard Roark.
Catherine, may I present Mr. Morris Townsend?
Catherine, quiero presentarte al señor Morris Townsend.
Austin, may I present Mr. Morris Townsend?
Austin, te presento al Sr. Morris Townsend.
May I present Mrs. Burbus Your Excellency.
Permítame presentarle a la señora Burbis.
Mr Throckmorton, may I present the Zoto brothers.
Señor Throckmorton, le presento a los hermanos Zoto.
Mademoiselle Suzanne Renaud, may I present Mr. Paul Vogel, the head of our police bureau?
Srta. Suzanne Renaud, le presento a Paul Vogel el jefe de nuestro departamento de policía.
May I present the author.
- Le presento al compositor. - Sí, señor.
May I present Jim Mitchell.
- Déjeme presentarle a Jim Mitchell.
Miss Annie Oakley, may I present Chief Sitting Bull.
Srta. Annie Oakley, le presento al Jefe Toro Sentado.
Oh, may I present, Mr. Miller, my wife, the Baroness Sofia de Peralta-Reavis.
Déjeme presentarle a mi esposa, la Baronesa Sofía de Peralta-Reavis.
May I present Mr. John Griff of Washington, D.C.
Te presento al Sr. John Griff, de Washington, D.C.
May I present Mr. Richardson, Secretary of the Interior.
Te presento al Sr. Richardson, Secretario del Interior.
May I introduce the former Commander of the Palace Guard, the present Commander of the Palace Guard.
Le presento al anterior jefe la guardia. Éste es el actual.
Oh Miss Mitchell, may I present Mr. Evans?
And which side are you on at present, if I may presume to ask, General?
¿ Y de qué parte estás ahora, general? Si es que puedo preguntar.
Mrs. Kastner, Miss Kastner. Mr. Kastner. May I have the honor to present my nephew...
Sra. Kastner, Srta. Kastner, Sr. Kastner, les presento a mi sobrino, el teniente Leopold von Kaltnegger.
When I closed my eyes I asked that I may offer you a present.
Antes, cuando cerré los ojos, había deseado poder hacerte un regalo.
- May I present Captain Carroll? - Ma'am.
- Permítame presentarle al Capitán Carroll.
But he was right in denying you permission to leave under the present emergency. So may I escort you to your quarters?
Pero Srta. Dandridge, el Sr. Cohill tiene razón, por el estado de alerta.
Groom, may I have a wedding present?
Novio, ¿ me harás un regalo de bodas?

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