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Maybe it should be traduction Espagnol

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Maybe it should be a surprise.
Quizá debería ser una sorpresa.
Maybe it should be Dad, or even Morris.
Quizá deberías llamarme papá, o Morris incluso.
Or maybe it should be.
O quizá debería serlo.
Maybe it should be.
Quizá debería ser así.
Maybe it should be Bruce Vain.
Se debería llamar Bruce Vano.
- Maybe it should be 70 / 30.
- Podría ser tal vez 70 / 30.
Mrs Kiner. If you feel someone should watch your father, maybe it should be someone from his own family, instead of an institution.
Sra. Kiner, si cree que necesita que alguien cuide a su padre... tal vez deba ser alguien de su propia familia... en vez de una institución.
Although maybe it should be me.
Aunque quizá sí debería hacerlo. No.
- so maybe it should be a big deal.
- así que debería ser importante.
Maybe the government forgot us now... arguing about what should be free and what slave... but the time will come... and when it does, this will be a territory to be proud of.
El gobierno nos tiene olvidados... con las disputas sobre libertad y esclavitud, pero ese día llegará, y cuando llegue, éste será un orgullo de territorio.
Maybe the government forgot us now... arguing about what should be free and what slave... but the time will come... and when it does, this will be a territory to be proud of.
A la mitad no, al 90 %. El gobierno nos tiene olvidados... con las disputas sobre libertad y esclavitud, pero ese día llegará, y cuando llegue, éste será un orgullo de territorio.
Maybe flying should just be restricted to 35,000 feet, and let it go at that.
Quizá debería restringirse la altitud a 10.670 metros.
Good. That's fine. As a matter of fact, it should be maybe an "A" - plus, don't you, Father?
Creo que sería más justo darle matrícula de honor, ¿ no, padre?
And maybe that's the way it should be.
Y así quizás todo vaya mejor.
Who knows, maybe there was a country where he would be accepted for his heart, and where he would had been able to forget everything he had learned... and then learn it again without embarrassment or offense, in as sweet and natural a way as it should have happened.
Quién sabe, quizás existiera un país donde fuese aceptado de corazón, y donde le hubiera sido posible olvidar todo lo que había aprendido para después re-aprenderlo sin vergüenza ni ofensa, de la manera dulce y natural como debería haber ocurrido.
Well, if you're going to be flip about it, maybe we should call the whole thing off.
Si te vas a poner así, quizás debiéramos dejarlo todo.
Maybe you should be in it.
Quizá debieras estar ahí.
Maybe you sent it to the cleaners Oh, no It should be in the closet Where's that address book?
- Quizá lo llevaste a la tintorería. - No. Debería de estar en el clóset.
Maybe life should be like that, but it isn't.
Tal vez la vida debería ser así, pero no lo es.
It's not a hanging matter to be young... but it maybe should be a hanging matter for a man of middle age... to try and steal the youth from a young girl.
Ser joven no es un delito... pero podría ser un problema que un tipo de mediana edad... intentara robar la juventud de una chica.
We were saying that "castrophony" could actually be a whole new word that you've created and maybe we should leave it in.
La palabra "castrofonía" podría ser una palabra nueva que te has inventado y quizá deberíamos dejarla.
And I say to you, maybe, just maybe that's how it should be.
Y les digo a Uds., quizás, sólo quizás debiera ser así.
Maybe it was a sound that should be there and wasn't.
Quizá se trataba de un sonido que debía oírse y no se oía.
Maybe you should give it up. - Maybe it wasn't meant to be. - lt was.
Respaldaré con todas mis fuerzas cualquier acción para salvar la pureza de la raza blanca.
Maybe we oughta be asking ourselves should we even be trying to outrun it.
Quizá debamos preguntarnos si debemos tratar de ganarle.
And the girl would be on the bed : "Maybe I should see a doctor about it..."
Diría ella : "Quizás debería ver un médico..."
See, I'm wondering if maybe I should have something I really love, or maybe it'd be better to have something I've never tried before.
Me preguntaba si debería comer algo que me gusta mucho o quizás algo que nunca antes probé.
- Maybe it's not a man... you should be looking for.
- Tal vez no sea un hombre... lo que deberías buscar.
You see... it looks to me like you're listening to a lot of people tell you you can't do it, when maybe what you should be doing is listening to yourself say that you can.
¿ Sabes? Creo que le haces caso a un montón de gente que te dice que no puedes, cuando quizá debieras escucharte a ti mismo decir que sí puedes.
I just thought there should be a record of what we went through maybe it can be of help to someone in the future who might run into another chainsaw cult I'm sure there are others.
Puede ser útil en el futuro si encontrar una motosierra culto Estoy seguro de que hay otros.
Do you think we're offering too little? Maybe we should be paying more than $ 6 an hour. Hey, hold it.
Creemos que debemos tener una nana humana ya que Eric es humano.
And it's very nice that you're willing to consider the possibility that I may not be the worst person that ever lived, but I'm starting to think that maybe, um... maybe there's something I should clear the air about.
Y es estupendo que estés dispuesta a considerar la posibilidad de que yo no sea la peor persona que hay sobre la faz de la Tierra, pero estoy empezando a pensar que tal vez... tal vez haya algo que deba dejar claro.
Maybe we should erase it... The evidence must be more physical. We must find Hiruko.
Hay que borrarlo rápido... pero antes encerrar a Hiruko en la sala de piedra.
So maybe this should be it.
Quizá debería ser así.
Yes, it must be over 30 feet. No, maybe 40, I should think.
Si, debe tener mas de 10 metros.
Maybe we should be looking at it from the point of view of true entrepreneurs.
Tal vez lo deberíamos tomar del punto de vista de empresarios verdaderos.
And I thought maybe I should tell you the system will be compiling for 18 to 20 minutes, so some of the minor systems, they might go on and off for a while, but it's nothing to worry about.
Y pense que debería decirles que el sistema va a estar compilando de 18 a 20 minutos, así que algunos sistemas menores puedan fallar recurrentemente, pero no hay de que preocuparse.
If we can't be like Gareth and Matthew maybe we should just let it go.
Si no podemos ser como Gareth y Matthew tal vez deberíamos renunciar.
Well, sir, I've been thinking maybe... it should be shut down.
Tal vez deberían apagarla.
So maybe we should have left it alone, and she would be dead.
Si no hubiésemos intervenido estaría muerta.
Maybe this is as it should be, I- -
Tal vez así es como debe ser, yo...
Maybe it should be, huh?
Debería serlo.
Tamara, maybe I'm a traditionalist, but I've always thought it should be ladies before worms.
Tamara, tal vez sea tradicionalista pero, siempre crei que, primero las damas.
Then maybe it's who I should be.
Entonces quizás soy quién debería ser.
I love the law, but maybe I should be teaching it instead of practising it.
Aún amo la ley. Siempre la amaré. Pero quizás debiera enseñarla y no practicarla.
Come on, Edward, maybe it would be helpful ifyou gave Kitty... one reason why the two ofyou should stay together.
Edward, igual ayudaría que le dieras a Kitty una razón para seguir juntos.
You know, maybe I should be doing it her way, if it would help you guys.
Tal vez debería hacer las cosas a su manera... si les va a servir de ayuda.
Maybe, in physical terms, I'm a little cuter than you, but you should be much more popular than I am... it would be such a shame
Quizá, en términos físicos, yo sea un poquito más linda, Pero tú deberías ser mucho más popular de lo que soy... Sería una lástima
In fact, maybe you should say something to the police. That would be nice. It would clear your name, finally...
Debieras hablar con la policía, eso limpiaría tu nombre.
If you think that we should postpone this, maybe it would be difficult but we could do it.
Si piensas que deberíamos posponerlo, sería difícil, pero podríamos hacerlo.
I told her what a great friendship it was and how I thought, maybe, that we should be a couple.
Le dije cuán buena era nuestra amistad. Y que creía que tal vez podíamos ser pareja.

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