Maybe it traduction Espagnol
56,900 traduction parallèle
Maybe it's time we meet.
Quizá es momento de conocernos.
Maybe it is time to take the next step.
Tal vez sea el momento de dar el siguiente paso.
Maybe it's time we meet.
Tal vez es hora que nos reunamos.
I thought maybe it got muffled.
Pensé que quizás se oía apagada.
Well, maybe it's an old owl that hasn't been updated.
Bueno, quizá es un búho antiguo que no sido actualizado.
Maybe it's trying to reconnect with its other pieces.
Tal vez está tratando de reconectar con las otras piezas.
I think maybe it's just that you're a little scared... from what happened in the Speed Force.
¿ Sabes de lo que estoy hablando? Creo que tal vez sea solo que estás un poco asustado... por lo que pasó en la Fuerza de la Velocidad.
Maybe it was Scudder or Dillon.
Tal vez fueron Scudder o Dillon.
Maybe it's not about this.
Quizás no es por esto.
Maybe it's more about the movie.
Quizás es más por la película.
Or maybe it would just ruin our friendship.
O quizás arruinaría nuestra amistad.
Maybe it's just a nosebleed.
Tal vez simplemente es una hemorragia nasal.
Oh, no, maybe it should be.
No, quizás debería serlo.
Maybe it's a cycle of some sort?
¿ Tal vez es un ciclo de algún tipo?
Or maybe it was a miracle.
O tal vez fue un milagro.
Maybe it's part of some plan.
Quizas es parte de algun plan.
Maybe it was both of them together?
¿ Tal vez fueron los dos juntos?
- I don't know, but I know that he is involved somehow, maybe not in his death, but maybe in covering it up, making it look like a suicide.
- No lo sé, pero sé que está involucrado de alguna manera, quizá no en su muerte, pero a lo mejor encubriéndolo, haciéndolo parecer un suicidio.
Me and Lucius took a crack at it, but maybe you'll have better luck.
- Lucius y yo lo intentamos, pero tal vez tengas mejor suerte.
Maybe Lucius took it.
- A lo mejor la ha cogido Lucius.
Maybe Lucius took it.
- Quizás Lucius se la llevó.
And then maybe one day, it will send you back to me.
Y entonces, tal vez un día, te mande de vuelta a mí.
Maybe by letting him go back to his Earth, it changes your future and prevents Iris'death.
Tal vez, que le dejemos volver a su Tierra, cambia tu futuro y previene la muerte de Iris.
All right, look, whenever I'm out there, I'm in a tough fight, I think maybe I don't have it, I just take a deep breath...
Muy bien, mira, siempre que estoy ahí fuera, y tengo una dura batalla en la que pienso que a lo mejor no lo consigo, respiro profundamente...
I mean, maybe there's more to it.
Me refiero a que quizá haya más de ella.
I think maybe we can get a little bit more precise, but I'm gonna have to give it the old meta-human try.
Creo que tal vez podamos ser un poco más precisos, pero voy a tener que dejar que lo intente el viejo metahumano.
I mean, it could be a parallel dimension, or... maybe just some elaborate illusion.
Quiero decir, podría ser una dimensión paralela, o... tal vez una ilusión bien elaborada.
Maybe you can figure out how I did it, but... I doubt you'll have time.
Tal vez averigüéis cómo lo hice, pero... dudo que tengáis tiempo.
I thought that maybe we could make it a double if you guys were interested?
Pensé que tal vez podríamos hacer una cita doble si estáis interesados.
So I understand... if you don't trust me anymore, but... maybe you can find it in your heart to forgive me?
Así que entiendo... que ya no confíes en mí, pero... ¿ quizá puedas encontrar en tu corazón cómo perdonarme?
Maybe when you go back, you can find her and... I don't know, she can decipher it for you.
Quizá cuando regreses, puedas encontrarla y... no sé, pueda descifrarlo para ti.
Maybe even... control it.
Incluso quizá... de controlarlo.
Maybe even turn it into a prison.
Quizá incluso convertirlo en una prisión.
Maybe if you told her the real reason you don't want the job, she'd get it.
Quizás si le contaras el verdadero motivo por el que no quieres el trabajo, lo entendería.
Maybe, it was just easier to use that as an excuse than admitting my career was over.
Quizás era más fácil usar eso como excusa que admitir que mi carrera había acabado.
Maybe I shouldn't have sold it.
Quizás no debería haberlo vendido.
Maybe you can take your rewrite money and you know pour it into your thesis film.
Quizás el dinero que te paguen podrías invertirlo en tu tesis.
Maybe I'll like it more in Austin.
Quizás me guste más estar en Austin.
So, I was wondering if maybe there's another night we could do it.
Así que me estaba preguntando si quizás pudiéramos hacerlo otra noche.
Maybe now it's your turn.
Puede que ahora sea tu turno.
Maybe now it's time that you prove yourself to her.
Puede que ahora sea el momento de que se lo demuestres a ella.
Or maybe, I don't remember'cause it was just another meaningless encounter.
O quizás, no la recuerdo porque fue otro encuentro sin significado.
And if Pickman was smuggling drugs, maybe Jana and Raj found out about it, threatened to squeal, so he shut'em up permanently.
Y si Pickman traficaba con drogas, tal vez Jana y Raj lo descubrieron, le amenazaron con delatarle, así que los silenció permanentemente.
Well, it's hard to say for sure, but best guess, maybe 24 hours?
Bueno, es difícil decirlo con seguridad, pero a primera vista, ¿ puede que 24 horas?
I... I asked questions, but maybe they were the wrong people or the wrong questions, and I just - - I never found it.
Pregunté cosas, pero quizá era la gente equivocada... o las preguntas incorrectas, pero... nunca lo encontré.
Maybe some people can control this, but I can barely keep it together on a good day.
Quizás algunas personas puedan controlarlo, pero apenas puedo mantenerme calmada en un buen día.
Let's say later, I... Hypothetically might need your Jeep to take it out for maybe a little cruise.
- Te lo digo más tarde, yo... hipotéticamente necesitaré tu Jeep para llevarlo a un pequeño crucero.
Maybe even have a ghost of a chance of making it.
Tal vez incluso tengan una remota oportunidad de lograrlo.
I could see it... maybe a year or two now.
Lo veía... desde hace un año o dos.
And after it, before you make your press statement, go outside, get some air, maybe a coffee...
Y luego, antes de dar la rueda de prensa, salgan afuera, tomen un poco el aire, quizás un café...
I thought it was something a customer maybe dropped.
Pensé que era algo que tal vez se le había caído a un cliente.
maybe it's better this way 17
maybe it won't 17
maybe it's me 32
maybe it's for the best 67
maybe it isn't 28
maybe it does 31
maybe it is 190
maybe it's time 38
maybe it's true 24
maybe it's my fault 16
maybe it won't 17
maybe it's me 32
maybe it's for the best 67
maybe it isn't 28
maybe it does 31
maybe it is 190
maybe it's time 38
maybe it's true 24
maybe it's my fault 16