Maybe you could traduction Espagnol
10,535 traduction parallèle
I was just thinkin', maybe you could go down to the local mall and patch in some of them kids that hang out there.
Estaba pensando, que tal vez podría ir al centro comercial local y parchar a algunos de los chicos que pasan el rato allí.
Maybe you could ask the tickle monster!
¡ Quizá debas preguntarle al monstruo de las cosquillas! - ¡ Detente!
Maybe you could recreate a possible scenario.
Quizá puedas recrear un posible escena.
Think maybe you could take that thing off my neck?
Quizá podrías quitarme eso de la nuca.
Maybe you could broach the subject, the next time you "Bro hang."
Tal vez usted podría abordar el tema, la próxima vez que "Bro delta."
Maybe you could use your television show to find him.
Tal vez pudieras utilizar tu programa de televisión para encontrarlo.
I just thought maybe you could talk to him,
Solo pensé que usted podría hablar con él,
By the way... if you know you're having company, maybe you could put your bras away?
Por cierto... si sabía que iba a tener compañía, ¿ no podría haber sacado sus sujetadores de aquí?
Gosh, you know, I just thought maybe you could help me.
Vaya, pensé que quizás podrías ayudarme.
And his wife thinks for some reason maybe you could talk some sense into him.
Y su esposa cree que por alguna razón tal vez usted podría hacerlo entrar en razón.
But maybe you could ask her yourself.
Pero quizá podría preguntarle usted misma.
Maybe you could reach this Joshua Butler.
Quizá podría comunicarse con este Joshua Butler.
Axl, maybe you could go back up and get the hat.
Axl, tal vez podrías ir y traer ese sombrero.
And I mean, I know it's off season but maybe you could arrange a private screening for me in his theatre there.
Y ya sé que no estamos en temporada... pero tal vez podrías conseguirme una proyección privada... en su sala.
Uh, since you were in Tucson at the time, I thought maybe you could shed some light on this specific weapon.
Dado que estabas en Tucson en esa época... pensé que quizá podrías arrojar algo de luz... sobre este arma en concreto.
... hoping maybe you could sell me something that would help calm my nerves.
Ha sido duro desde que he vuelto, así que esperaba que quizá pudieras venderme algo que me ayudara a calmar mis nervios.
Yeah, I just thought maybe you could use a break from all the family politics.
Sí, sólo que tal vez podrías tomarte un descanso... de toda la política de la familia.
Maybe you could sell me something that would help calm my nerves.
Quizás tu podrías venderme algo que ayude a calmar mis nervios.
Maybe you could sell me something that would help calm my nerves.
Tal vez podrías venderme algo que me calmara los nervios.
And maybe you could... surprise her.
Y tal vez podrías... sorprenderla
Maybe you could surprise yourself.
Tal vez podrías sorprenderte a ti mismo
Maybe you could just teach him, like, a little box step or something?
Podrías solo enseñarle, algo como, un pequeño paso de la caja o algo...
Maybe you could become one of those, when you're better.
Tal vez podrías volverte uno de ellos, cuando te mejores.
Of course, but maybe you could just show them 10 % of yourself.
Por supuesto, pero tal vez usted podría mostrarles el 10 % del mismo.
Was hoping maybe you could find something as to why he got murdered.
Tenía la esperanza de que tal vez podrías encontrar algo de por qué fue asesinado.
Maybe you could spare yourself any more embarrassment.
Quizá puedas ahorrarte más humillación.
Maybe you could corroborate her time line with the credit card record from her parking meter.
Tal vez usted podría corroborar su línea de tiempo con el registro de la tarjeta de crédito de su parquímetro.
Uh, actually maybe you could tell me, did you see us come in?
En realidad tal vez pueda decirme, ¿ nos vio llegar?
And... sometime in the next few months, say... this winter, maybe I could come and visit you.
Y... en unos meses, digamos... este invierno, quizás pueda ir a visitarte.
I thought maybe the smell could take you back there.
He pensado que el olor te lo recordaría.
I was told it could take months, maybe even years, which is why I hadn't told you yet and why I thought I could go on vacation.
Me dijeron que podría tardar meses, incluso años, por eso no te lo había contado aún y por eso pensé que podía ir de vacaciones.
But I got this other song stuck in my head, and... I don't know, maybe there's a way we could, you know, combine the two.
Pero tengo esta otra canción metida en la cabeza, y... no sé, quizás haya una manera de que podamos, ya sabes, combinar las dos.
I thought maybe we could do this again if you're ever... in New York.
Pensaba que tal vez pudiésemos hacer esto de nuevo Si alguna vez estás... en Nueva York.
Could you try doing it without maybe sweating quite so much?
¿ Podrías mirar de hacerlo sin quizás sudar tanto?
Listen, uh, Bones, I was thinking that maybe I could come by, um, next week, uh, you know, maybe a couple mornings and take her to school.
Escucha... Bones. Estuve pensando que quizá pueda venir la semana que viene, ya sabes, quizá un par de mañanas y llevarla al colegio.
Maybe you could talk to Lepke.
Quizá podrías hablar con Lepke.
I just thought maybe I could get you to listen.
Sólo pensé que tal vez podría llegar a escuchar.
Where you could maybe teach at the Sorbonne and-and...
Donde tú quizá podrías enseñar en la Sorbona y...
Well, maybe he's right. It could just be a piece of metal or a window or, you know, I don't know.
Puede ser solo un pedazo de metal o una ventana o, ya sabes, no lo sé.
Maybe a cousin that could come stay with you for a while?
¿ Quizá algún primo o prima que pueda venir una temporada contigo?
Maybe if you guys didn't shoot Ruby, you could be talking to her right now.
Quizá si sus hombres no hubieran disparado a Ruby, podría estar hablando con ella en estos instantes.
Do you think it could account for hallucinations or changes in behavior, maybe some form of schizophrenia?
Esta lesión... ¿ Crees que podría causar alucinaciones o cambios de comportamiento, quizá algún tipo de esquizofrenia?
Hey, maybe once we're both up at college, I could pick you up from your dorm and we can drive home every once in a while.
Oye, tal vez cuando los dos estemos en la universidad, podría ir por ti a tu dormitorio y venir juntos a casa de vez en cuando.
Had you let me take him at the start, our family wouldn't be in shambles, and Father... maybe I could have reached him.
Tenías que haberme dejado llevármelo desde el principio, nuestra familia no sería un desastre, y Padre... tal vez podría haber contactado con él.
But you think maybe it's possible she could have gotten in without your knowledge?
¿ Pero cree que es posible que ella haya accedido sin que usted lo sepa?
I mean, you could sleep over, maybe stay a few days.
Puedes quedarte a dormir unos días.
Aria, maybe you thought he was always happy to see you, but I could never get past the bulge in his pants.
Puede que tú pensases que se alegraba de verte, pero yo siempre me fijé en el bulto de sus pantalones.
Well, maybe I could help you get those answers.
Bueno, tal vez yo podría ayudarte a conseguir esas respuestas.
Maybe I could take you on some time.
Tal vez un día podríamos hacer un desafío.
Well, while you freshen up, maybe I could help you get a head start on that homework. You'd do that?
ha hacer mas antes tu tarea puedes hacer eso?
I thought maybe I could help you out.
Pensé que podría ayudarte.
maybe you could help me 19
maybe you should be 18
maybe you are 55
maybe you 78
maybe you should 207
maybe you can 86
maybe you can't 19
maybe you don't 49
maybe you're right 670
maybe you shouldn't 29
maybe you should be 18
maybe you are 55
maybe you 78
maybe you should 207
maybe you can 86
maybe you can't 19
maybe you don't 49
maybe you're right 670
maybe you shouldn't 29