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Maybe you should go traduction Espagnol

1,249 traduction parallèle
Maybe you should go to Africa.
Quizás tú deberías ir a África.
So maybe you should go back to the main office before your class and get it fixed?
Así que vuelve a Secretaría antes de clase y lo arreglas.
Maybe you should go and help her and I'll take these two to the pod.
Quizás deberías volver y ayudarla Yo llevaré a esos dos al Módulo
Maybe you should go talk to Peter, huh?
Quizá deberías ir a hablar con Peter, ¿ no?
Maybe you should go apologize.
Quizás deverias disculparte...
Kelso, if you want Brooke to like you, y'know maybe you should go down to the library and show her you can be smart.
Kelso si te gusta Brooke podrias ir a la Biblioteca y hacerte mas listo
Hey, maybe you should go work on you tan
Hey, tal vez debería ir a trabajar con usted tan
Maybe you should go in the morning.
Y si te vas por la mañana.
Maybe you should go to Germany!
¡ Quizá sean más felices allá!
Maybe you should go with this Anthony.
Quizá deberías ir con Anthony.
Maybe you should go home. Let sleeping dogs lie.
Quizá debería irse a casa, no remover el fango.
Maybe you should go today.
Deberías irte hoy.
- Maybe you should go to sleep early, too.
- También tendrías que dormir temprano.
Maybe you should go say something to the guys.
Talvez deberías ir a decirle algo a los chicos.
Maybe you should go to the V.A. hospital, talk to one of the doctors.
Tal vez debería ir al hospital de veteranos y hablar con un doctor.
Look, if you've been thinking about it that much... maybe--maybe you should go back and tell her.
Mira, si estuviste pensando tanto... tal vez... tal vez deberías regresar y decírselo.
Maybe you should go back to your shrink.
Vuelve a tu psiquiatra y díselo.
Then maybe you should go first.
Entonces, quizá usted debería ser la primera.
Maybe you should go check on Wyatt, make sure he's okay.
Podrías ir a asegurarte de que Wyatt está bien.
Ray, maybe you should go.
Ray, quizá deberías irte.
DANNY : Maybe you should go upstairs and lie down for a little bit.
Tal vez debería ir arriba y descansar un poco.
Maybe you should go home and log on to some kind of Cohen chat room. - I've had enough.
Quizá deberíamos irnos a casa y mantener alguna clase de conversación sobre Cohen, ¿ de acuerdo?
Well, maybe you should go home.
Quizás deberías irte a casa.
- Maybe you should go for now.
- Quizá sea mejor que te vayas.
I think maybe you should go around and talk to him.
Creo que tal vez deberías ir y hablar con él. ¿ Por qué?
Maybe I should go down there with you, Meatwad.
Tal vez deba acompañarte, Meatwad.
Maybe you should just go back to Africa.
Quizás deberías volver a África.
I don't kn - Amy, maybe you should just let it go.
Yo... Amy, quizá debieras dejarlo así.
Maybe you ´ ve learned what you need to and we should go back.
Tal vez ya aprendiste lo necesario y debemos volver.
Maybe you two should go do that, right?
Quizá Uds. dos deban ir a hacer eso, ¿ no?
- Maybe you should just go out with him and see what happens.
- Quizás deberías salir y ver que pasa.
Maybe you, uh, should go in, try your way.
Tal vez debieras entrar a probar tu manera.
Maybe you should just let it go.
No puedo.
Well, maybe you should just open it up... before you go flying off the handle judging things you don't know anything about.
Bueno, quizás deberías abrirlo antes de enojarte por juzgar sin saber de qué se trata.
Well, if that's the way you feel about it... maybe we should just go our separate ways.
Bueno, si ésta es la manera en que lo ves... quizás deberíamos seguir por caminos separados.
Well, maybe next time you should go easy on the sangria.
- La próxima, modérate con la sangría.
You know what? Maybe I should just go.
Quizá debería irme y ya.
So you guys maybe should just suck it up and go to White Castle.
Ustedes muchachos quizás deberían ir a White Castle.
Mom, maybe I should go with you.
Ma, tal vez yo deba ir contigo.
- You know, may-maybe we should go together.
- Podríamos ir juntos.
No, I think that you should go accept it and maybe bring one of your phone pals with you.
No, creo que tú deberías ir a aceptarlo Y quizá llevarte a alguna de tus amigas telefónicas contigo
You know, maybe I should just go upstairs and check the Book and see of there's a spell that can fix this.
Quizás debería ir arriba y mirar el Libro a ver si hay un hechizo para arreglar esto.
Maybe I should go with you and run lines with you on the plane.
Quizá deba ir contigo y repasar las líneas en el avión.
- Maybe we should go to the hospital if that's where you saw Katy.
- No estoy seguro. - Quiza deberiamos ir al hospital si es alli donde viste a Kathy.
So, you should... maybe you should just go now.
Así que deberías... Simplemente deberías irte ya.
So, Rory, I was thinking maybe we should go away this summer... just you and me.
Rory... pensé que podríamos irnos este verano, tú y yo.
Well, since Jenna's an actress, maybe the two of you should go over to her apartment and run the lines.
Bueno, Jenna es actriz, tal vez ustedes dos, pueden ir a su departamento y practicar las líneas.
You know, maybe next year we all should go.
Ya sabes, quizás el siguiente año debamos ir.
I don't wanna tell you how to live, but maybe you should avoid sushi from the Gas'N'Go.
No quiero decirle cómo debe vivir,... pero no compre sushi en las gasolineras.
Hey, Dr Cox, if you're so smart, maybe you should just go ahead and be...
Dr. Cox, si se cree tan listo, tal vez debería...
Jumper three is loaded and ready to go. Maybe you should just- -
El Saltador 3 está cargado y listo para despegar, quizás deberían- -

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